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Everything posted by TrainsRule88

  1. I like the idea of the automatic uncoupling which will be great for end to end layouts like mine, however I am interested in whether it is possible to still swap out the tension lock as I don’t use tension locks on my stock and use chain links.
  2. Wow what an announcement! Many of us, including myself, don’t have a large disposable income to spend on models and the ones we do purchase mean a lot to us and we hope they give us a lifetime of enjoyment. Thank you for announcing this new lifetime warranty. A pre-order will be going in for the 7800 Manor Class locomotive in O gauge as soon as you announce it soon - hint hint wink wink 😉.
  3. I think there is definitely a gap in the market for modern image DMU’s & EMU’s in 00 gauge, however I also think that there is a shortage of modern image units in O gauge also. Heljan have just entered this area in O gauge with there superb looking class 153 DMU due to be released later this year or early next year. With Accurascale recently entering the O gauge market, perhaps might be worth considering some modern units. For example class 150 or class 158 in O gauge would be amazing. I know the cost of O gauge is higher and the space it needs is much bigger, but by starting off by releasing smaller modern units such as the class 150, I think would be a great idea as this could start off a new era of small space O gauge layouts as it would be easy to create a modern branch line terminus for a 2 coach unit in a fairly small space. I am myself currently building a modern image O gauge branch line terminus station for the new Heljan class 153 and the whole layout is only 1 foot wide by 6 foot long with a 4 foot storage yard. Perfect for a 2 car class 150 😉. Also with the option to pay for pre- order models in instalments like is possible with Accurascale, then O gauge could be more affordable for more people and you can’t beat the presence of an O gauge model in the smaller scales.
  4. Does anyone know when the first decorated samples of these O gauge class 153 units are due? No hurry as still building the layout for my pre-order to go on 😀.
  5. Yes the scenecraft range is expensive. But I think there is definitely a market for more scenic items and buildings.
  6. Most of this wish listing is in regards to actual locomotives and rolling stock. But what about some scenic items, buildings & infrastructure. Bachmann have their scenecraft range. I think it would be nice to see some more modern image platforms available. For example a platform with modern tactile paving built in and maybe a modern footbridge with lifts.
  7. I don’t think it’s unlikely as they already have the tooling for a 3 car unit and there are other liveries of 3 car units such as northern they could also produce 😀
  8. Happy new year to everyone at Accurascale! I wish you all a fantastic 2024. I am very much looking forward to your announcement of the Class 387 EMU in GWR livery (wink wink hint hint). 😉 Happy New Year!
  9. Hello Bachmann! Firstly I wish you all a very happy new year. In 2024, my suggestion for a model is for a 3 car version of your fantastic class 158 in GWR livery. As I understand it, GWR have only 1 genuine 3 coach class 158 which is numbered 158798 and it regularly operates on my local branch line to Barnstaple. This is a model I would very much like to see produced. Especially with the destinations on the front saying Barnstaple on one end and Exeter Central on the other. Have a great new year everyone!
  10. I would like to see Bachman release their class 150 DMU in the Wessex trains livery. This in my opinion was the best livery to be applied to the class 150 in a nice red with images of local destinations that the units served when under Wessex trains. I have had my fingers crossed for this livery for years! 😂
  11. I personally would like to see an O gauge class 142 or 143 DMU produced. I think these would be stunning in O gauge and would go well with the upcoming Heljan class 153. These have had lots of liveries over their lifetime so this would provide lots of opportunity for re runs n different liveries.
  12. Has anyone seen any decorated samples of these class 117 units yet? Sadly I haven’t mangled to get to any show recently. I am very interested in these but the cost of decoders if 2 are needed will be prohibitive cost wise.
  13. At present I am building a 10 foot by one foot layout end to end with a fiddle yard at one end. It is planned to be a heritage railway set in the present day and will feature a station with a run around loop so I don’t plan to do much shunting of wagons. It will feature mostly passenger trains. The train will arrive at the station, then run around its train, then depart. So will use the screw link coupling on the ends of the train and magnetic couplings for the rest. The layout will be modular so can be extended in future so I can look at other options for shunting as when required.
  14. I only use the 3 link couplings on the ends if the train where it connects to the locomotive. The rest of the train I use magnetic couplings. This makes (in my opinion) the train look more realistic and pleasing on the eye. Especially on the locomotive without having a tension lock.
  15. Yes by working couplings I meant that they can be used to pull a load. The Accurascale Manor had these couplings in the accessories bag and I use them to pull a short rake of coaches and it works very well.
  16. Yes. I use the chain links all the time. The ones on the manor work very well. One of the great things about 4mm scale is the choice of couplings. With the nem sockets you are able to stick to the standard tension locks or swap them out for alternatives. More and more models are now being released with screw link couplings n the accessories bag for people to fit and use so this brings a good choice for modellers .
  17. The current class 150 I would agree with you in regards to the motor block. Things have moved on and it’s now possible to have the motors beneath the floor such as the new Bachmann class 158. The current model also has inaccuracies such as the interior seating layout is incorrect for the more modern liveries. Also the head & tail lights are also incorrect for several livery variations. Also the GWR model has handrails on the front ends, which is not correct as the real GWR units have had the handrails removed. I would agree that these are only small things but I would like to see these made to the Accurascale standard and it would be great to have dmu’s of different classes be able to work together just like the real things.
  18. What I would really like to see is a new Class 150 and a class 153/155 DMU in 00 gauge. I know there are existing models of these but I think it is time for an update to these. The Bachmann class 150 is quite a good model, however it has a few inaccuracy issues and needs to be updated to modern standards in my opinion. There are lots of livery options that have not been produced such as the Wessex Trains red livery with pictures of local attractions on the side. The Hornby class 153 is again a good model, but is now showing its age and could do with an update to add things like lights and sound etc. The Dapol class 155 looks nothing like a class 155 so definitely needs a new model. Hornby rereleased this model under their name but it still looks nothing like a class 155 especially the front ends. These three DMU units have been the backbone of rail travel in a lot of areas and still are to this day. You often see them working in multiple with others which makes these a great option.
  19. Thanks for posting these photos. This is truly a stunning model already and it’s only a sample. I think this will be the start of a new era for O gauge. The feedback I would give regarding this model so far is regarding the coupling. It seems there is a magnetic coupling to enable the unit to couple to another, however my suggestion would be to create a working BSI coupling as this would add even more realism. Both 00 gauge and N gauge have had units with working BSI couplings. Other than that, this is just stunning with lots of livery options for future runs. Hopefully this will be the start of more modern units. Fingers crossed for a class 150 DMU next. Well Done Heljan. I now have 2 of these on pre order.
  20. Yes I heard it was! Sadly I couldn’t get to that show but fingers crossed I will get the opportunity at Warley! I am building an O gauge layout especially for this model!
  21. The current Dapol O gauge panniers are already very good! But as I have said in another post, if they can achieve models like this new pannier range in 00 gauge, I am very excited to see what they can achieve in O gauge when they do announce a steam locomotive.
  22. Well Done Accurascale. These look absolutely stunning. I’m not a 00 gauge modeller myself but seeing this new model makes me wonder if you are achieving models to this standard in 00 gauge, I can’t wait to see what you can do in O gauge!
  23. Does anyone know if Heljan will have some samples of these new Class 153 units at Warley this weekend? I have the GWR one on pre order and would be amazing to see the samples in the flesh. I have seen photos of the samples but would like to see the true heft of these in person as these will be big models in O gauge!
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