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Everything posted by CloggyDog

  1. CloggyDog


    Yes - Arnold include a variety of TT stock https://uk.arnoldmodel.com/catalogue/tt-scale?encoded=JcsxDsIwDEDR22RDomKADhZXYOhWVZZbh7QixJHjDLk9pV2_3n9GSuFFtgJpksiX-nHvLZrXMn4pMZlow7Pg3KYxq3BdDNe5YaAa_ATD4DIFjxvDvetdEbWdwsOpX0S5YN7fv4Db9ZDQ_QA
  2. CloggyDog


    Perhaps Peco have an eye on the existing (and quite strong) 1:120 TT following in Europe, where Peco are already a successful supplier of track in other scales, as well as hopefully rebooting TT here via with a correct/true scale/gauge relationship rather than simply perpetuating yet another ancient British compromise/bodge as seen in the old, rather crude by modern standards, legacy Tri-ang?
  3. CloggyDog


    Not really, TT (1:120) still has a sizeable following in Europe, so I'm guessing Peco are looking to 'muscle in' on the track market (currently shared between Kühn and Tillig). A shame I've already built my Czech TT micro usung Kühn track. The building range is slightly more surprising, unless Peco themselves are doing some UK-outline rtr stock in 1:120?
  4. Sun on Water - New Model Army
  5. Poison Street - New Model Army
  6. No Greater Love - New Model Army
  7. And it would need to be subsidised... I've considered making Globalrail a 2-days in the past, mainly to accommodate larger layouts such as your Chinese roundy-roundy Paul, but sadly the economics just don't make it viable for a society show (where at the very least it needs to break even). The 1 day format washes it's face comfortably, but in my experience (a dozen-plus shows, including a 'niche' one which went from 1 day to 2 day) the costs more than double but the punter income might increase by 25-33% if you are very, very lucky. More often you get the same overall number just spread across 2 days. The sadly missed Eurotrack was that 2-day show. The ERA, likely for the same reasons as the GRS, only do 1-day exhibitions (their 2-dayer at Crewe earlier this month was more a trade show, I think?) A better/alternative option might be for a group of like-minded individuals to club together and hire a hall for a weekend for a more social/informal/invitational gathering (There's a hall opposite me some 60ft x 30ft in size that I can get for about £300 for a weekend and I guess add something for insurance). But that would be on a 'bring your layout for free' basis (i.e. no expenses) and if you also opened the doors to the wider public you'd definitely need to factor in public liability, etc. Not saying it can't be done (indeed I know of and attend 2 or 3 gatherings annually of that nature) - it depends on whether that socially-driven gathering is what you want, or would you only attend a full public show? As for Globalrail... I'm stepping down after 2022 and as, to date, no other mug has stuck their head over the parapet, this year might be the last one. That's not to say I couldn't be persuaded to help arrange a social gathering of trainsets in the future though... Anyway... that's a cracking layout Andy, and one that I would definitely invite to a show!
  8. Test-ran my print on the club EM layout yeaterday evening... I really should get round to priming and painting the beast! I did print a 2nd set of bogies and span bolsters for the later BR version, as these apoeared to use identical running gear with altered side girders.
  9. Hi all, as the date draws ever nearer, I can confirm the following content Layouts: El Cremallera - Piers Milne (Spanish Nm) Brunswick - Stephen Davies (German N) Neu-Isenheim Gbf - Paul Smith (German N) St Pierre (Canal) Et La Rue Perrin - Christopher Payne (French NG 1:34e) Blue Heron - US H0 by Andy Gautrey. Koln Drauen - German H0 by Andrew Knights St Pankras in Steiermark - Austrian H0 by Mike Upton Underpass - US H0 by Rob Strachan Halta Nerau - Romanian H0 by Myles Munsey Nove Mesto Na Nedostatku - Czech TT by Alan Monk Rennsteig - East German (DDR) TT by Neal Mansell Murmeltiertal - Bevis Wearing King (Austrian TT) Naples Street - US TT by Rod Shaw Lunisolar Peat Tramway - 16mm Scale NG Micro by John Plant (The Token British Layout!) Ceske Prkno - Ceske Drahy TT by David Paylor Traders: Mount Tabor, Elaine's Trains, Chris Roberts, JB Modelworld, Dave Smith (Books), Unique Books, Minitrains Alan Crombie Just in Case Reg Davies (Books) Demonstrations: Australian H0 Modelling - Iain Hunter Societies Borhts Swiss Italian Benelux Scandinavian French British 1/87 Austrian ERA
  10. Trees in Winter - New Model Army
  11. Lights Go Out - New Model Army
  12. All of the microstrip... All. Of. It. 68 pieces per body so far, (Evergreen 15 thou x 30- or 40-thou strip) plus 16 x 1mm lengths of 0.5mm microrod for the hinges and there's still a bit more strip to add once the chassis are attached. I've trialled a method for the side vents, adapted/reshaped some I beam, as that's what I had to hand, though I think L angle would be easier to rework for the rest. The chalkboards I'll do on the Silhouette, as i need 16 in total. For the rooves, I thinking to make them up from long strip 'planks', filled and filed to shape (much like the prototype)
  13. I decided that Dounreay needed some more parcels stock and inspired by a couple of photos of them on the FNoS, have scratchbuilt a couple of SR PMVs. The evenly-planked one has the main structure from Evergreen #4067 (40-thou O gauge car siding) which is a faff-free way to 6" planking in H0. The later plywood sided one is plain 40-thou plasticard, but with uneven planked doors from the Evergreen 4067, with the extra lines scribed in for the pairs of 3" planks. Next job on these is to add all the angle irons from microstrip, form and add the rooves, vents and chalkboards. These will ride on streched Jouef chassis, a happy by-product of some previously cut 'n' shut TTA chassis.
  14. As an update on the DB V90, I acquired a cheap (£30) older Roco example at Ally Pally last month, one bogie of which is now powering my H0 Derby Type 2 (Lincoln Locos shell, bogie sideframes and tanks). The V90 bogie is 29.88mm wheelbase, just 0.13mm out from the 29.75mm required for 8'6" in H0. The Roco chassis is cast metal (mazak) so I made a new chassis from 80 thou plasticard and replicated the bogie cut out and pivot (using a small screw) While I could have used both bogies, I would then have needed to extend the spring drive couplings, but as tge loco will only be hauling small trains, I used just one bogie. My spares box yielded a motor from a Bachmann 08 amd a Branchlines 2mm id drive shaft, which matched the motor and the Roco worm shaft. (the 2nd bogie and original motor will be used in another loco in due course) As the Roco wheelsets were quite 'chunky' in the flange, I replaced the wheels with finer 12mm plain discs - helped in this regard by Roco using a 2mm diameter axle.
  15. All Consuming Fire - New Model Army
  16. A couple from my friend Graham Clark's collection
  17. You'll need to join the BR Coaching Stock egroup on groups.io: https://brcoachingstock.groups.io/g/main/topics A pinned post on the group contains a list of links to a whole bunch of the Regional CWBs on Google Drive - the ScR list contains most years from 1952-1983 in pdf format to download/save
  18. Another Imperial Day - New Model Army
  19. Brave New World II - New Model Army
  20. The 0610 Inverness to Dounreay Motive Power The Lincoln Locos 1160hp Derby type 2 (later 24/1) has a drive bogie scavenged from an older Roco DB V90/Br290, a lucky find at Ally Pally last month. The bogies are a very, very close match to the 24's 8'6" bogies (29.75mm in H0) The V90 has 2600mm bogies which is 29.88mm, so just 0.13mm difference. As I'm only running short trains on Dounreay, I only used 1 of the Roco drive bogies, matched with an old Bachmann 08 motor and used a Branchlines driveshaft. The trailing bogie was knocked up in plasticard and fitted with additional pick-ups. I did rewheel with finer 12mm disc wheels, luckily Roco use a 2mm axle so that was very straightforward. It runs rather nicely. 😁 The Roco motor, drive coupling and the 2nd drive bogie I'll save for another project, probably the Class 29. A narrowed/modified Lima 33 to 26 conversion is still a wip. https://lincoln-loco.co.uk/diesel/ Coaching Stock Using the 1968, 1970 and 1972 Carriage Working Books for the Scottish Region, I'd worked out the coaching stock types I would need would be all Mk1-based and limited to SK, CK, BSK, BCK, RMB and BGs, with all trains formed of combinations of those types. Sample formations on the FNoS to Wick or Thurso comprised BCK+RMB, SK+CK+BG or even just a solo BCK. To model these, I'm using Lima Mk1 cores with plasticard side overlays cut on my Silhouette cutter, (top to bottom) SK, RMB, BCK and a CK still to start. These correct the main visual failing of the Lima Mk1s, those undersized windows. Each side is 2 layers of 10 thou sheet laminated together, then attached to the sanded-down Lima core which has had the necessary enlarged/changed/new window openings cut in (this is the tedious part of the job!) With the sides on, the next job is to attach 0.5mm microstrip hinges, handles and grabs, plus footsteps along the solebar, before the whole lot gets a coat of primer. Bogies will be my own cast resin scale length BR1 sideframes on Worsley Works etched inners. These will be finished as a mix of maroon and blue/grey to suit my c1970 timeline and represent the regular livery mix on the FNoS at that time. I'm having a go at home printing my own decals for the maroon livery and may look at designing a sheet of H0 white numbers/lettering/lining/etc for blue/grey stock for printing by Precision Labels, following up a recommendation from a friend who has had some very nice Cuban stock decals done. Cheers, Alan
  21. Too Close To The Sun - New Model Army
  22. Fireworks Night - New Model Army
  23. I've played around with converting Lima H0 Mk2b coaches to 2d/e/f by cutting out the whole window area and replacing with a half-side cut on my Silhouette cutter. 2 layers of 10 thou sheet, the inner layer with slightly oversize window openings which then (by dint of also cutting a normal window opening) also give me the external frames.
  24. Song to the Men of England - New Model Army
  25. Sadly not, buses between Reading and Basingstoke tomorrow (Sunday) which adds too much time on the journey there and back (couldn't do today due to other commitments and I need to be back in Reading early afternoon)
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