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Nickey Line

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Nickey Line

  1. Okay. But the headstock is the same?
  2. You can walk to the pub; you just can't go in! But seriously, cycling is perfect in this situation. Very easy to keep one's distance from others. Love your work by the way.
  3. Well actually I meant... https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/brshocvanvsv/h1541650#h1c65f838 Should have put the link in before...
  4. So the government has got it wrong then? So who do you expect the population to listen to? The point is to not interact with others unless absolutely unavoidable e.g. when buying food etc.
  5. That is not what was said. We all saw the broadcast. Get your facts right.
  6. As far as Hatton's is concerned, I think that's a unilateral decision on their part, and very unlikely to be widely implemented... I hope.
  7. There's a close-up on Paul's site that shows the buffer beam with no rivets or reinforcing plate, just the raised ridge as on the longer buffer beam shown in your pic.
  8. Just so. My reply was to the poster that I quoted, i.e. Gareth Collier. Apologies if it caused any confusion!
  9. True, true, a bit of a giveaway! But the poster did say he'd seen the mouse...
  10. 5mm is ample for a mouse. They can get through a hole the diameter of a standard pencil. A continuous gap is no obstacle. A rat can get through a hole the size of your thumb.
  11. Indeed there are - as I have just done. Select the required text, and a pop-up appears, which, when clicked, will open a new post with the selected text quoted. Job done!
  12. Bizarrely there's a farm called 'Isle of Wight Farm' near the top of Dunstable Downs...
  13. Oh dear, we really are starting to repeat ourselves...
  14. Unlikely in the case of the Hertfordshire Ayots... they are all at the tops of hills, no rivers, seas or lakes in sight! Might be the odd pond...
  15. Sort of... the nameboard reads 'Carter's Lane, formerly known as Wibbly Wobbly Lane' Happened to go down it today, a not unusual occurrence.
  16. Which of course gave rise to that famous local newspaper headline... 'Nasty man marries Ugley woman'
  17. There's yet another California in Norfolk, Ireland is in Central Bedfordshire (yes, all of it!) and not far away is Wibbly Wobbly Lane... Not forgetting the many Bottoms to be found in the Chilterns; Hogspit Bottom springs to mind for some reason! Ooh nearly forgot! One for all diesel fans... Claggy Road, in Kimpton, Herts. I wonder how long before that appears as the name of a TMD...
  18. Thanks. Unfortunately there's not much in the way of written descriptions, and seeing the etches 'in the flat' doesn't really help much. Are folk just expected to know? Could always ring I suppose but a short resumé of intended usage would be helpful.
  19. Nice! Hadn't heard that before but I am familiar with his 'Recuerdos de Alhambra', which is another of those tunes that everybody's heard...
  20. Thank you gentlemen... Wizard was my first port of call as it happens, but I had discounted the 51L fret as I would need quite a number to complete my project, and the Bill Bedord frets offer a more economical route. Similarly the Rumney frets would mean ending up with loads of unwanted parts... Comparing the levers on the 51L etch with the Bill Bedford long lever etch, it would appear that the levers are at least very nearly identical, and one pack provides levers and guards for 12 wagons... so I think I've found the answer, with a little help.
  21. Hi, I'm currently putting together a number of Red Panda sand tipplers to dia. 1/072 (unfitted) using the Parkside chassis kit, and I'm looking to improve the brake levers and guards with something better, i.e. brass etch items. The best candidate I've been able to locate so far is one or other of the Bill Bedford etches (CES037/A or B), which though described as Midland design are close enough to do the job. However, there are two types available, long and short, and I'm unsure which would be better? I suspect the longer one, but if anyone can confirm I'd be grateful. Even better, perhaps there's a more appropriate alternative out there somewhere? I'm not looking to replace the shoes and push rods, though I am replacing the safety loops, but they're of course much easier.
  22. Unusual... it's normally the GWR that are contrary! I did have a quick google on the subject myself, but confess not specifically LMS examples.
  23. Just an observation if I may - I think the front wheels on the trolley should be the same distance from the end as the rear ones. It would certainly look better! Very nice layout by the way.
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