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Everything posted by Sjcm

  1. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Yeah I wasn't really having a pop solely at Hornby. Their price list from the past were just easier to find😉 As regards bad quality or bad design in new models that covers many manufacturers and while you can give the newer, smaller makers some leeway, the likes of Hornby and Bachmann doing it seems a bit....off
  2. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Well I think you and others are happy to pay the prices, but many are unable or unwilling or pay them as the prices show on ebay, and are quite happy with compromises of a tender driven A4 with less detail. or a Hornby Dublo A4 even given the price difference. Besides you know what you're getting. I don't buy new locos and wouldn't but I do watch the reviews and the amount of top whack models that arrive broken, are poorly put together, bent rods, wheels out of gauge, have glue marks on them, can't crawl better than a 50's triang, have duff motors, can't pull the skin off a rice pudding or some inherent design flaw usually with the front bogies is staggering. For that sort money to me it's unacceptable, but you pay your money and take your choice and look at the detail😉 I don't mind them making a good profit but presumably that was the idea in 1985 as well and if they made it on 40 pounds and made it 15 years later in 2000 for 80 pounds, you wonder where the extra 120 pounds in costs have come from since
  3. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Good points there, but let's not forget what drives the chiselling on EBay is the biggest chissellers of all, the manufacturers. A top of the range Hornby A4 in 1985 would cost you 40 pounds, or adjusted for inflation that's 114-ish. 200 for a railroad A4 now (same model?). Okay you can probably pick it up cheaper but the same applied in 1985. The top of the range A4 is north of 300. Ah but you're paying for the breathe-on-it and it falls off detailing and better mechanism, but what happened to the costs savings from production abroad, computer design etc..?In their pockets methinks. So if you're not got a gold plated pension, or a top salary with lots of spare cash, and you just want a loco that looks like a A4 and don't care about DCC then 200 gets you 4+ A4's or the A4 with other locos and the track, controller and rolling stock in a joblot. 300 would get you probably enough stock to keep you happy for a few years. And Youtubers like 00bill and Oscar paisley have shown its quite possible to get the old stuff running well with a bit of care if you're not a rivet counter. The alternative is start at the bottom new with a 0-4-0 and a loop for 100 pounds and then possibly buy a 40 pound coach every few months 😂 Or get a cheap DCC controller and a jinty for the same money off Ebay if you must have it.. So the chissellers exist because they've seen people are quite happy with the old stuff vs the price of new stuff and have taken advantage of the demand for it - simple supply and demand. I don't want the likes of Hornby to go to the wall but if the collectors start to die off and things get worse economy wise I'd definitely be suppressing a smirk if they got into trouble and let's face it the likes of gostude will probably have to raise theirs prices to make some of the new stuff look a bargain.
  4. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Sadly it's infecting all motors. I had a triang/Hornby class 31 motor that I got working. Put it on for a fiver, went to Australia for 25 pounds😲 of course you can pick up the whole loco for less than that. My own opinion is people either can't actually service this stuff correctly anymore so will pay a premium for good runners or don't want to risk getting a lemon if they purchase a non runner/damaged one for 10 pounds less
  5. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    My god, they sell abroad to presumably ex-pats with free shipping! 😲 I'm not a big fan of custard, but if I was i'm not sure i'd want it with the embedded fingerprints of various customs officials in it. Is it even legal to send re-sealed food abroad?
  6. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    It's almost Faberge level detailing - probably 40 man hours involved in that modelling perfection and adds to the value. As for not working, from what I've read, the DJM model came out not working as standard 😉
  7. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Ah, but do the Hornby ones come with a scale birds best in the chimney?
  8. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Nice box though....
  9. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Yep if you dealt in spares you could probably make a profit over months selling bits individually. If you actually hope to use them - well the Triang motors can take decades of abuse and still work but even then it's a gamble considering the condition. The newer motors I wouldn't give you a fiver for - if someone's stripped a motor of usable parts and left the armature then you can guess where the problem is
  10. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    More old motor eBay bidding insanity. Seller listed at 99p, currently 90 pounds. For that you get two rusted solid transcontinental motors, a rusted solid X03, 1 lima? motor, 1 tender drive unit, assorted stripped down pancake motors and various bits. What am I missing? Bid now so you can get a deal
  11. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Sadly given the current insanity with old motors he'll get that easily. I was looking at 5 untested Triang dmu/emu type motors the other day, 2 obviously had parts missing and that lot went for north of 100 pounds😱 Amazing people will throw that sort of money at what could possibly be someone's burnt out motors. Actually I once got a bargain from gostude. Bid without realizing it was him selling so I was thrown into a panic once I realised, wondering what i'd missed on the listing, but it was indeed a good purchase.😎
  12. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    I quite liked this listing due to the sellers description. Could be a bargain if you know what they are😉 Linky
  13. After the insert roof for the above loco. Doesn't need to have the pantograpths, just the actual roof with switch. Thanks.
  14. That's very true, but I've sold both a LNER 8F and a LMS 8f and if you gave me the option of a playworn lms one with a wrong box or a mint LNER one as new, well i know what I'd chose. (Mine went for 90+ so someone like Hatton with their reputation and internet presence?). I've sold about 7 well used Hornby dublo 8fs with no box on ebay and the lowest I got was in the mid-30s, so someone got a cracking bargain today.
  15. That's fair comment, but as a business presumably trying to make as big a profit as possible, it would probably make sense to sell the common bad condition item at a reasonable price while not giving away the rarer mint condition item for peanuts
  16. Apart from their search engine giving me a migrane, I'll never get their pricing. They've got a lms wrenn 8f on there, worn paint, wrong box = 76 quid. A wrenn LNER 8f, pristine paintwork, mint in box = 37. Price on ebay 60 plus. EDIT: not anymore. Someone got a bargain😎
  17. Thought I'd give a shout out to this place as I can't find it on here and we're not exactly overflowing with model railway places in East birmingham. I've been using it to pick up supplies like Phoenix paints which is a godsend if you don't want to pay 8 pounds postage for a tin of paint.. They have a decent amount of mainly 2nd hand locomotives but I think they do new as well. 2nd hand prices seem to be roughly eBay prices or thereabouts but of course they're guaranteed working. Lots of supplies, track including N gauge and I gather they do repairs also. Think they're open Wednesday onwards and have a web site. Staff are friendly and helpful so well worth a browse if you're local.
  18. Just fitted one of those ring doorbells for my mum which sends a video if anyone drops off a parcel and doesn't ring the bell. What she found was because she was in during the day, the couriers put a note on their records to dump most of the road's parcels at hers. She doesn't mind, but still a bit of a cheek
  19. My parcel has arrived safely to its buyer, so I guess 3 days including a weekend is not bad at this time of year 👍
  20. I haven't ever lost a parcel with royal mail, or had bad delays to be honest. I always offer 2nd class and if it goes over 20 pounds it gets upgraded at my cost, and likewise 50. I've had delays buying but it's usually down to the seller (claiming they sent it, and obviously haven't bothered for a week) Damage wise, again I package stuff robustly, so never had damage, but again royal mail seem pretty good. I once received an unboxed train wrapped in a sellataped binbag and that got to me unscathed somehow😂
  21. I've done the same as you. After disappearing off the radar since Friday, its now in leeds and on its way to York (yay!)So only 1 and a bit days late so far. I was wondering if I could get them for not bothering to track it😕
  22. Somewhere in Staffordshire virginia, a confused American is wondering why someone sent him 36 capacitors. Sorry😉
  23. Because of the value, ended up sending my item by RM special delivery guaranteed next day* I'm hoping with all the strikes and Christmas posting last week it's now in the eye of the storm and will fly through the system😂😂 luckily it's not going anywhere near Bristol. *not guaranteed at all.
  24. Heh, never tried, but you could be onto something😉
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