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Sweet pea

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Sweet pea

  1. Hi I thought I would share a couple of pictures of my Sentinel on the layout. Still plenty of work to complete on my little layout.
  2. Looks great look forward to seeing more.
  3. Hi managed to weather the stone wall at the back of the layout and grass scatter applied. The partially dried up steam is taking shape with the small stones taken from the garden. The sides of the banks will be grassed and planted with a few reeds. Here is a photo of my progress.
  4. Hi Dad-1 I think simple is great. It’s amazing how much you can do with a simple micro/diorama. I like what you have achieved and the idea of using paper clips for a safety fence is brill.
  5. Some progress today one the Refuelling point layout. The stone wall has been painted aswell as the coping stones, the wall needs weathering once dried. The brook area is taking shape using cardboard retainers and strips of paper mache. Once dried the plaster will be applied before painting commences. Here is a photo of my progress.
  6. Hi moonlight looking good can’t wait to see more.
  7. Thanks Jerry. I will be concentrating on the back wall and small brook area tomorrow. Next week I will be purchasing the Refuelling point.
  8. Nice work as always Jerry. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  9. It’s awful when the stones get moved about. I still like the old tried and tested way of 50/50 mix with a drop of liquid. Takes that bit longer to dry.
  10. Two lovely layouts. I really like the building which is falling to bits and the scrap yard.
  11. A good looking plan with loads of potential.
  12. Hi Mark I have just caught up reading about your cakebox entry. The modelling and detailing are very good.
  13. The card filler looks good as 7mm scale can use a lot of ballast.
  14. Dad-1 your diorama,s are nicely done, I enjoy watching them develop. I think micro layouts are diorama are fun to model especially when you don’t have a lot of space.
  15. Hi noctilux2 thanks for your comments. The reason why I started this build is because it will fit into a wrapping paper box and will be great to store this layout safely. I will look at your builds this evening.
  16. Hi Stubby47 this cake box sounds and looks great. I look forward to seeing more.
  17. I’m now starting another micro plank build. This will be themed around diesel refuelling and maintenance. Baseboard size 26” x 5” The build is in 4mm scale with one long length of track, Peco setrack. An embankment either side with a small brook. There will be a small stone wall running along the back of the layout, and a variety of lineside items scattered around the layout. A photo of my baseboard and base layer colour.
  18. Very nice, I do like the yellow liveries.
  19. Hi Stu I’m looking forward to seeing your build as it sounds good.
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