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Everything posted by Trains4U

  1. We had one of the new large logo 50s arrive with broken cab floors. I suspect it may have suffered a drop. I doubt it is metal fatigue - but be aware, and check any models at the shop or as soon as delivered. We are checking ours as they arrive.
  2. And Hackney Wick station itself has only just re-opened having been rebuilt https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjp1KP8gandAhWKTsAKHZ3_C-UQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ianvisits.co.uk%2Fblog%2F2018%2F05%2F21%2Fhackney-wicks-brutalist-new-london-overground-station-opens%2F&psig=AOvVaw2fVuEaS0Q--agB4yub1T7d&ust=1536413895577068
  3. My stock control says I have 9 packs of SL-112 in stock and 9 Sl-113 converter tracks in stock (The stock control is usually accurate, but not always) Give us a call if you want anything
  4. Yes, I'd agree. Mystery solved! The closest representations I can find are from the road overbridge next to the olympic park: (Google streetview) If you were to walk into the car park at the copperbox arena (to the right) you could probably get to the exact same vantage point
  5. Could you imagine trying to identify Finsbury park or even Stratford works just using google maps...
  6. We sell more paint than you can shake a stick at - Our Humbrol stand is in the same state. Some new paints are trickling through, but it really is in a sorry state. Humbrol has always been our biggest selling line, but we introduced AMMO by Mig in April, and that is now close to overtaking Humbrol in sales volume. Both availabilty and quality are better, and lots of modellers have converted, perhaps never to go back.
  7. Hi all, Just a service update We are expecting some disruption due to a road closure this coming Saturday (8th) the details of exactly which roads are closed are unclear (Thanks Peterborough Council) It isn't clear if it is Fengate that is closing, or Boongate to the traffic lights. In any case, be prepared to make a diversion if approaching from the dual carriageway. Also Next week, we will be closing an hour early early at 4PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Normal opening times will resume from Saturday 15th September This is owing to staff shortages (we must have at least two staff present at any one time). Thanks
  8. There is every possibility it could be Southern. CD allocated engines turned up all the time on workings from Bristol and Cardiff (Though its not a pompey cardiff train) The line west of Bournemouth hadn't been electrified by then, so there's no point looking there. Could it be in Kent? boat train?
  9. Regarding the direct selling, I think Hornby were just too aggressive. A number of my suppliers also sell direct to the consumer, however they pretty much all suggest trying your local stockist first. Hornby do this now. however going back 4-5 years their approach came across as very mercenary. In principle, I don't take issue with manufacturers selling direct, provided they don't sell at below their own MSRP, and if they are to have a sale, those items are offered to the trade first. When Hornby started selling online, the overall impression was "Stuff the retailers" (even though that may have been unintentional) - The terms and conditions were changed to become highly unfavourable, margins were slashed (since restored I might add) and Hornby went on a wild selling spree, slashing the prices of recently produced models on their websites. The independent retail sector, justifiably, felt under attack. the response - put Hornby to the back of the queue, buy and promote brands that support you (Bachmann, Peco, Dapol etc) sell Peco track in preference to Hornby - Revell kits and paints instead of Airfix - Carrera instead of Scalextric - I don't think Peco ever had it so good as during those few years! On top of this were the silly decisions to pump out vast numbers of black steam locos, "Design Clever" EMUs and substandard paint which still clog the shelves today. The management seemed to believe that if they put their wares online, the people will come. especially if they can undercut the retail base. Some customers did come - but nowhere near enough to compensate for the haemorrhaging sales from the independents who, like me, were switching investment to other brands. To their credit, Hornby have taken great strides to rebuild bridges, and they continue to do so, things aren't quite back to where they were in 2008-2010 but it gets better all the time. The management of the time caused a huge amount of damage, and it is going to be a long and slow process to regain the trust of some of the more embittered retailers - and believe me, some are very bitter. There is no reason to stop direct selling, and it can benefit their business if done properly . it is unfortunate that the previous management had the hubris to believe they could do the job of the retailer better. The results show a very different reality. On a more general note - I've noticed a marked increase in footfall over the last 12-18 months. Whether that is down to improved communications or advertising, or a general trend across the hobby, I'm not sure - but people do seem to like a good model shop (I still get a buzz when a new customer walks in and says "Wow!") Things feel like they are getting better, people are spending a bit less time staring at screens and are taking time to get out and see things for themselves. Computer games and screen based entertainment is here to stay, but traditional hobbies and past times are beginning to settle, and I'd say are actually increasing in popularity again. I'm hopeful for the future, and I hope we (and Hornby! )continue to have a place in it for many years to come.
  10. Yep, a new thread would be good (with a nice clear title)
  11. It was a livery trial in 1984 - The intercity livery as we know it, was adopted from the livery applied to the APT and would have been applied to coaching stock, but there were questions over locomotive livery Two 87s were painted, one in large logo (But executive dark grey, not rail blue) and one (87012) in a prototype APT-P style livery. Obviously the APT-P style livery was chosen, but the livery was modified to reduce the size of the yellow band around the nose. If you google "87006 1984" or "87012 1984" you'll find loads of picures
  12. Production appears to be well under way, and they look good in the pics and videos, especially with all the little warnings and notices that seem to have driven Jason to distraction. I'm really looking forward to getting these in. Interest is picking up significantly since the release of the factory images. I'm hoping they arrive in time for Warley! We are already getting close to selling out on pre-order for a couple of variations, so let us know if you still want to secure some.
  13. I think we can probably all agree that this thread is less about Modellers Mecca and more about an individual's less than reasonable expectations. Perhaps time to close?
  14. Hornby locos can be a bit jittery with Bachmann decoders - you need to play with the feedback/Back EMF CVs (54 and 55) to get them running smoothly. lower values in CV 54 and higher values in CV 55 will help as it stops the decoder from sending the surges of power required to kickstart a flywheel fitted motor.
  15. What sort of performance improvements are you hoping for? With Lima motors, the best thing to improve them is a bit of oil on the commutator spindle, and a little grease on the gears, before you even consider playing with the decoder.
  16. Its strange, I spent probably 9 months commuting between Braintree and Southend for my first job., changing at Shenfield every day. I never noticed the Shenfield shark and I'm surprised it's still there. Though my interest in railways wasn't quite what it is today back in 1997. I did spot it on a recent foray to Stratford though. I spent my days riding on the First GE 321s and 312s. I always hoped one of the handful of 321/4s would show up with the declassified 1st class compartment. they seemed to work the Braintree branch more often than not.
  17. You can’t please everyone all of the time. I once had to deal with an angry customer who demanded a refund because the order they placed at 4:45 on the Friday evening of a bank holiday weekend didn’t arrive until Wednesday morning. Sometimes emails fail, or the buyer puts in their email address wrong, so they never get notified. Or there are limited trading days. The internet (especially Amazon Prime) has given a small proportion of the population a zero patience, zero tolerance, want-it-now attitude. Which is unfortunate as most retailers are run by real people, not robots.
  18. I don't think you should be worried about offending anyone for trying to work out colours for varying skin tones! AMMO by Mig do a set - these are made by the same guy who developed Vallejo I don't sell the sets, but I do have the individual paints available http://www.trains4u.com/c/553/Ammo-Paints
  19. We’ve put a few Westerns in the used cabinet...
  20. We have just taken in a large collection of OO western region diesels (1970s condition) Over 20 class 52s (Heljan and Dapol) all weathered and detailed with etchings, buffer beam details and crew The Heljan locos have re-profiled roofs and they are all differently named and numbered. Cab lights and LEDs have been fitted to some locos Also a selection of other locomotives including 08s a class 14, 22s 31s, 33s, 35s, 43s, 47s and a 53 Along with these is a large quantity of rolling stock, buildings, handmade lamps and signals and other bits and bobs. Some will be filtering onto ebay ( https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/trains4ultd ) and some will be in the shop - so do ask or take a look if its of interest
  21. It happens to my Female staff on occasion, though thankfully it’s not a common occurrence. Many of my customers like having ladies behind the counter. The thing is, my staff know their way around the shop, and are great with customers, but thankfully don’t get caught up all day talking about trains! (Though it does sometimes happen!) What I tend to have a problem with, is ageism. Some of my crew, including managers, are quite young. They are often on the receiving end of bad manners because they are perceived to be unimportant. It does make me chuckle when someone demands to speak to my manager though! If they are particularly unpleasant, I usually say “ if you want to speak to a higher power, I suggest you go and find a church!”
  22. Re eBay You CAN sell pre-order items via eBay. But... The items have to be available for delivery within 30 days of the listing, or eBay will take it down. It is a deliberate policy, ostensibly to prevent massive long-term pre-sales of computer/console games and music
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