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Everything posted by MrWolf

  1. I do like a 2CV, the older the better. Never owned one myself, but I've done a bit of bodywork restoration on a couple. Have you got the chassis brace fitted down from the brake cylinder mount?
  2. They're not particularly waterproof in road trim, especially if they still have the fifty year old rubber seals. He'd have been better off taking a step up to an Amphicar, it's more or less a Herald under the skin. Or borrowed a VW Schwimmwagen?
  3. Not a problem, we went out for a walk up in the hills, got up there by Triumph Herald power and James May has already proved that you can also use one of those as a yacht...
  4. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    That also occured to me, but I keep getting into trouble for speaking my mind on here! It's not funny getting whacked on the snout with a rolled up newspaper.... Bad doggie! Big bad doggie! Basket!
  5. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    He'd already covered the road holding aspect of added weight: "Two additional weights, totalling 38g have been added to the coach to increase stability and provide greater traction. (see image 5)" I think that he was just trying to make it sound better than it is.
  6. I remember during an impromptu silly night out a friend who was definitely the worse for wear commented on my seemingly relaxed disposition saying: "You never seem to get out of your head, do you?" I told them that they might think that but in truth I had spent the last few years trying to get back in. Whether three or six, it comes across as a couple of people talking bollards. I might as well watch the news! 🤪
  7. I was about to do a little more but I have just been asked: "Shall we go out for a little while before the monsoon hits?"
  8. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Experiment into using nuclear power for coach lighting goes horribly wrong... Also: How does adding extra weights to a coach improve traction?
  9. Very impressive Chris, everything blended in nicely, I particularly like the detail of the lamp over the steps in the back yard.
  10. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    I'm going through the same process and encountering similar problems. I'm on about page fifty of two hundred, but I think that the last fifty are unaffected.
  11. Congratulations on a particularly neat and convincing bit of model civil engineering. The muted colours in the final picture are very effective. As for the buses, they must be on strike, it's been far too hot for air strikes.
  12. Good to hear that, both for your sake and for others. There's so much static created by the spurious complaints that many of the real ones aren't heard.
  13. In towns, York stone type flags, elsewhere I expect cinders
  14. I've got about fifty pages reposted so far. Where I no longer have the image I have left the original information in place, just in case.
  15. Modelling time has mostly been taken up by "The Great Re-insertion" Of pictures, that is. I'm up to page 44. I have been able so far to replace at least ninety percent of the images. What's missing doesn't stop the thread making sense. Not sure that it makes sense most of the time anyway....
  16. It could have been worse! https://youtu.be/PI9jFp0cnig
  17. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Built out of odds and ends fora siding filler on his sons layout as there was a maintenance depot near their house. I think it rather nice that a father takes an active interest in his child's hobbies.
  18. If it helps this is a Victorian mill yard across the road from our house. Most of the roads look like this. Okay on a 1930s standard bicycle, not so good on 1970s Tour de France machinery, which can result in the sudden feeling that one has three Adam's apples...
  19. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    Good to see that the squadron leader hasn't been promoted to flying a desk!
  20. Seconded, you have really caught his character there.
  21. Like a pannier, a coal tank never offends. More bench of bodge chaos as the Toad is finish painted ready for weathering and the 22XX is dismantled and modified. I've removed the postwar lettering as well as the big coupling mounts. I've yet to decide how best to deal with the horrible and fragile tender drawbar.
  22. I was hunting around for some paint to modify my Collett Goods last night and found that the Railmatch 601 / 1601 is marked as GWR loco green - post 1928.
  23. To quote the opening titles of Stingray: "ANYTHING could happen in the next half hour!!"
  24. It would be interesting to see some pictures of the real thing, I didn't know that any had survived. Is this it? https://www.bluebell-railway.co.uk/bluebell/pics/100677.html
  25. They are a bit of an ugly beast, the closest the GWR got to building an SR Q1. I think that it's the short wheelbase and high pitch of the boiler that gives it the sit up and beg look. Add to that the huge tender. But I like strange engines, I do like a Super D too. The 0-6-2T I think shared a boiler, but the side tanks and bunker disguise it.
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