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Everything posted by Sjcm

  1. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    If the seller did buy it in an auction, you'd think he would involve them? Auction houses don't really want to be handling stolen goods I would have thought. Not sure that's the real story but if it is, you would think the hassle of contacting them would be outweighed by the hassle of being chased by 2 dozen rabid RMWeb members. Unfortunately the big problem is the police aren't even interested in investigating your house getting burgled nowadays and this is well down that scale
  2. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Yeah I guess if you have rusty tinplate wagons or coaches it's a decent option. Think I first came across this seller ages ago when I was looking for some reproduction nose transfers for the Triang transcontinental diesel. I suppose they could look half decent as well but the misleading description put me off buying. Only seen one of these 'in the wild' and it looked bloody awful and the green jinty illustrates the practical problems. You start with a black jinty and carefully cut up the sides and boiler bands and stick them on, but you're still left with a black and green jinty, so somehow you have to match the green labels to a paint. Much too much effort for probably a very poor result.
  3. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Well he accuses you of destroying his boxes in the last message and the feedback mentions a destroyed box. Maybe he thinks you're involved in a cardboard box extortion ring? 😳
  4. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Ah but that's a van, not a proper sausage coach.. I'm tempted to order a few, but is it prototypical to run a rake of sausage coaches together, or do did they run with a Gregg's steak bake trailer composite?
  5. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Oof! Think you touched a nerve there😂
  6. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Actually I quite like the idea of a coach just for sausages😂
  7. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Hah, like the "no coaches included in this sale" right at the bottom to cover himself. Quality chiseling.
  8. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Not sure this classes as madness but this guy's annoyed me on and off for years. Not so much the product (if you want to cover your train with self-adhesive labe!s that's your business), but the disingenuous description. You can get away with decals probably, but waterslide? If you put water anywhere near these you'll end up with a gummy mess. Love to know how many people have bought off him thinking they're getting transfers Stickers
  9. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Sadly not. Just a loco in a eye-catching livery introduced 50 years after its withdrawal. It's actually quite well done and has grown on me a bit like a fungal nail infection. Still it's going to take a bit of flannel of the "R@RE, unique opportunity" type to shift it.
  10. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Well....it's a loco I got with a bunch of other stuff. A neverwassa, although a well known manufacturer has been flogging a loco in the same livery with no problem. To quote a seller who's featured on here, it's a "bit special" 😉
  11. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Oh I can't do that. I've tried but I just haven't the stomach to list things at stupid prices😢 but this item deffo qualifies as something gostude or Hattons would price at silly money. I'm hoping it will sneak into here in the "Wtf?!" Category
  12. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    I quite like that apart from the price. Sold a n gauge kato? version of one of them in br green a few years back. I actually have a neverwassa in the pipeline which I have high hopes will appear on this thread and elevate me into the elite.
  13. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Reminds me of those 5 gauge garden railways from childhood where you sit on a bench behind the loco. In fact all it needs is an action man stuck on the roof. 😉 Had anyone ever done an 00 gauge version of one of them? Must have surely?
  14. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    !! But, but, 100 Quid!!!!
  15. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Hmmm, possibly the only guy in the country who's somehow managed to find that niche area of model railways collecting where the prices have not only failed to rise in 10 years but lost half their value into the bargain.😂
  16. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Jesus. I doubt the people building HS2 are charging that much per foot.
  17. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    True, but why not buy a 2nd hand nickel silver tested express point for 12 pounds on ebay.😉
  18. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    You could be right although I'm not sure what could be classed as rare on that listing.. I have noticed a recent worrying trend of people buying joblots of random stuff for more than the individual items would cost (unless you're gostude) I mean 11 point levers = 20-25 on a good day. 9 untested rough looking point motors = 20-25. So that leaves rusty track, the nickel silver point, and a crap controller going for 42 pounds 😱
  19. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Yeah, it just annoys me that I can't see what they're bidding on - I like the madness explained😂 Seem to be two bidders in a battle to the death anyway.. Now up to 92 pounds
  20. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Another auction that's fits into the "what are they bidding on that I can't see" catagory. I know there's quite a lot of it, but 87 pounds for 40 year old steel track? I guess the point levers and point motors (if they work) are worth something but still Rusty
  21. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    I was trying to work out what the builder intended it to be as it seems like an awful lot of effort to mash up 3 different makes of coaches for no reason
  22. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Thought I better post this for the Triang/Hornby/trix collectors out there. The short-lived disabled brake coach at a give-away price in ultra-rare blue livery with miss-matched wheels.These don't come up very often on ebay, if ever. Bit special
  23. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    You should If you don't want it. I was gobsmacked it went for that price, but the eventual winner asked me a lot of questions about condition/masak rot so he knew what he was buying and was happy with it. Always keep an eye out for landfill quality Farish stuff now in case lightning strikes twice😉
  24. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Graham Farish collectors are my favourite buyers. I had a WC/BOB engine from a job lot. No tender or motor, missing both bogies, body looked like it had been dug up with dents and missing paint. Was going to chuck it but stuck it on for parts for 2.99 and a description saying "this is knackered!" Went for 100 pounds😮
  25. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    You seem terribly organised. My criteria is 1. Locos/stock purchased should either work or not work or sort of work 2. Era wise, I've narrowed it down from 1829 to the present day and strictly anywhere in the world. 3. Track is important so I have track. Where there is a lack of compatibility between models and track then lay some of the track that suits that model. 👍Currently I have round and rounds, end to ends, and as many sidings as I can fit in - think spaghetti junction but with rails. 4. Amount of stock. I did originally intend to have a model of each member of a class, but on 2nd thoughts, 422 jinties say, is a tad impractical so now it's 1 model of each era of livery. 5. I have dabbled with DDC, but would be costly. I intend to get some Zero1 stuff just to try it out for a laugh. 6. Scenery and buildings: buh? 7. Must be cheap and funded by ebay/Facebook marketplace
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