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tom q vaxy

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Everything posted by tom q vaxy

  1. these building are coming along beautifully. I had never heard of the story/ film, but luckily it's available to watch free: following along!
  2. I really like the idea of the allotment of days gone bye. softens the whole industrial feel.
  3. you might consider joining a forum which is brand specific to the vehicle, and let the members know of the BAC interest. it's amazing what folks have tucked away in their personal archives. https://105eoc.com/vehicles/trim/van/?v=7516fd43adaa http://www.anglia-models.co.uk/van-photo-gpo03.htm?LMCL=LU6bB0
  4. good grief. how much enjoyment can someone have with stolen goods? bread to feed your family or a warm coat for your child might be understood, but hobby supplies? I don't even comprehend.
  5. great close ups for those of us an ocean away; thanks for posting.
  6. I was wondering where my screwdriver was . . . .
  7. could they be Japanese Industrial Standard fastenings? https://trimantec.com/blogs/t/thread-identification-guide
  8. there seems to be a point in caravan design where the stars crossed. the home handyman "canned ham" design appears universal save for a few easily rectified details.
  9. I remember when they were a nickel. something like Walls, "ice cubes", were individually one cent. the Colonies!
  10. well . . . interestingly enough, Carlight Caravans have quite a history: http://www.historiccaravanclub.co.uk/resources/Carlight+1930-80.pdf
  11. the carlight is a bit too new, but I investigate all leads since some send me off to another which is more relevant. the local steam-up (i'm in the US) here: https://newsm.org/ is a great show for working engines, but in the 40 years I've gone, not one caravan! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp7lG7F6H1xO2bB-SW4oQsg
  12. I think for practical space limits, i'll be utilizing some "selective compression" for the caravans, yet including some of their more interesting features. did do a search for Trecco Bay and found loads of interesting scenery pictures, so will surely be drawing on those for inspiration. thanks
  13. I like this one: http://gypsytrailercaravans.webeden.co.uk/16-bluebird/4543040754
  14. lining up more winter projects. I want to make a caravan park as a destination for a 2' feldbahn in 1:35 scale. with 5 or 7 - i'm an odd-numbers guy - caravans, i'd like to trace the development from the 1920 box on wheels to 1949 factory produced 17' unit. I acknowledge most of the parts and all of the caravans will be scratch built from styrene & left-over kit parts. also, on the domestic side, to include some of MiniArt & DioPark fantastic diorama bits. in realization the caravans do not have to follow specific name brands, but the flavor of fashion in their appearance will be the goal. numerous web sites cater to the individual manufacturers. Q: anyone have a link to caravan construction which shows elevation drawings? since most I've found focus on sales brochures or overview factory assembly lines, there are plenty of floor plans, but I have been left to my own devices to extrapolate side view dimensions. any help appreciated; thanks.
  15. "A Longboard is not the ideal choice …" my first board, circa 1968, was a Surfboards Hawaii slug - 9'6" with 2" balsa stringer and plexiglass tailblock. blue pigmented resin just to add a little extra pa-zing! following along closely.
  16. I got as far as page 7 before heading to the Rip Track. were there ever results from this "competition" or just further discussion? thanks
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