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Everything posted by KeithMacdonald

  1. Nice feet? Oh, they're wheels ...
  2. Yes, I agree. She should be wearing proper protective boots instead of those silly sandals.
  3. It'll cause mayhem! Sainsbury's Boot's Woolworth's Starbuck's ... What do you want for tea? Can i have baked bean's on toast?
  4. It's Arkwright's provisions and Open All Hour's finest moment. Granville's bicycle's got flat tyres, so he's pulling the milk lady's pints. Baba O'Riley's on the radio, from The Who's "Who's Next" album, and all's right.
  5. And now for something completely different; drifting in slow motion. The video creator has an inspired choice of appropriate backing music, a soft Indian Raga-style, which would classically be played for many hours, as this abnormal load did indeed take.
  6. Stop pratting about will you? It's cold and damp, the streetlamp has gone out, in the darkness I've just fallen over the loose cobblestones, and now someone is flashing a neon light in my eyes.
  7. With that selection of tools, she's welcome to work on my Land Rover.
  8. Nice to see that Harriers are still active and in service. If only we had invented and used such a great iconic aircraft - oh, wait ...
  9. Yes, and for those that wondered why... Presumably this disfunctional system would have the same problem with any Irish surnames. Where apostrophes (or single quote marks) are an essential part of the name. That is just sloppy & lazy software design. They could deal with apostrophes and quote marks (if they made the effort). But a ban is easier and cheaper than solving the problem. Please do not suggest that there is any correlation between local authorities and the employment of sloppy & lazy people.
  10. Time for another Venn diagram?
  11. What am I doing sitting indoors at a computer on a lovely day like today? It's because I've been waiting several wet and dreich months for the appropriate moment to post this:
  12. I prefer the "bus replacement train" 😉
  13. Does this help? https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Blackpool+pic+of+a+"train+replacement+bus&atb=v342-1&iax=images&ia=images Or https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Blackpool+pic+of+a+"train+replacement+bus&atb=v342-1&iax=videos&ia=videos
  14. I wonder if they are expecting a sudden large demand for MOD-style RoRo supply vessels in the area?
  15. I can see how that would happen. Like being handed an alligator skin and being asked "what can you make out of that?" What they meant was something like a pair of boots, or a handbag. Not a meal, however long you boiled it for.
  16. Just wondering, is it using a crowbar, or is a long spike to scrap dirt and rubbish out of the slots? To keep it clean, clear and safe to use?
  17. Second https://maritime-executive.com/article/havila-bans-electric-and-hydrogen-vehicle-transport-due-to-fire-danger#:~:text=Havila Kystruten%2C which operates coastal,due to the fire risk. Will more ferry operators do the same? It's not just onbaord ships of course. https://cesafety.co.uk/news/electric-vehicle-fires-around-the-uk
  18. A couple of interesting articles spotted on the Maritime Executive website. First, https://maritime-executive.com/editorials/the-forward-bridge-in-future-container-shipping
  19. A car full of Irish nuns is sitting at a traffic light in downtown Dublin, when a bunch of rowdy drunks pull up alongside of them. "Hey, show us yer b**bs, ya penguins!" shouts one of the drunks. Quite shocked, Mother Superior turns to Sister Mary Immaculata and says, "I don't think they know who we are; show them your cross." Sister Mary Immaculata rolls down her window and shouts, "Piss off, ya f**king little w**kers, before I come over there and rip yer balls off!" Sister Mary Immaculata then rolls up her window, looks back at Mother Superior, quite innocently, and asks, "Did that sound cross enough?"
  20. A gripping documentary on the sinking of the Bismark. https://www.channel4.com/programmes/bismarck-24-hours-to-doom/on-demand/73106-001
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