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Everything posted by Matt37268

  1. Is this from the 50 shades of works grey primer series?
  2. Matt37268

    On Cats

    Nah, although if he has too many treats his emissions can cause environmental issues, he’s coming up to ten now but he really is the most wonderful character to be around, his brother was very special too, there’s a lovely photo I’ll share of them shortly.
  3. Was asked earlier if there was a B&Q in Wolverhampton? Nah mate, but there’s two T’s in Tipton 😀
  4. Electric vaccum cleaner salesman on his first job shows up outside the doorstep of a household in the Black Country and after knocking on the door he proceed’s to empty the contents of a rubbish bag out in front of a Black Country Housewife whilst stating in his best pronounced English ‘Madam this vacuum cleaner is our newest model, if it can’t clean up this rubbish I will personally eat it myself’ Black Country Housewife responds with ‘I’d berra ged yoo a spoon then’ ’Madam why do I need a piece of your cutlery? ‘Well we’ve got no ‘lectric ay we?’
  5. Very much catching up on this thread but I really suggest a read of Mark Radcliffe’s book ‘Thank You For The Days’ Chapter 4 is rather interesting when he became Assistant, Regional Strategic Events so he was over his Technician in Training…
  6. Despite the heavy lifting and physical work, I do find it rather interesting to see the number of Dad Bod’s, in those pictures certainly no going down the gym to work on your core then!
  7. Matt37268

    On Cats

    When he snores, yes!
  8. Matt37268

    On Cats

    How’s about English Electric Type 1’s/Class 20’s? That’s where he gets his name from 😀
  9. Matt37268

    On Cats

    Just found this thread, I really hope nobody minds me sharing this image of my Chopper…
  10. There still is, have a look at anything operated by Saphos, there’s a long diagonal metal bar from one corner of the droplight to the other. It also acts as a handrail for when alighting or boarding.
  11. Why would you have Greggs when you have Beamans or Sarah’s? 😜
  12. Not that far fetched actually, when I worked at the Lamp in Dudley (which for those you not familiar with the area, it’s on the side of a massive hill) How do I put this we only used 2 parts of the Cellar, the coke machine blocked of a doorway into another part and there was a door into another part from the car park, there was a story about messers Batham thinking about putting a night club under there at one point to compete with JB’s. Trying to get back on topic somewhat but didn’t one of the rock houses in Bridgo sell some years ago? Have a feeling it may have featured on a property show.
  13. Would York men sign for Fifties then or would it be a Saltley Seagull? Or maybe even a Donny bloke? Sorry if this is a bit random bit it’s interesting how a photo can make you start to wonder. ‘How would that get there?’
  14. I’m guessing that’s Ramsbottom in the mid/late eighties? You think it’s not that long ago but it’s getting on for nearly 40 years.
  15. 2 of them were booked to show up but 1of them decided to have an accident in its shed at Williton!
  16. Hate to sound like Jim Bowen but let’s have a look at what you could have won… 😀 In all seriousness if you want BR Blue I’d recommend a visit to the SVR, the only things based there that aren’t blue are 37263, (Civil Engineers grey) 33108 (Dutch), 40106, (apparently it never wore blue although it may have had it as an undercoat 😵‍💫) and the Teddy Bear, (BR Green) I believe that a certain class 50 renamed after a composer born in Worcestershire will be wearing a livery that it didn’t carry for very long so it should be a tad ‘Large’ if you get what I mean 😉
  17. Years ago (I think it was about 1998?) a working members letter did ask about if anyone had any quarrying and mining expertise as there was a plan to put the bridge back over Hollybush Road and then hollow out the tunnel underneath High Town to create a subterranean roundhouse, apparently it would have been the perfect spot to put the turntable that had just been acquired from Bath Road. It all sounded rather feasible until you checked the date on and the Author… 1st April and Lipra Loof 😜
  18. I would say not at the time? I’d be guessing that that’s a bit of a kick out at the time, however 37/4’s on rakes of air con’s though were certainly common place up until not that long ago… Some of us no longer have reasons to get over to Norwich as often as we used to…
  19. Living in East Anglia, land prices in the North West aren’t exactly on my radar. Obviously.
  20. Manchester is a city (one that likes to take credit for other’s achievements, I have to say) and it has rather decent links to other places in the UK, please tell us all why anyone should want to relocate to a rather isolated town in Lancashire just because the there’s a very theoretical chance the the depot and its surrounding area theoretically in your opinion might be ‘redeveloped’? Getting back on topic I’m guessing there’s been no news on the operation of the second train?
  21. Your plans for 10A seem all fine and dandy, but can I pull you up on a major point? Are you the landlord of the site of 10A?
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