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Everything posted by TomScrut

  1. I am fairly happy, whilst my wallet probably won't be set on fire. I don't have space for the NMT really, but will be adding to my rake of NR Mk2s. Might go for a DVT and/or a Super GUV too, I have the Accurascale NR37 on order so may get a DVT to work with that. The 91 is a bit of a dodgy one WRT Cavalex but no new coaches or DVT so Cavalex will still be the ones selling a complete package. GBRF 50s are good, not sure I want them enough to pay the price though. Shame they didn't do a GBRF or DCR 60, not sure the market needs 2 more red DB 60s? I don't need another LNER 800 (although I may swap my pre order) and it's a shame no 802s TBH. Would have had a TPE and Hull Trains one. Late 80s looks interesting. Could run a 91 with buffered HST and mk3s on ECML or APT for WCML.
  2. Ah ok, I was wondering if the Hattons/Rails sound was a like for like too!
  3. Was that factory sound, or dealer fitted sound? I just wasn't aware of a factory sound
  4. I thought that would be the case. At least there shouldn't be any quips about the chip being replaced then, and the loco under warranty if everything is above board! Not very good though nonetheless
  5. I presume it was the "proper" chip too?
  6. I take it that the DB ones are resprays? Or was there some other releases I aren't aware of!?
  7. Yes I was elaborating rather than correcting you!
  8. Thanks Fran So Royal Scots Grey is not in current condition?
  9. Sorry if this has been covered already, but which of these are in "as current" condition? From what I can tell there is Royal Scots Grey (possibly), Alycidon (possibly) and Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry: Royal Scots Grey is the right colour but is it in as restored condition? I'm guessing as it has OHL warnings it is. Gordon Highlander is no longer purple And the Rails/Locomotion/DPS exclusives: Alycidon looks like it's in current condition (other than its broken down IRL) as it too has the OHL warnings Royal Highland Fusilier isn't green at the moment Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry there is one as restored
  10. It was a 56 today (I looked it up on Railcam when it was on the move)
  11. Thanks Ben, I am keen on a couple of pairs of the log ones. The correct length works a lot better for me! At 27m IRL they'd be too long to get away with 2 pairs.
  12. That's what I thought they would be, I am just wondering now why the text on the wagon in the pics on the Revolution site say 27m!
  13. Oh aye, I did know about that one. It's a loaner like 025 isn't it? Not available in RTR is it from what I can see? It's a shame it's lost the blinds as I think they look cool!
  14. Sorry to bring this up again, but the pics on the website if you zoom in say 27m long. Is the illustration wrong? Cheers
  15. Cheers I will give it a think. 500 is a good number, enough to be worth your while but limited enough to be fairly exclusive
  16. Oddly enough, I ordered 97301 as soon as it was announced (about 5 minutes after the email was in my inbox) because of the limited edition nature of it. But it did lead to me ordering a Europhoenix one which was on my "maybe next week" list! Couple of questions Fran, if I decide I want sound on the two 37s is it simple to upgrade when I have only paid a deposit so far? I aren't 100% on what to do as I aren't really bothered about sound but given I'd put a £30 decoder in them it would not be that dear an upgrade. And what is the size of the run for 97301 since it's a limited edition? Cheers!
  17. I know I am resurrecting an old thread, but I have got a similar issue with my FLAs I bought a few months ago. They wobble like mad when going over points etc. I have added some wheel weights into the containers, helps a bit but I don't really want to add more than 50g per container. What I have done is carefully (as they are fragile as I found when they were delivered with some broken) prise the bogies off and put a thin piece of cellophane in-between the bogie and chassis to tighten the bogie-chassis relationship yet still allowing movement. I have done this on one wagon (of 8) but it has helped a lot. I think the issue is that there is a bit too big a tolerance on the bogie moulding perhaps? Anyway thought this may be useful to somebody. Edit, I have now done this on all 8 (and broken 4 bogies while I was on with it) but it has massively improved the wobble.
  18. The ECML stuff has been taken over by Colas hasn't it. I know it's probably part of a bigger package but to me it seems madness to be letting electric only routes be run by diesels when other operators have electrics available. Colas must be the only one without any electrics aren't they? That is unless the 88 did need to use diesel at each end meaning a 90 or 92 couldn't do the work
  19. Yes there is always rule 1! But I also agree railtours are a great cop out. I bought a rake of 5 railroad mk1s for around £60 purely to give my predominantly freight loco fleet a bit of variety! As I am fairly new to the hobby after a 20 year hiatus all the passenger stuff I want isn't available yet!
  20. That's the issue with Chiltern ones though isn't it, nothing RTR to run them with!
  21. Yes that's a good point! Out of interest how come it would be new ground in terms of getting approval for the model? As there are other post privatisation locomotives and multiple units is there something special here?
  22. In fairness the comments from 6 years ago aren't really that relevant are they (other than confirming they didn't get it then)? The one from last year on the other hand, is. Why on earth wouldn't they have wanted to make it available? Unless they were waiting for it to be a better sell/manufacturers weren't willing to offer enough given the issues we are discussing here?
  23. If the diesel mode was a bit more potent (such as with the 93) then they'd be ideal for TPE when the route between Manchester and Leeds is electrified.
  24. There are quite a lot of pics on Flickr of 88s parked up in York (area I model hence the interest here) although I don't know what they are doing there. Also plenty of pics of them running Doncaster to Edinburgh on Network Rail stuff I'll have 2 68s if Dapol do the next TPE run. I'd prefer an 88 to a third 68 (I'd run an 88 with a DRS 68 for nuclear flasks, which I know don't go near York but they are cool). So 50% for me. If they get about more long term maybe more.
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