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Everything posted by Markwj

  1. It wasn't me your honour it was those other guys they made me do it! (I only said there was an announcement)!
  2. Yes he said no info until after the 17th but to which definition of 'slightly after that date' are we working too? To me that's a week or maybe 2 but to Dave it could be a month or so! Curious to see what the info will be not necessarily in a rush to find out.
  3. No one else seems to have mentioned this excerpt taken from a train mail email from february As an additional benefit for Bachmann Collectors Club members, we often arrange special discounts for selected event tickets and we have two such offers to tell you about this month. You can save money when booking advance tickets to both the London Festival of Railway Modelling in March (see details below) and the Great Central Railway's Model Event in June. The Model Event is already a favourite with many modellers and the 2019 event is set to be even better, with several new, as-yet unannounced models on course to be launched by Bachmann on the day. So more new announcements due seems we can't get through a month without something new announced. Can't decide if that's a good thing or not! mark
  4. The only practical help I could offer would be to chuck a tenner in a pot so if Andy could start some kind of fund maybe via PayPal or something with a link we could help out the clubs finances and other costs accrued due to this event.
  5. According to a post on the rails of Sheffield site they are hopefully expecting their stock next week.
  6. They are still releasing sound fitted models and have now decided to do both analogue and sound fitted examples in the same Livery. Although you may be referring to whether Bachmann obtain the sound files themselves which is something I don't know.
  7. Just a question in a vain attempt to drag the thread back on track and answer my own curiosity and it may have been answered recently but where are you up to with the Deltic. Is it still on track (ho ho) to be released in November what stage of the build process are you up to? thanks mark
  8. Markwj

    Dapol Class 22

    Just had a look at stock quantities at various outlets online some variants have sold out as an example hattons seem to be down to 2 variants at the special price. They seem to be flying off the shelves so I helped myself to another! Thought would mention in case anyone is considering one.
  9. Hi little Dan does this mean decoders have arrived too? thanks mark
  10. Here I am impatiently waiting for this model and you put that video up- can't take this torture anymore!
  11. Received an email from Derails today which states delivery in June. Why does it feel like we are reaching the line then it gets pushed forward again!
  12. Markwj

    Dapol Class 22

    On a similar vein to mikes question above I received the green head code version today. Do the head code stickers go on the outside of the glass or do you take off the body to fit them behind the glass? thanks mark
  13. You know if Dave was able to produce the 92 or any other model I am interested in and I could go down to the model shop handle it and test run it I would be happy to buy it. I may not sound like it but I have nothing against Dave personally but I no longer feel comfortable blindly giving money with nothing to show for it. We are now in a bit of a catch 22 he cannot progress without my (and others money) and I don't think I can confidently give him anymore. It is an impasse so what happens now? Time will tell?
  14. Wasn't that before Dave joined Dapol I seem to remember. No idea what became of it though.
  15. How have the crowdfunders walked away as he has not asked for anymore money? Dave has killed it with his poor business model and lack of progress but of course it's all someone else's fault. Is Dave a man of his word how many promises broken and deadlines passed? Think you are pointing the blame at the wrong people.
  16. I have read a few times in the other threads before the latest storm that people who signed up should honour their commitment but as you also rightly point out it works both ways as it would appear the project manager isn't managing the projects effectively. In this circumstance I can't justify throwing more money at it but I expect we the crowdfunders will be blamed if the project folds.
  17. Probably worse as they struggle more and won't stay on the plate!
  18. Yes you are correct my memory is that my order was via the dtos site. I wonder what Mick makes of it all. The plan was that they would do the apt then the remaining overhead electrics I seem to recall. I recall all the excitement and hype and now it's a damp squid!
  19. I kind of think/ hope he is going to use the next couple of weeks to have a holiday and get his head in order and decide his best move without the usual smoke and mirrors. I hope he doesn't have to fly to china to sort out and 'find the answers' as that would suggest he has less of a grip on things than we give him credit for.
  20. You can't make a statement like that then not tell us!
  21. He won't announce any project dead yet not until he has asked for second payments and when these don't arrive in sufficient numbers the crowdfunders who didn't pay will be taking the blame for the projects failure. This will be instead of looking at the reasons why people have lost faith in the projects in the first place. There is a history of diverting blame elsewhere!
  22. While the APT was not for profit that does not mean Dave didn't factor in a percentage to cover his 'salary' while making the model. Just how much he valued his time and what that figure was/ is we will never know.
  23. If this is correct and he is right I will never buy a dj product no matter what he produces.
  24. You can still preorder djm class 92's at hattons but I would expect it will be payment on delivery but after his first message where it appears he had a go at retailers who previously commissioned models from him I can't see any retailer giving him money in advance of goods arriving.
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