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Vanguard 5374

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  1. I find most 009 conversions of the loco to be too wide as the body is broad, there is a plastic bodied one that is better to convert but these are rarer. The chassis is good but basic, I’ve been stockpiling them for conversions that I have planned and this one was spare.
  2. A little surprised at how this simply clips together, but it’s using parts from the spares box to make some extra locos. Matchbox diesel shunter body with a Bachmann Underground Ernie inspection loco chassis underneath, it’s a friction fit so I can just pull it apart when needed. The chassis happens to have a 8 pin decoder socket too so I could run it under DCC if I wanted. Next step is to remove some of the detailing, use fittings where possible, build up the bufferbeam in order to use it with OO gauge rolling stock.
  3. Yes, Hornby have announced a new set this year.
  4. Has everyone forgotten about Peco offering 1/120 items again?
  5. I’m eyeing it up for a Jinty, yes there are a few differences but it’s more than close enough.
  6. Tomica Mercedes Benz Citaro Keisei, quite toy like but does have potential. RHD is a plus 👌 Tomica “London Bus” is to a scale of 1/130, shown along with the Matchbox Leyland Titan. If anyone knows of a prototype for the “London Bus” I’d love to know.
  7. Another model going for test printing, meanwhile I’ve purchased some chassis from Halling in order to make my locos motorised. If money allows I may purchase a few Hornby locos to cannibalise
  8. Cruel closeups of the Sentinel I am working on for 1/120, including dummy chassis. Few bits to tweak and few areas to modify before release but I’m mostly happy - what do you think so far? Conventional locomotives will follow this one 👀
  9. It does scrub up rather well, not bad considering how much I paid for it.
  10. With time I may supply some items as 1/101.3 for the TT3 modeller but my main focus is 1/120.
  11. Having been stung in the past selling STL files for home printing with a non commercial license and then seeing prints of those models sold by a “business”, I will not be sharing any STL files. I’ll be supplying kits directly to those wishing to model 1/120. https://spannershedmodels.weebly.com https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091797274445
  12. A few projects I have in the go, all of which are being developed as body kits for 1/120 modellers: LNER J70 LNER Y1/Y3 Generic 4 wheel carriage (many variants being worked on) Full write up to follow in the morning 😴
  13. For now I’ve put the Jinty on the back burner but have gone down the Terrier route, amazingly a Farish Hall does lend itself into being reasonably close to a Terrier in TT in almost all aspects (wheelbase, wheel size) bar gauge. 14.75mm long axles, 1.5mm plasticard spacers and a little bit of work later gives me this. I’m still doing the driven axle and pickups but if it all works I’ll be doing further conversions.
  14. It’s been used for N Scale so I’d assume the basic kit would work well enough as long as the models are free wheeling? One model that I have found to be close to scale (1/116 approximately) is the Matchbox Superkings Hovercraft, a model of the SR.N6 Hovercraft. Can’t vouch for how accurate it is but you can buy them cheaply if you wish to adapt one.
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