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Everything posted by Sjcm

  1. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Good luck to whoever wants to take on dismantling that without wrecking it.
  2. Oh I've make some mistakes as well but thankfully the more you do it the better you get. I think I enjoy the aspect of researching and identifying stuff that isn't my gauge or area of interest which is probably what the original sellers should have done. And it's always nice to get one over the EBay parts scam where tiny items go for 10 pounds+ I calculated the transfers I wanted would have cost me 130+ pounds to buy new from fox/modelmaster and that money will now go on purchasing actual rolling stock😊
  3. Yep, I've been following your purchases on the good buy thread😉. It's the best way to do it unless money is no object. Recently bought some spare parts that cost 16 pounds including postage. Sold some TT Brushes from it for 17 pounds and the other stuff I don't want I estimate will go for another 20 pounds. Likewise bought a massive job lot of transfers and accessories for a bargain 8 pounds with postage. There's a stack of bits I won't use and just 2 of those items go for 15-20 pounds on eBay individually so will easily be in profit.👍
  4. End of the day you can set the thing to automatically refuse silly offers, so no need to respond if you find low offers insulting. The stuff I list with best offer is cheap and it's usually stuff that came with items I did want and is being sold to offset the cost of my purchase. I know quite a lot of people use this method and 9 times out of 10 I break even and quite often I make a 10-30 pound profit. All those 5-10 pound sales add up over time and allows me to purchase more tat😉
  5. I only use best offer on items that are low value (15 pounds max) and have what I consider a set maximum value (i.e. You can buy a new one for 20 pounds).Occasionally someone wants it now and you get a nice surprise.
  6. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Yep and for a lot more than I thought. I do like attempts to broaden the triang/Hornby Dublo range from the 60's which was why it was on my watch list in the first place as I have a couple *cough*. I just think that one was a bit out there even for me, and would probably fall apart judging by the gaps and the bits falling off. in a similar vein, this guy has all sorts of oddities for sale, but apart from photographing them on a tramp's bedsheet, he needs to get his camera fixed. May be a bit "damp"
  7. Tell me about it. I try to parcel everything up the day before and send it off first thing in the morning, but every now and then you get some guy who despite bidding at the last minute decides not to pay for another 12 hours. Sod's law is if you don't wait for him and post the rest, you'll come back from the post office to find he's just paid
  8. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Ah so it was YOU who bid it up to 30 pounds😉
  9. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Yes it's a weird one. It's not described wrongly by the seller, but from a distance doesn't look what it is😲
  10. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Interested to see what this will go for. At first glance I took it to be a badly painted metal kit on a Triang chassis which you could strip down and possibly do something with, but looking closer its some sort of monstrosity made from a triang/Hornby parts bin. 15 watchers
  11. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Because of my reputation for buying (cheap) tat with Ebay I've had an unsolicited offer of 60 pounds for this masterclass of the art of superglueing. 20% off!!!1 Just fighting off the urge to accept😥
  12. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    He's generally a bit vague with all his listings. Platform straights, but actually just one straight for 3.50, but you can buy more. Also he does the custom build layout thing where the 999.99 price is just a random number. Never entirely sure how eBay get paid on these type of listings.
  13. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    I quite like that. Tempted to add it to my ever growing oddities/tat collection.
  14. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    This is a real oddity. He's sawn off the front of the power bogie. The wheels are from a different loco, the base is homemade and the 2nd bogie is some sort of *Hornby 80's thing. He's also soldered the wires to the wrong side so it shorts😄 *actually think it's the bogie from an Airfix class 31
  15. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Yeah these motors get everywhere. Recently sold one that came attached to a Hornby class31. Currently on the work bench is a class 37 with the top half of one of these and the original bottom half which I'm trying to re-convert back. Very impressed by the ingenuity of the builder even if it doesn't work😉
  16. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Totally missed the chassis. That's a Triang DMU/Blue pullman😂
  17. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Well I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but not sure why anyone would pay 75 pounds for the spares in a unpowered hst.
  18. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Actually I think I have the missing sides to that box. Tempted to offer them in return for a share of the profits.
  19. Picked this up in a job lot a while back and I can't really sell it on so hopefully it's decent spares for one of our kit builders. Most of it is there, coupling rods, side bars etc.. apart from the motion brackets. 1 pound postage
  20. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Non runner madness. Speaking as someone who buys a lot of non-runners/spares It's very easy to lose track of what a working one goes for in pursuit of a bargain.
  21. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Ooh, BPSworks has a competitor. Luckily for him the new guy is even worse at cut 'n shuts than he is. I don't mind as long as they don't diversify into double-ended triang surbuban motor coaches (blue Pullman edition). Just waiting for the glue to dry😉
  22. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    They should just dismantle the rest and issue them as a monthly partwork over 27 years. Issue 1 you get a wheeless bogie and a armrest.
  23. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Love to know the thought process of the seller if he presumably made these himself to sell. I mean it takes niche to an artform or perhaps he knows his market and there is a large railway/pirate crossover modelling market out there⚓
  24. Think it's the usual eBay bug. Had 2 items on my watch list yesterday, both sold, but when I went to delete them both had "seller re-listed this item". Clicked on them to see the re-listed item. Not there.
  25. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Unfortunately it's a cost thing. The police would have to follow the paper trail back to the auction house (if he's telling the truth), then the seller, and then if he claims he bought it at a meet or off facebook where he can't identify the seller? Then say you charged him with handling stolen goods, he'd get a small fine at the most. So you've spent 10s of police and court man hours for little return. Same with burglaries, where most people report them for insurance purposes rather than any expectation of an arrest or getting their property back. Anyway this guy seems to have convinced himself he is the duped party, so the only chance of getting a result would be through the small claims I guess. If I had an unused eBay account i'd be tempted to click on the sell similar button, duplicate his listing, wait an hour after its live and then edit the listing with STOLEN GOODS in the title and the link to the original listing. Pretty sure the bidders would become aware of what they're bidding on😉
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