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Everything posted by MrWolf

  1. It's got me thinking about a bigger brother of the GCR 9N, or a BR Standard replacement. https://images.app.goo.gl/rvAij5BbFCtdapmJ9
  2. I'd forgotten about that film, Alec Guinness in the adaptation of Joyce Cary's novel. Anyone who does a bit of painting (like I do) ought to find a copy, because they will have met characters like Gulley Jimson. My most recent encounter was being introduced to an erm, artist at a local pub, I got the third degree about my own work and when I enquired what he was working on at the moment his airy reply was: "I haven't painted anything for about five years, but I have been preparing canvases for when I am ready to make art..." At this his little entourage squeaked with delight. I smiled politely whilst quietly recalling my time in Africa. I carried a gun back then.
  3. That makes me think of a single frame from a 1950s British movie. Cracking job.
  4. I put the link in for my photo and it automatically embedded the picture for some reason. In my defense, it was hard to make our if it was 43 or 48 on the phone. It does look like the Forest of Dean, but it's the site of Glenfield station on the Leicester & Swannington Railway. The train is actually running on the old passing loop, the platform is in the bushes to the right. Ahead of the train bottom left was the very short coal siding. This is the station before it closed in 1928. https://images.app.goo.gl/6upsG4xuCgwfXD5S8
  5. The last house I bought was empty, no chain for me or the seller, but it still took over six months to get the keys.
  6. Not quite, but when I get annoyed with myself because I've misplaced something vital, eg, 517 class sandboxes or BSA oil feed banjo bolts, I apparently turn into a "WhereWolf" ...
  7. I can see that I need to go home and dig out the pannier collection. Not sure how many I have. The ideal number of course being the number you have already, plus one.* *From the Wolf-Spiers theorem of vintage motorcycles.
  8. That's got the look of a loco from one of the South Wales companies, nice job!
  9. It sounds like the old Mainline and early Bachmann problem of the wheels being an interference fit in the plastic, which is fine when new, but the grade of plastic isn't brilliant, shrinking and becoming brittle after a few years, hence the splitting. Fixable, but can put the F into Frustrating.
  10. I like the casual statement, someone, somewhere has to get lucky with it, just by the odds, like they were buying a fourth hand Cortina.
  11. Thanks, all good with the tests, I got the all clear, though I think that they know enough to make a Wolf 2.0 or something, a W1000. Thanks, I've already had a minor finger wagging for clanging about in the workshop over the weekend and to be honest I didn't feel great afterwards! Thanks, I'm feeling better already but having to resist the urge to get back to normal* too quickly. * Whatever that is.
  12. Good to see you back, you have my sympathy with the shed repair. I've got one to re-roof for a woodlands project. The pitch is too flat and the overhangs too short for something standing amongst trees, so moss and leaves have piled up, blocking the gutters and rotting the plywood sheeting. I've been given carte blanche to apply a more erm, rustic rebuild. There's a danger of it looking like the mad hatter's house. 🤪 There will of course be a liberal application of corrugated iron in the new roof.
  13. It's certainly given me some ideas to justify the motley collection of stock I've got! I like the idea of mixed trains, it will keep operating the branch interesting.
  14. Here is the Booze Bracket in service with temporary lighting rig. It's going to be backlit when we can get the fittings next week. It's only about a third loaded with bottles as yet, there should be three of each to keep up on busy nights.
  15. Chimneys can be a time consuming PITA but it's well worth the time and effort to get them looking as they should be, being so visible on a model. Which is what you have done here.
  16. I've not really done much at the layout itself recently, partly because I've been busy getting the paying jobs done but mostly because I've been having some health problems. I've been having seemingly endless tests and lots of waiting in between, but on Friday I had a minor operation and was given the all clear. It wasn't caused by what I was told I might have to prepare myself for, more the results of some of my misadventures. Now all I have to deal with is waking up in unfamiliar surroundings with torn clothes, aching limbs, the taste of blood in the mouth and nightmarish flashbacks to terrible events of the previous evening. But that only happens on a full moon. Just as well, because I get little sympathy from Miss R, she says she's endured that sort of thing every month since she was thirteen.
  17. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I hit the "interesting" button. Where's the response button for "Bl00dy typical!" ?
  18. Scale Link do a 1920s Austin Seven van kit with that "C cab". Oxford Rail do the post 1930 version with full height cab doors.
  19. I think that the old Dinky is close to Gauge One scale, but if I come across a badly "playworn" example, it's tempting to paint it in CVM colours, just for the grin. The livery is almost the same as Confidence Coaches that ran out of Leicester and provided so many unusual relics for the school runs. Thanks for the picture, that's a proper bus and not subject to the rules about stopping on bridges.
  20. Hello Russell, hope all's well, I'd love to put in that strange old tree for the sense of place. Of course, to get to that point from my fiction, I'd have to model the bridge and road to Hopesay and Aston Hall before we get to the level crossing. C.1930. C.2010, a two bedroom flat within was about £230,000. Then there's the other side of the road: The Malt house to the left and the hall grounds to the right. Our level crossing is just around that right-hand bend. View from the level crossing back into the village, the Arbor Tree is on the left. I'd love to have the room to model that lot, quite a challenge, it's the sort of thing that @brylonscamel would get his teeth into and knock together in an afternoon. Have a look at his work if you haven't seen it.
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