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Winslow Boy

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Everything posted by Winslow Boy

  1. May I suggest a possible solution to your 'early morning wake up call' - something we have used to great effect. When the call comes through respond in the affirmative and wait then to be connected to an operator. At which point listen to what is said and then politely state that they are in breach of the telecommunications act 1998 and the data protection act 2018 and if your number is not removed within twenty fours ( other time frames are available) they will be reported to the information commissioner who can levy a fine. Then ask for the company details. If they refuse to give you them or argue then reiterate the above thank them and put the phone down. You may get a follow up call which you can either ignore or repeat the process. This will either scare the s..t out them and they'll hang up or they'll apologise and say that they will arrange for it to be done. We did this a few times and now don't get any calls. The other thing to do is to register on line with the telephone preference service. This ensures your number is barred from such calls.
  2. Is it as cuñning as a plan from a professor of cunning plans at oxford university?
  3. Be careful there HH, don't overdo the 'pointing out' else you you might find the jobs list being added too. I speak with the voice of experience on this matter.
  4. My condolences for your loss Robert. I'm afraid that this will be a very trying time for you and your family. Having had encounters with bereaved families during my professional career all I can say is that death brings out the extremes in people. Take care.
  5. The harbour master, Capt O C Wave, RNVR (Ret) will be after them. Best tell them to quaff up and get back a board.
  6. To an entomologist the ivy provides a ideal habitat as it plays host to all sorts of creepy crawlies - please accept my apologies for the use of this highly technical term.
  7. Now you see Mr S if I saw that I would be itching to get up there with a pair of secateurs and trim that foliage off the roof. So if I was to represent that scene m...,.,.......g wise I would be including a man on a ladder with another at the bottom - H & S, plus a wheelbarrow full of prunings. It just demonstrates my previous comment about real life intruding into the m.....,..........g world.
  8. I'm always intrigued how the passion for m...............g intrudes into one's life and vice a versa. As someone who was trained to look at the impact of plants or in this case Parthenocissus tricuspidata on the built environment I suppose that would perhaps class me as the professional advice.
  9. Hmm somewhat worried by this statement. I think it might be worthwhile seeking professional advice and I do not mean in the form of a master builder.
  10. There is a lot of it around so I'm told but I haven't had the luck to encounter it so far.
  11. That's incontinence not continence and I take it you are not prepared to follow in your fathers footsteps so obviously the green fingerness has skipped a generation much as occurred in my family.
  12. I am reliably informed that the RHS does accept membership applications from ex-pats just so long as it is supported by a domiciled sponsor. As I am such a person I would, for a reasonable fee of course, be prepared to continence such an application on the understanding of course of free board and lodging and use of the Hi-Ab for a few jollies once the borders have reopened.
  13. No No No!! If you use mines there's far to much mess afterwards- have you ever tried getting a leg out of a tree it just causes so much damage to the tree and leaving it there causes so much hassle with the neighbours. No far better to use motion activated machine guns. You just need to ensure that there's enough ammo and to keep popping out to clear up so that the next batch of 'miscreants' don't get suspicious. Just off now to speak to my underworld contact, HH about some 'supplies'. Wonder if he'll accept a couple of bags of compost in exchange. P.s it is entirely by coincidence that my underworld contact has the same initials, HH as that of another contributor of both this and other threads on this website or is it.
  14. It was however that simplicity of construction that made the hurricane such a good aircraft. Its wood and fabric construction meant it was very easy to repair. The spit on the other hand with a stretched metal skin although easy to fly not land though due to its landing carriage was a sod. It is because of this that the hurricane claimed more aircraft.
  15. Just hopes he remembers to turn the compost.
  16. No fear of that. Mind you it does bring a whole new meaning to the phrase 'anal type'.
  17. Buggeration just broken the tablet. Its only letting me do things at the bottom half of the screen. I think I might be getting an early pressie from Mr S.
  18. There is only one weedkiller still allowed, glyphosate as the UK managed to convince the rest of Europe that when used correctly it has a minimal safety impact on the user. Please note the words - when used correctlyt. Also the UK has the tightest regulations concerning the use of Weedkiller's. A number of authorities have tried alternatives, such as vinegar but none so far have the same long term effectiveness.
  19. Just remember to look interested when they show you on the monitor just how far they have got. Been there and got the tee-shirt so know what you'll be going through.
  20. Sorry Mr P I was being a s.........,,.,e, insert letters as appropriate. Although the idea might be worth considering as if you stood on the stairs you could lay the layout on the loft floor. This would allow the most space to be available.
  21. So as I was saying are you standing on the stairs or what. Sorry to hear about your fly in the ointment I'm certain though your'll come up with a solution does that covenant say anything about cellars?
  22. So will you be standing on the ladder/stairs ( insert word as appropiate as it will probably have changed by the time i finish typing this). What about a small lift?
  23. The computer is never wrong however the same cannot be said about the operator. I was just following orders mein fuhrer.
  24. May I suggest that the sign be made freestanding as signs that àre fixed to private properties, as this appears to be, would have have to pay a fee to the property owner. Unless of course the house belonged to the signs owner.
  25. My apologies to all it may concern. I commented without firstly reading all of the comments, much later as do not type as fast as once did that I then realised that much of what I had said was duplication. I have in lieu of punishment spent an appropriate time on the naughty step. I will offer perhaps one possible suggestion to as to why the card reader does not retain 'proof' of the transaction in this country and that is the quality of the reader. As to whether that is due to their cost or a security issue or perhaps both I can only surmise.
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