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Everything posted by atom3624

  1. Was there ever any PLANNED announcement when the original statement was posted, or was it just with a view to making an announcement based on the marketing requests by enthusiastic modellers within this thread, up to the 'appointed hour'? Just a thought!! Al.
  2. Very true, but was used to stop, not to spin the wheels in reverse I think - we are talking 10-11 weeks ago .... !! I think it seemed to stall the current feed. VERY obvious something wasn't quite right, hence my original query, also why I stopped, and subsequently opened it up and confirmed it is DCC. Al.
  3. Tell you what, that Hornby paint finish is excellent - detailing 1st class - didn't know they did Hardwicke!! I have actually been next to Hardwicke many years ago, possibly at Carnforth when it was open as a 'working museum' in the 70's. Al.
  4. Mine was on low power rating - let's say 35-40% throttle would be a 'smooth crawl' equivalent to 10-15 mph actual - this is doing 40+ mph ... !! Reminded me I still need to get that blanking plate! If yours does spool up, spin it's wheels, then that's REALLY realistic - just like the real powerhouse 1:1. Can't wait until it's fully rebuilt and harrassing farmers and sheep again - no, I didn't say Shep!! Al.
  5. Imagine how much THAT would weigh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Al.
  6. Why not just make the baseboards stronger to support the extra weight? No hay que cambiar el idioma solamente para complicar la vida de otras personas, verdad? Al.
  7. Congratulations and well deserved in an increasingly competitive market!! Al.
  8. Great for a model, but don't forget, despite it's size, at 99 tons if I remember correctly, the Deltic was a relative lightweight!! There again, a quick 'Google' has the Class 68 at 85 tons! If Accurascale were to make a Class 40, or 44,45,46 Peak, what would that weigh in at? !! Al.
  9. Il a dit a peu pres sept cent soixante-dix grammes je crois. Al.
  10. Fair comment, but ... There is the 'country lane' option - only one or 2 vehicles, limited by environment - road size, width, twists, etc - and won't have much traffic on them - a possibility. There's the 'town centre gridlock' where there's no choice but to go the same speed - 0, 5, 0, 22, 5 mph !! There's the 'optimised 3-lane Motorway - 2 lanes at 75mph (sorry, 70 ...) and 60mph in 'Lane 1' for HGV's. I think it's doable!! Al.
  11. Fran, here's a bit of lateral thinking .... You're moving the 'game' on with your accuracy in the coaches, trucks, and locomotives proposed, in progress and already produced .... There are PLENTY of companies, including H and B producing scenery, but there's something MISSING .... which had been produced 40+ years ago ... Scale roads, cars, etc. ... There must be a huge potential for WORKING cars, trucks, vans, realistic roads .... even Motorways .... Just a thought. Al.
  12. What's this 'B' word then, BoJo? Great preemptive protection by AS. Al.
  13. This is superb!! The Deltic even heavier than the 700g Dapol Class 68 as well!! Slight panic at mentioning only 100mph scale speed for the Deltic with all of the stories of them hitting 120mph, but I'm sure it'll be fine .... !! BIG thanks to AY for following probably the most enthusiastic and interesting new model producer .... Al.
  14. Annie looks OK, but Claribel looks a bit rough!! Sorry, had to!! Al.
  15. It seems to be a matter of perspective. Some of the computer generated images indicate 'roof doming' which perfectly matches that of the prototype, others not quite, but it's more the viewing angle. There does appear a bit of curvature on the lower edge of the front windows not that evident in the computer images - again, perhaps its just viewing angle / perspective, or simply the resolution. Al.
  16. .... and read some of the fabled stories from genuine drivers of these beasts!!! Going WR ... you can still bring the HST over there. I remember seeing 50's in Newquay, and certainly a HST or 3 in Torquay and Weymouth - did they reach Newquay? Al.
  17. Thanks Fran for the clarification. I thought somebody had to ask that question - sorry! Al.
  18. Was the apparent judderiness when moving slowly more a function of the video quality or was it a 'gear thing'? I've no doubt if it was actual, it will be resolved by production, just curious. Al.
  19. Fortunately for the family, I neither have the grounds, nor the means to 'invest' in 'O-Gauge', but that would be quite a beast to create - the HST. I reckon it's still going to be the Class 68. Al.
  20. Are the other cars already available - buffet, etc ... ??
  21. I'm just trying to imagine the tooling costs for a full-on HST set, in O-Gauge!! Another one for the 68, agreed. Al.
  22. I also obviously wish all the very best of luck, and also hat's off to Hattons ! Al.
  23. Many's the time I wish I could have gone to, and afforded O-gauge (could argue the same for subsequent scales I suppose) and this thread isn't helping!! That '5' looks superb!! Al.
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