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Winslow Boy

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Everything posted by Winslow Boy

  1. Possibly a sea mine if it was meant for the docks.
  2. I think it is pay back for supplying you with, not one but two items that just happen to fit into those things that shall not be mentioned on this thread.
  3. Well it was very nice interacting with you Mr Taylor. Although we never met in person, I felt that your contributions to this thread help give an insight to your comings and goings. We will remember you as one of the more pluckly ones who believed that they were able to pull the wool over that most superior race- the other half. OK chaps who wants what from his railway.
  4. Oh so your one of those so called 'trouble makers' are you Mr Bear. Well we know how to deal with your sort. Please ensure that you are ready as the no- binary defined operatives in white coats will be with you shortly, they are just in Yorkshire at the moment dealing with an incident in a post office where three men thought they knew better than a women - something to do with them trying to stop her going on holiday. If you are a good patient your 're-education' or as we like to call it 'de-manning' shouldn't take more than a week and you will be able to return to society as a humiliated and de-clawed bear. Yours sincerely A R S Wipe Head of Woke and Reeducation.
  5. Dear Bear I am shocked and shocked again for I would have thought that a Bear of your wisdom and insight would have known that what you have described is Standard Operating Procedure for women. Good god my good bear you have taken a severe drop in my estimation. If it wasn't for this r....y virus you would be being sent away to attend a Man Awareness Information Nurture Tutorial Educational Normallacy Additional Notification Compliance Exercise or MAINTENANCE for short. As this is not possible you are suspended from cake snaffling exercises or oggling you stash of Felicity Kendal photos for one week. Go to your room at once and just think on how lucky you are that I read your posting before anyone else.
  6. When I was much younger I was 'required' to take elecutioñ lessons in order to give me more confidence. Whilst they did that they also had the side effect of hiding my northern twang. So wind the clock forward by about twenty odd years and relocate me to South of the Watford gap and I found myself of being accused of having a posh accent by northern members of the family. My mother is able to spend up the process though as she is able to adopt the accent of wherever she is usually by the time she has finished speaking to the local.
  7. I seem to recall that there is also a vineyard that goes by the same name. As to whether they produce Ugg's as well I have no knowledge.
  8. Well when you live in a tolitarian society that is what can be done. That's after of course denying that there is a problem to start with. Something tells me also that disgusted of Tunbridge wouldn't like his treatment either.
  9. Its Big Brother. Once your in the system that's it they've got you for life.
  10. Will do Mr O can't have the storm troopers carting me off to the padded cell. Hazus corpus and all that.
  11. To put it bluntly on the continent it is you will be told what you can do, whereas in the septic isle its not illegal if we haven't told you. Which is why you are innocent until proven here, but guilty until proven innocent over there. Very much we are in charge not you,
  12. I think that stems from the fact that the British don't have a tradition of accepting rules that have been imposed on them. Not wishing to bring politics up but I seem to recall I quote made by a politican to that effect.
  13. Well if we don't hear from him we might have to send out a search party. I'd suggest the tower of London as first port of call. I thought that was why they changed the stamps to self adhesive as the 'youfs' couldn't figure out how to get them to stick.
  14. I would be careful Chris about those stamps if I were you, upside down placement is considered an offence to the Queen and you could be arrested. Ah the mosquito traps I remember them well.
  15. May I suggest an alternative to grain silo's. Have you considered a cement works. It would require materials being brought to site and possibly being taken away. Just a thought.
  16. Don't worry Mr Bear have arranged emergency supplies to be delivered by DHL or was it Yodel.
  17. Don't forget to include the cost of the managing directors visit to head office, usually around c.........,... Time so that the wife, girlfriend, mistress ( other significant others are available) can go shopping and buy Tabitha and christen there pressies.
  18. Just a suggestion Chris and I have no experience never having modelled water. But when you look at an actual river the colour it's bed is varies. So rather than having the canal bed one colour I'd suggest having a range say brown, greens, greys etc and in splodges that merge into one another. As I say I've not done this so no idea if or how it would look. Certain though whatever you do will look great.
  19. Whilst not wishing to darken the mood further I would just like to point out that you should also include any grave deeds in any will- or divorce agreement, as well. As not only are they classed as an asset - buying a grave plot can run into thousands- if you don't own the grave your executor will either have to buy one or arrange for an existing one to be transferred. Morbid this may all sound but it is better to sort out while you can rather than leaving it to when you are stressed or dead.
  20. To be honest we did have a degree of sympathy for the guy whose fault it was as we were at the very back of the building so furthest away of where the 'bomb' was, plus we weren't really part of that division so had very little to do with the rest of the building. It does though highlight though just how lax people become with security particularly if they don't see it as part of there responsibility. I can recall on several occasions being able to gain access to some 'secure' sites by being able to flash a pass and give a good reason for being there where I could, certainly on one occasion made quite a difference to our royal family.
  21. Something similar happened to me back in the early nineties when there was an emergency evacuation from a building I was working in due to a suspicious bag. This was when they had all those bombs going off. Least ways that was what was supposed to have happened- only it didn't exactly go to plan. Everybody else was informed but for some reason I and the rest of team I was with got overlooked. It wasn't until they did some checking that they realised they were coming up short and set someone in to check that we were found. By this time they had closed the road at the front and this was a busy crossroads at the height of rush hour in London so you can imagine the chaos. Anyway the really hilarious thing was that the bag turned out to be my boss's who had gone home early but even better the bomb squad blew it up. Funny enough after this they became a lot more serious about evacuation drills I wonder why.
  22. Having now read on and seen the new requirement for swimming ponies I'm not going to comment other than to say somebody always has to be first.
  23. Ah might be problem that. Would LJ be prepared to go outside, particularly on a dark winter's night with the wind whistling round his trossecks.
  24. My apologies Chris I didn't want to criticize your efforts in anyway. Realised though once I re-read my comments that they might sound dictatorial and that certainly wasn't my intention. As you say it is fictional.
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