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Everything posted by johnofwessex

  1. In the early 80's I was coming down Black Dog Hill on the A36 late one night when a Citroen Dyane shot past me. He must have been pedal to the metal all the way from Salisbury
  2. https://www.railcar.co.uk/topic/features/cricklewood-driver/ Just before you get to Nostalgia Not Yet
  3. So, if you are involved in an accident then you dont want investigators to be able to find out exactly what happened? Driving is a licenced activity not a right and it carries the potential to cause death or serious injury. If someone is driving like a we have the right to know so appropriate action can be taken.
  4. Is there something about 4x4 drivers..........
  5. I suggest a proper psychiatric examination might be in order, I suspect that his capacity to think may be seriously impaired
  6. A candidate for a Hospital Order surely
  7. Do ASLEF provide Hitmen?
  8. Wasn't there a row when 60110 was used to haul a special for the WI? Naming a modern train Lady Godiva with matching vinyl's anyone? I'd be doing a Monsieur Alphonse (Undertaker from Allo Allo,)clutching my heart and keeling over
  9. The position around Colston is complex but there was basically a Victorian 'Cult' built up around him partly I suggest with a view to keeping the lower orders quiet
  10. No, for practitioners of the solitary vice
  11. I live in Frome and we have had two fatal accidents on the bypass, both caused by men over 40, and high on drugs, so don't blame the youngsters for everyone. What we do have though is increasingly powerful vehicles that are not a good fit for the current road system that was built for horses and carts coupled with cheap technology that allows them to be reigned in to some extent. What I do think though is that we need to ask some serious questions about the sort of vehicles we allow on our roads in terms of speed, acceleration & size.
  12. Firstly I suggest that the biggest issue isnt testing its enforcement and the knowlege that if you drive like a than you will find yourself waiting at the bus stop. I would also suggest that there should be a restriction on the maximum weight and power that you are allowed to drive as a 'new' driver. I would also suggest a similar restriction for anyone with more than say 6 points on their licence. So its an Izetta for you Wayne until you have had a clean licence for two years.......
  13. Southampton, Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Company?
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2024/apr/16/wed-wait-all-day-for-a-train-america-by-rail-in-pictures-justine-kurland Try again!
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/artandd...n-america-by-rail-in-pictures-justine-kurland Some interesting pictures and views of US Railways - and a small boy Casper thought living in a van was normal – that other mothers loaded sheet film at highway rest stops
  16. Bit like being married ............
  17. A few years ago I re roofed my log shed with Onduline which was easy to work and unlike felt should be good for many years
  18. For what its worth my brother has a log cabin garage he uses as a workshop which is heated - or cooled by a heat pump
  19. I remember having a discussion with a LT Engineer about crashworthiness. I suggest that the issue now isnt the ability of the stock to withstand a crash, its the ability of the passengers to survive the impact. I would imagine that in the case of the nuclear flask test (Think Hixton) the crashworthiness of the MK1 stock would be irrelevant
  20. There are many issues and while I dont want to declare 'open season' on chavs, my view is that if you attack people or steal their stuff and end up getting a kicking, tough, dont go wailing to the law
  21. Whay was the 1938 pooling of PO wagons? I thought that the entire point of PO wagons was that the owners controlled them.
  22. Police? More like a job for The Inspector of Lunatics, or is Broadmoor missing an inmate?
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