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Everything posted by Sjcm

  1. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Graham Farish collectors are my favourite buyers. I had a WC/BOB engine from a job lot. No tender or motor, missing both bogies, body looked like it had been dug up with dents and missing paint. Was going to chuck it but stuck it on for parts for 2.99 and a description saying "this is knackered!" Went for 100 pounds😮
  2. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    You seem terribly organised. My criteria is 1. Locos/stock purchased should either work or not work or sort of work 2. Era wise, I've narrowed it down from 1829 to the present day and strictly anywhere in the world. 3. Track is important so I have track. Where there is a lack of compatibility between models and track then lay some of the track that suits that model. 👍Currently I have round and rounds, end to ends, and as many sidings as I can fit in - think spaghetti junction but with rails. 4. Amount of stock. I did originally intend to have a model of each member of a class, but on 2nd thoughts, 422 jinties say, is a tad impractical so now it's 1 model of each era of livery. 5. I have dabbled with DDC, but would be costly. I intend to get some Zero1 stuff just to try it out for a laugh. 6. Scenery and buildings: buh? 7. Must be cheap and funded by ebay/Facebook marketplace
  3. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Must. Resist. Buy-it Now. Always wondered if the whole Hornby Steampunk thing found any market outside a niche modelling/sci-fi nerd crossover, but maybe there's a whole dedicated section on RM I've not stumbled across yet? If Bradford Exchange did steampunk
  4. Sounds like a desperate attempt to deter people from pursuing him to me. Surely if he did take you to court a witness or letter from one of the organisations aware of his activities would persuade any judge who was likely telling the truth.
  5. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    It would certainly explain some of his listings if Gostude was getting items from the Free to a good home thread. Anyone given away a melted Airfix diesel recently?
  6. Aye. It's like negotiating with the ex-wife. I stopped selling to the EU after Brexit because of all the pettiness from various countries customs and the horror stories you read on the EBay sellers forums. Luckily they seem to leave EBay 's GSP alone but I wouldn't do it myself anymore.
  7. Checked my listings this morning and all the views have gone and reset to zero. Someone at Ebay pressed the wrong button?
  8. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Yeah I did look before posing the question and obviously both Hornby and an O gauge manufacturer completely ignored it on their models. With DJM's reputation I wasn't sure if it was meant to be like that on purpose or just another broken example. I guess we should be thankful that Mainline/Bachmann didn't make an Austerity Hunslet as the wheel weights out of line is basically the norm for their models on ebay😉
  9. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Actually I think that's prototypical so I guess if the wheel weights line up like the Hornby Hunslet that means it's broke and if the middle wheelweight is off, its broken some other way😂
  10. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Hmmm, the wheel weights are facing different directions. Is that normal for DJM hunslets?☺
  11. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Yep. I must say I have a grudging admiration for Gostude, both for the brass balls to list these type of items and his uncanny ability to find idiots to buy them. I like to think he knows about this thread and every week he throws in an item to show us mere mortals his tat-shifting prowess.😉
  12. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    He does say that with a new motor you will be away. Presumably away at the funny farm for buying it.
  13. I had a friend who worked for yodel I think, a few years ago, and my understanding is the pay was very much performance related with a certain amount needed to be delivered per day for good earnings. Now you don't need to be an expert to realise in certain demographics you are gonna struggle to deliver say 50% of parcels during the day in areas where people work till 5 or 6pm, so you could easily be out there 12+ hours. Hence the corner cutting with parcels left with neighbours or wrong addresses
  14. Yes I guess it's just personal experience and my problem with Evri has only been in receiving damaged goods as a buyer. I have used them 2 or 3 times to send out heavy items because of the cost via Royal Mail and had no problems probably because I like to think i package items robustly.
  15. It's all a bit odd really as he's not really scamming the buyers but ebay itself. Presumably selling normally and then emptying or closing his bank account at a certain point? so really upsetting the big boys with more money and time to come after him. Is it worth the grief for a guesstimate amount of 6grand stolen in a month?
  16. Touch wood in 15 years, I haven't sent out one parcel that has become lost or damaged with Royal Mail. Likewise receiving items. Evri on the other hand recently delivered an oil heater to my mum that arrived in a damaged box. Courier said he ripped box picking it up - opened it up and parts missing - cue 2 weeks of agro trying to get it sorted. And it's not the first time with Evri. Very reluctant to buy if the seller lists Evri because on Ebay you don't know how the seller is going to package the item and if it's crap it won't survive. Royal Mail on the other hand once delivered a loco to me wrapped in a binbag undamaged😮
  17. Yeah think you're right. Come across 2 with that on 82019/18 so probably more out there
  18. There seems all sort of variations which is probably the norm I guess.. I did manage to dig out the yellow circle transfer the WR region put on them under the number but a lot had nothing and you also have a triangle on some of them which was a water softening symbol?
  19. Thank you for all the replies. For some reason I didn't get notification that anyone has answered. I actually did a bit of picture googling in the end and got 82009/20/41/6/3/30/21/5 as green from photographic evidence. I have some smokebox numberplate transfers so was looking for a late crest black version to match one of those numbers and went for 82015 in the end.. Thanks again.
  20. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    I can't work out whether it's been badly weathered or left out in a garden for 20 years
  21. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Bpsworks, Destroyer of Pullmans, Scourge of Triang is back with a push-pull Class 39 *cough* 1 of a kind
  22. Hi there, I'm hoping someone has done this research before so i dont have to put any effort in 😉 Anyone know which members of this class were not painted green or if they were, were then repainted to late BR black. I presume the majority so thinking about it, probably easier to list the green ones... Thanks.
  23. To be fair, a lot of their pricing is okay. Yes you may pay 10-20pounds less for an eBay item but if it's a loco you can return it if it's described wrong whereas on eBay you get the cheaper price because it's sold as seen or not tested. It's just the utter wrecks going for fortunes, the occasional inexplicably cheap item that pops up now and then, and the search option listing 2 or more identical items next to each other where the condition bares no relation to the price. I don't think it's deliberate, just discrepancies between different members of staff handling the pricing and the sheer inability to handle the amount stuff coming in.
  24. It's a common occurrence across the board and it's worth a browse for the giggles. They had 3 of the old Hornby car transporters on there the other day, all with no cars. 1 undamaged - 10 pounds. I with damage to a rail - 10 pounds. 1 smashed up - 13 pounds😂 Every time I go on YouTube I get hammered by Hattons ads offering to buy my trains so on the assumption advertising works, I reckon they can barely cope.
  25. I think they're buying so much stock that they have neither the time or the expertise to assess and price everything and just want it out the door asap. Hopefully they won't get their act together😁
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