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Cowley 47521

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Everything posted by Cowley 47521

  1. Stick some thatch on they buildins an it’ll look like Widecombe me beauty.
  2. I was thinking about how perilously close to edge of the board the 05 was (and I’ve had a couple of bad experiences in that department). But it looks like the driver of the Autocoach didn’t realise his controller was set on ‘simulator’ when he shut the power off…
  3. Thanks very much for your replies everyone, that’s most helpful. I’ll post a couple of photos of his project on here with his permission the next time I go over (without taking the thread over obviously), it has a few similarities to your railway Graham so it’s going to be good for us to read about what you’re making as 7mm stuff is all new to us. And it’s big. BIG!
  4. What a lovely thing. Do you know if anyone does/did a kit for a GWR pattern water tower or crane by any chance folks? My good friend Paul is building a small Hemyock style run down terminus (that I’m hoping to get involved with) in 0 gauge slowly and has drawn a blank so far.
  5. I’m not sure that it did, I know that it’s going through a major restoration at Swanwick that’s been going on for some years now and includes putting back the bufferbeam skirting etc. Not sure when it last ran but I think it must have been a good couple of decades ago now.
  6. A shot taken from a passing light aircraft of an everyday 1980s scene..? And a bit of celebrity class 33 action today…
  7. I’m so computer illiterate that I’ve only ever tackled things the old school way but it’s amazing what you can do if you know your way around the various programs out there isn’t it? I’ve had a proper read through of the thread now and it’s interesting as well as quite subtlety humorous I must say…
  8. That’s fantastic Graham. The photo with the light under the bridge is something else.
  9. I actually swore under my breath at the texture of the spanners on the bench. It’s amazing.
  10. And that’s wonderful. Some lovely stuff in this thread, it’s always enjoyable dipping into it and seeing some of the stuff that people have created.
  11. Great photos there. Love the background.
  12. I wish people would be brave and weather their 0 gauge stock. Just doesn’t look right.
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