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Everything posted by MrWolf

  1. I've just picked up a copy of BRM, in the article about RMWeb members day there's a photo and a little write up on Ewe and very complimentary they are about it too! Rightly so, well done Rob!
  2. Must...... get....... layout...... finished...... first......🤪 Although I have scribbled ideas for a steam powered motorcycle 1910 style with a flash steam boiler mounted over the rear wheel.
  3. Don't even go there, I got chucked out of a charity I had been working with for three years because I disagreed (politely and rationally) with a chap who asserted that "People who join the military only do so to go on a killing spree". I also told him that he might want to reconsider the little red star pinned on his coat if he had a problem with the murder of millions. I got a blah blah letter about safe places, duty of care and inclusivity etc. I decided that I have better things to do and at least if bits of rusty iron annoy you, you can bash them with a hammer.
  4. Impressive, I've never seen the MLD type in the metal, or the Robey Tri-tandem, there were quite a few different ideas before the IC engine swept everything away, particularly in the US, which is why I thought it could have been a Buffalo. It would have been nice to have seen a standard gauge British Shay locomotive, those on logging railroads are fascinating to watch.
  5. You have my sympathies there, it's a typical example of the passive aggressive workplace politics that are responsible for a good deal of regressive issues in British industry. I have had personal experience of that kind of manipulative and malicious activity, where someone doesn't like the fact that you are perceived as a capable and trustworthy employee and as such a threat to those around you and those just above. Most of these people aren't very good at their jobs or very often coasting and the only way they can make themselves look good and put you back in your box as it were, is to make you look bad. They also know that they can play the "safe place" rules and come out looking like the victim with more weight to their spurious case if you respond to their actions in any way. As you say, you're back to work in a passive role and they're happy with it. All it does is tell the complainant that they can get away with it and get their own way, it doesn't do you or the company any good, but they're so fearful of legal proceedings nowadays they don't even want to hear the evidence, they just take the complainants word. There's more than one way to skin a cat though.
  6. I read somewhere that there was a hot air engine driving the pump in the building to the side of the tower, probably long gone, but have always wanted to know what is or was hidden inside the brickwork. Something like this Rider type engine and pump would only need a narrow stovepipe to operate. The Flywheel coolspringspowermuseum.org
  7. I had a similar experience towing a car trailer that had been built from an old twin axle caravan chassis. I had an Austin Somerset on the back and was pulling it with a Vauxhall Viscount, itself about 35 years old, same thing happened when straightening up from a bend, same cure. I was glad Luton fitted a rear anti tramp bar as standard and glad of rear wheel drive.
  8. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    They're the sort of bits left over if you are making buildings for a period layout, all that lower case signage is more typical of the 1970s and later. £14 seems a lot when you might only want one or two and I'm pretty sure that such things are available new for a lot less.
  9. It could well be the paint used to weather the loco had softened the original finish and broken it down so that everything came away when you applied the IPA. Looking on the bright side, if you've now got to repaint her, you can file away the mould parting line along the top of the boiler amongst other things.
  10. That sounds like it could well have been a Buffalo Springfield Roller, there are a few in the UK. Image: the best music you never heard of
  11. I thought this picture might be of interest. It's via Pinterest, from swansea docks.co.uk
  12. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flive.staticflickr.com%2F7423%2F14217490363_df13ab4c51_z.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2F47422047%40N07%2F14217490363&tbnid=RvFRn2faGvJrRM&vet=1&docid=9DcUc95-LAQTPM&w=640&h=426&itg=1&hl=en-GB&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim Savernake pump house and tank in 2012. It looks like someone failed to get the cast iron Stothert & Pitt maker's plate off the tank, or the expanding rust blew it apart.
  13. Same thing here I'm afraid, Err500 crimes up, whether I log in on this phone that's made of knapped flint or the memsahib's all singing and dancing I-phone that can apparently take down incoming ICBMs.
  14. Progress, however small, is good.
  15. I really like what you're doing here, I can visualize this lot built up and painted already. Perhaps broad gauge models will become less of a niche interest as technology gives construction a shove. Though I doubt that Peco are going to start stamping out BG baulk road anytime soon!
  16. I think his was an Aveling, that's a Garratt, but I have been wrong, lots of times.
  17. It's rather like the beetlejuice curse, all you have to do is say "bus on a bridge" three times....
  18. I might just enquire if they want experienced contractors, I could afford to go O gauge and DCC/ sound!
  19. Firstly, sorry Rob, I do seem to be causing controversy this week, I hadn't wanted that to spill over into your thread. Lmsforever, I should perhaps explain, I don't dislike the idea of caravanning or caravanners at all. It's just that caravans themselves remind me of a singularly unpleasant period in my life. Somebody who I had considered to be a friend for a lot of years and who I had helped to establish his property development empire, acquired a very rare and desirable vintage caravan. He asked me if I would restore it for him through my recently established classic and vintage car business. This I did and the caravan was sold for over 30k. My friend then decided to plead poverty, housing market crash, legal issues over an inheritance, impending bankruptcy etc. Long story short, I was 6k out of pocket and being slagged off for demanding payment and taking court action. Although I had a favourable ruling, I never got a bean. Despite this, my friend managed to take his new eBay girlfriend on holiday, and whoever can guess how much that cost gets a free squeaky dog toy.... (Clue, 6k) With my operating capital gone I had to quit and go back to bouncing around the world's less desirable tourist destinations to ensure that I kept a roof over my head. So whenever I see a caravan, it reminds me that I almost became a vintage car dealer and restorer, rather than someone who built water, gas and oil pipelines and got shot at quite a bit. As for clowns driving like they're invincible, I'm right there with you. I've never been a speed freak. I'm happy buzzing along at fifty or so in our old Triumph Herald. As my late father used to say whenever a suicidal nutter overtook on a hill or bend: "Speed on brother, hell ain't half full yet! Again, sorry for the thread drift. Anyone for trains?
  20. .My off topic apologies too. Those big tractors always seem to be driven by 16 year old lads who are busy playing a game on their phones. The thing that caravans do best is burn.
  21. Shh, keep it quiet! Or Russia might stick a pipe in it....
  22. Me too, I haven't found any pictures taken that far down the line, but something had to be supplying the water cranes at the end of the platforms. One of my favourite sites, that is apparently still standing is the M&SWJ Savernake High Level station, the water tank and pumphouse for it being one of my first ever plasticard scratch builds, thanks to the MRC yearbook for 1983. Here it is in 1947. Photo: Swindon's other railway, from the Roger Carpenter collection.
  23. Do you mean that he's likely to go tear down Jupiter and rebuild that rock by rock? That is disturbing Winners old chap....
  24. As far as I am aware, nothing has changed on that front, except that the offenders don't care and just carry on driving.
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