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Everything posted by proton

  1. How about "Dretta". Then you would have Alex and Dretta (Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail, starting point for Henry Jones Senior's map for the location of The Grail...) John
  2. My girlfriend just before I emigrated had an identical experience (she wasn't pregnant, of course...), and her host explained that the correct expression was je suis rassasier). I married a French Canadian woman, so I get to use the expression regularly.
  3. When enlarged it certainly looks like it, brown is uniform and over the ends, with no blue in sight.
  4. "The other issue in early Mk3 days (1975-76) was the brake settings. When introduced their distributors were set for the HST braking rate of 9%g, this meant that in mixed sets, they would do almost all the higher speed braking, wearing out the pads more quickly and it also caused bunching of the couplers if the brake controller was adjusted too much at low speed." Can you clarify please? Does this actually mean that the maximum brake force was actually set to 9% of 1g? I find braking is not a particularly well-covered aspect of railway operation, for the amateur, and although we see the loco data panels with the brake force stated, is it actually over-stated? J
  5. Two world wars, enormous social upheaval, , the naval race of 1905, the end of Britain's world dominance, the Great Depression, the social class inequalities, the Korean war, Suez, the Clean Air Act. Its a wonder the railways were as good as they were. How fortunate we all are to be able to replicate our favourite railway, and imagine how perfect it might have been. Certainly when I run my trains the world in which they exist is perfect! PBM
  6. I estimate there's about 360 kg of gold there, rather a lot to be on what appears to be a simple shanty stand made of bamboo.
  7. Soon to exist in RTR form if the 2022 poll materializes. Certainly on my hit list, along with an AM4, and class 124... John
  8. Fooling some of the people all the time, and all the people, some of the time...
  9. In the 1970s there was a male announcer at Manchester Victoria who used to announce trains to Blakepool Sarth. My dad and I used to mimic him regularly! Memories...
  10. proton

    Heljan OO 86/2

    Well, I'll have to bin my old Hornby 86/2s for sure now! Although the body moulding is pretty good, the ringfield mechanism is pretty lousy and the short wheelbase shows up against the new AL6 and 86/0 units.
  11. That would be for tins sold in Texas I assume...
  12. Pi-eyed? By a remarkable coincidence exactly 6 months late; Pi day is March 14 (in USA only, of course...) PBM
  13. I lived in Cosford from 59 to 63 and it was common to see double headed steam/hydraulics, but as far as I recall the diesel led the steamer. T'other way round, like this, seems like a recipe for clogged air filters. John
  14. Ah, but not if you go by UTC. PBM
  15. What days are you referring to? PBM
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