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Everything posted by PeterStiles

  1. well, yes and no For us on these forums "duplication" is quite detailed = Is there a model of locomotive, class "X" as it was represented in year "Y". For the "person on the street" its wider - "is there a box with a train in it that'll look nice?" and I believe that those people outnumber us on these forums by a fair factor. The fact that Bachmann sell "trains" and Hornby sell "trains" is duplication to most of the populous.
  2. But.. which Womble? Personally I always had a soft spot for Madame Cholet..
  3. When *we* (watching live) hear messages, its a minute or so after the actual message was sent - in theory they filter messages out and add the "****"s into the transcript. So Max was given well enough notice. He just acted like a ****er and ignored them.
  4. I thought it was interesting that they consider they've "done all they can" with Harry Potter and would let that licence slip.
  5. no, that's only when he gets home from the race.
  6. your name is Max Verstappen and I claim my five pound prize!
  7. The nem pocket is nomally two pieces, a socket inside a pocket (or vice-versa I'm never sure) but i've found I've occasionally had to take the inner piece out and turn it upside down so as to get a straight coupling when using easi-shunts,
  8. I like this comment: I'm glad its not just us that Brexit's confused.
  9. That's because... in the TT track packs that Hornby "are selling" there are no power tracks! Yes there needs to be another power track, and I'd hope Hornby realise that before shipping the track packs...
  10. I mapped out the starter-oval + trackpacks ( i think) in any rail and they came out like this: not much more than your 3x4
  11. don't stress over it. I gave up stressing over it when I realised I'd also always have to tap my shunter when it ran over deadfrog points. Life's too short. Especially if the layout is for *your own fun*...
  12. Ya, I've used the Easi-Shunts on my N IngleNook. They definitely couple well and will uncouple when rolled over appropriate magnet. However, I've never managed to make the delayed action uncoupling work when you have to push the wagon over a small-radius point... But they do work very well and i'm now a fair dab-hand at sticking nem pockets (or is it sockets) onto old wagons.
  13. Not for the "N" and "TT" NEM pocket it isn't. You can glue/screw Microtrains on or you can push some Dapol Easi-Shunts(*) into the pocket; but Kaydees are too bigs. (*) cough...
  14. although, on the converse a "small number" of "free membership" would have said an awful lot...
  15. If we go any further south we'll be modelling SNCF
  16. I would have thought that "natural daylight" was the _standard_ and that something/anything should look the Right Colour in such a setting. I know a lot of us are confined to darkened windowless environment lit only by a venerable 40w Osman hanging from the ceiling, but that should never be considered the conditions under which the "colour looks right". They're green. It's a weird decision by Hornby but they stick to it. Not being a GWR modeller/collector except by happenstance I'm not losing sleep over it. Maybe one day I'll buy the Hornby Standard Light Bulb That Makes Them Look Brown...
  17. Well, my Union of South Africa arrived Thursday and it definitely has "The detail pack including the coal etc" included and looks in tip-top condition compared to some of the other examples here. At the moment it is acting as a Conversation Piece on the lounge coffee table as O gauge seems like the solitary gauge I don't have a readily available oval of :( Whilst working out where I can fit one, my kindly wife suggested the far end of the garden. I think that what she was suggesting anyway.
  18. I've always wondered how Beavis and Butthead would describe a vacuum cleaner that worked well.
  19. I have the N gauge one and I've used the little platform completely independent of the building. Looks nice with a little crane on it.
  20. For the last three days I've said "Alexa will it rain on Monday?" and she replied "No" until Sunday when she replied "Yes, there is a 60% chance of rain at 10pm". That was a presage of what was to come. It rained a little in the early afternoon. I scowled at the lying box... Next door neighbour's lent me their teenage daughter to help set up, and we had the train up and running by 4:30pm. There was a slight breeze in the air, but I settled in my chair and found a decent setting on the controller that would run the train fully loaded, all around the circuit without mishap. First satisfied customers at 4:45pm. four children being driven around by their parents (one assumes). The train was complimented by all; happiness abounded. "Customers" dribbled in, but not far after 5pm it started to dribble from the sky on me. I covered the controller, hugged my cup of tea and stared blankly into the coming gloom. Gradually the rain grew heavier and heavier. An umbrella appeared. Happiness began to seep away, washed down the train by the impending monsoon... I have up at 6pm, pressganged the neighbours into help and we had it all picked up from the ground and replaced into the house, so as to dribble all other the flooring by 6:30. All in all a lot of work considering I had less than 30 visitors, parents included. But I suspect I'll do it again next year.
  21. Well, that first match, the wiki article has a "British TT:120" section talking about PECO and Hornby
  22. The data cannot be copyrighted - because "any" person could compile that data themselves from Other Sources, especially if you need to augment the data by sourcing extra information from other sources. Plus as the format of the spreadsheet is not really loadable into a relational database without much rejigging I doubt anyone's going to come after you for *using* the data. There's an open source dude who releases a database with all the Formula One race stats in., and if anyone was going to go after someone on copyright reasons it'd be F1! All you're doing is the same as him - taking publically available _data_ and presenting it in a fresh way . OTOH MS Access is a horrible format but unfortunately one that _can_ be read on virtually any platform (yes you can read the data on a mac - if I can read an MS Access on Linux you can read it on mac....
  23. I don't know whether to smile, laugh out loud, or cry over the fact that they had to write "A concealed capacitor"
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