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Everything posted by MrWolf

  1. Maybe not. The name of the bar is a bit of a clue. Do you feel like you're always on the outside looking in, or on the inside looking out? Besides, everyone sees things differently. It might say something entirely different to someone else.
  2. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265904514760?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ogh7pCxdSWq&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=3qkTzGg7QRS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Low opening bid, but good condition? Warp factor six by the looks of the single photo. I've also got my doubts about it being kit built too.
  3. A quick snap of my latest piece of work as promised. It's another of my Stills from a B movie paintings, it's 40" x 30" and painted in acrylic on plywood. It's about the feeling that many of us have experienced that there must be something good happening somewhere and we are missing out. No prizes for guessing who was the model for the girl in the blue velvet dress giving the guy on the bike a cheeky smile.😉
  4. I've always found that even doing things that you enjoy continuosly can start to feel like work, after a break doing something totally different, you come back with hopefully a renewed energy.
  5. Thanks, I'd love to have a layout around the garage, but as I make part of my living in there it can be a filthy, noisy place with plenty of opportunities for setting things on fire. We are lucky enough to have a large spare room that doubles up as my railway room and art studio and Miss (Dr.) Riding Hood's study and music room. Never mind the 38cc, it still has the Grin Factor, I have a 98cc 2 speed Excelsior which I am holding off restoring until I have the layout more or less complete. I didn't say finished! I did have several cars at one point, but it became ridiculously expensive to store them. Money that I can spend on more trains and more motorbikes. There's also six bicycles in the workshop, they're used for every trip under three miles and regular exercise.
  6. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I like that! You can perform a kind of bump start with certain planes, but you have to be a long way up in the air already and it's really not recommended...
  7. Perhaps the stands raised as you pulled away, as did the stabilisers on the OEC / Whitwood Monocar Still weird though!
  8. These two lurk in The Profanium, As does this and often the young lady in black in the background.
  9. I'll get a photo and I'll pass on the location for the society, the exact details I'll record on the picture GPS. Thanks for the tip.
  10. There's some L&NWR boundary posts by the canal near where we live, they're a quarter of a mile from the railway line though, it's reminded me to get a photograph.
  11. Last time I looked, Ewell was near Epsom, Surrey. I don't imagine that there's a huge sheep population?
  12. I really must get this painting finished, then I can get on with posting about some (vaguely) model railway matters!
  13. Good grief no! My other half is much nicer to live with. She's also (IMHO) much nicer looking. No, she didn't make me say that!
  14. Do Panniers breed? In a word, Yes. I don't think that I want to start counting mine. Eight, possibly nine, but there's boxes I haven't looked in since we moved house.
  15. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Which may consist of flagging down a passing Volga taxi to try and jump start your ICBM...
  16. It's started raining here in Blighty, but it's warm and dry in the depths of the workshop known as The Profanium.
  17. Afraid not Teakers old stick. Even the memsahib is less Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew and more Brolin, Pitt and Ryan Reynolds.
  18. I'd always assumed that it was a clever reference for having been hoofed out of the navy on spurious charges? Imdb
  19. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    One of my friends always takes a PP3 battery with him to sales and exhibitions, as not that many vendors have a proving track or power. If any vendor refuses a quick power test (which is surely a great bargaining chip in either direction) he simply walks away, no sale.
  20. Last night the dodgy internet connection wouldn't allow me to tell you that is a splendid and well observed use of colour, keep 'em coming!
  21. Hard to say, but I've heard that a lot of kitties have a secret thing for firemen, provided of course they're the Hollywood fire brigade...
  22. It's nice to see that your gallant side is worried about the embarrassment that would be caused by a major wardrobe malfunction. So here she is in her motorcycle gear which offers considerably more, er, support. It's from the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises and I suspect that he wasn't the only one..... Still going a bit insane with preparations for the exhibition, but I have been unable to resist attaching some odd little details before I manage to lose them. (Like I did with the trespass notice for the level crossing!) 🙄 This is the station's official fresh drinking water supply, modified from a Ratio cattle dock spare part. There's a useful number of repeats on the sprues.
  23. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    I understand that he was investigated for performing backstreet sex changes....
  24. That does look nicely sun bleached with the highlighted joints and faded maroon.
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