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Everything posted by Bryn_Bach_Railway

  1. Apologies if I missed something but was an answer given to this in the end? The thread has moved on by a few pages and I didn’t see anything. Don’t want it to get lost and unanswered
  2. Just an extra question with the DCC function list (or lack off from what I can gather, not yet having the model myself). I appreciate that functions might be different depending on how a decoder is set up, however is this due (for example) two different decoders AUX 4 output being on different pins? Or different decoders having the function outputs assigned to different AUX outputs? if it’s the latter, then is there a list of what AUX outputs perform which lighting functions? As even if a decoder doesn’t line up with them out of the factory, it would help with setting up the decoder correctly if possible. and if it’s the former, maybe a diagram labelling which pin on the model controls which lighting function could be provided? So that users can cross check them against with the decoder of choice to line them up properly, or as close as possible? just trying to get my head around what the issue is, as I’d like to use Zimo decoders (specifically the new MN340D/C depending on if logic outputs are needed) in my pair and just trying to see how much of the lighting I’ll be able to get working. Would rather use Zimo chips if I can as I’d like all the decoders on my layout (except sound) the same. just to keep everything consistent with each other etc.
  3. I might be wrong but as far as I know, no EWS livery 67’s have worked the mk4’s for TFW. Plenty of DB ones however, as well as the odd silver one too! it’s also worth noting that when the mk4’s were originally announced. There was ample stock of 67 013 (a tfw regular in DB red) available from both Hornby and other stores with decent discounts (£99 from kernow at one point) so that could’ve ran with the secound rake id assume the main reason we haven’t seen the black tfw mk4’s released yet is because the final livery has yet to be finalised and applied to the real things. The current black sets are just the ExGC livery with TFW branding, not the final livery of the coaches.
  4. The original announcement on the revolution trains website definitely states OO would have 22Plux. Just interesting to hear that one interface is more flexible than the other, however it’s understandable that one is chosen above the other if that’s the case. can see another case of people struggling to find the appropriate decoders to access all the functions with the amount of 21pin decoders available that differ in ability. But if it gives more features on the model then it’s a worthwhile compromise it seems. (https://revolutiontrains.com/revolution-goes-ahead-with-adelante-and-coradia/) *apologies if this along with my last posts in this thread seem a bit augmentative or overly critical, That’s not my intention at all. I’m simply incredibly excited and interested for these models (was even going to attempt making a class 175 myself before time became to sparse) and just want them to be as close to the real thing as possible*
  5. I suspect they might have made the decision to make it a club exclusive item. And announce it when it arrives as it never really had an “official” announcement anyways. Seems very odd to cancel it after already having samples and it being due in April (4 months)
  6. Had a sample of it at Warley too on their DCC layout
  7. Was never properly announced (can’t be ordered online from Hornby or even viewed). Just added to the website instead of the AWC 805, then after a few months it disappeared again. I did mention it’s listed in the updates of existing products, but so is a GWR Ruston. Hence my belief it will be announced as a “surprise” in a couple months time.
  8. Fairly certain by now one will be a black tfw 67. It’s not been officially announced anywhere but they had samples at Warley and it’s included in their progress update. As much as I’d love the other to be a Welsh 231 / 756, I feel their more likely as part of the 2025 range.
  9. Going off their signal box live streams. They had been through 2 or 3 before Warley. I’d guess the one at Warley wasn’t the final one as that might’ve still been under review.
  10. Looking from further back the door seals don’t look as intrusive. Still a bit too pronounced in my opinion but from afar they certainly blend in a lot more. Be very interesting to see how they look decorated
  11. due may 24 according to this list; https://www.world-of-railways.co.uk/News/Hornby-releases-update-on-2023-announcements
  12. Glad it’s not just me then!, might be a tooling limit as having a look around the model in the photos, all the raises and cuts from the standard body side do seem quite substantial so maybe it’s a tooling limit? The pics are also quite close so that might make it seem more pronounced than it is. Certainly good to see the seals have been picked up tho as you said. I do wonder tho if it would be better to have them slightly recessed rather than raised? Or just leave them painted if in reality they are pretty much flush anyways? Then again I’m not the one making the model and I’ve never worked with toolings either so I appreciate I might be completely wrong. I’m sure the guys at revolution will either tweak it or let us know their reasoning for it at some point. For me atleast it’s not a deal breaker and I’ll still be getting some for the layout.
  13. Those EP’s look great! Although can’t help but notice the doors have a raised outline around them? If memory serves me right on the real things that’s a rubber seal but it never really stuck out to much. Happy to be proven wrong however! Everything else on them looks brilliant. Can’t wait for them to be running on my layout.
  14. My 6 in a variety of livery’s did indeed arrive today, and I must say they look brilliant behind a 60! there’s no major warping on the walkways on mine (there’s a few with a tiny amount, but it’s not noticeable from a distance and can just be excused as wear and tear on the real things) in all honesty I’m very happy. Wish I got more than 6, however that’s all I can fit on my home layout. If there’s still some about when I have an exhibition layout up and running however I’ll certainly look to extend this rakes as one of the first! (quick update; I did have to replace the couplers between the first wagon and the 60 to kadees, as the tensionlocks kept uncoupling after a few loops of the layout. However this I don’t think this is a wagon problem, more of a mix of everything from the 60, the wagons, the Hornby and revolution tension locks being slightly but noticeably different. and my layout being a little bumpy. With kadees fitted they run perfectly)
  15. Had a random Royal Mail email the other day that’s due to arrive today. Hoping that my 6 of these being delivered!. Would’ve loved a much longer rake but I can’t fit more than 6 in my storage yard. Strangely had no dispatch notification from revolution tho. Is this normal for pre-orders? Not sure as it’s my first order from the team. Looking forward to the models arriving, hopefully today 🤞🏻!
  16. Just managed to pick up a sound fitted banana!, took me by suprise in work to get the email. Thankfully no one else was in the office to witness me shoot up out of my seat and pace around while making my order 😅😂
  17. Haven’t tried the hunt couplings but had the same issue with the Hornby magnetic knuckle couplings. I just resorted to using the fixed bar couplings as they are a touch longer, and so give a little more room. Worked for me as I don’t shuffle the coaches around on track and once they’re on they stay on for a while. Understand it’s not ideal for those who take their stock on and off a lot tho
  18. Was trying to work that out with 37 402 the other day but couldn’t, closest I could get was no high intensity light lit up but still had the markers! (Which worked ok as the markers are pretty hard to see if their on or not unless you look straight at them) Hopefully someone has a proper solution.
  19. APT-E = 4973 for me 4 - kind of looks like the A 9 - backwards P (looks closer on the controller than here on text, and being dyslexic I do sometimes forget it’s even backwards 😅) 7 - decently close to the T 3 - backwards E my normal numbering system is to drop the least important digits, so I try keep the the first 2 digits of the DCC address for the class, the 3rd for the sub class, and the 4th for the last digit on the loco. Where possible it’s 0’s that are discarded too. But it doesn’t always work, for example both 37 430 and 37 043 were going to get 3743 as the DCC address (dropping the 0’s has priority over subclass) but instead 37 043 has kept the 0 and dropped the 4 to become 3704 instead theres probably more rules I have in my head for numbering but that’s pretty much the system I go for, any other rules are edge cases anyways
  20. Update as I’m now home from work and have DCC fitted 37 402 with the chip. no cold start has been added :/, but more annoyingly the flange squeal is now having a different issue? All seems to be working when the loco first receives power and sets off (F11 active, but no sound). the loco gets to a curve, and the squeal activates, Hurray! Then the loco clears the curve and is back in a straight, but the squeal persists? And now is functioning like a Normal flange squeal where it’s sounding when ever F11 is active, until the chip losses power completely and then gains it again. Which just restarts the cycle. Any suggestions as to CV’s that can be changed to fix this? I don’t have any of the lok-programmer kit as my normal decoder of choice is Zimo :/ Update: Curiosity and me just want it to work got the better of me so I opened the model up to have a look, turns out it was some gear box lubricant that had made its way onto the sensor contacts, cleaned it up and now all works correctly. Now just the task of re-assembling the beast.
  21. Flange squeal should work off the sensor now. I’m yet to test mine as I’m in work but I’m also hoping there’s now a cold start (have asked a couple times but never had an answer as to if the recording session was successful or now) but not expecting it as nothing has officially been said
  22. That’s for the suggestion, ideally tho I’d like to keep them on the same decoder as then performance should be very similar if not the same (mainly as in speed curves and how it reacts to the throttle etc) so that double heading or top and tailing will be easy to do for rail-tour and heritage line operations, along with the odd test train too
  23. Is there any update on the sound decoders? Both as to when they might be back in stock and as to if the refurbished sound file ever got the cold start added? Have a DC 37 402 and would very much like to get it running and sounding proper :)
  24. Had the notification for my exclusive DCC ready 37 402 being shipped, and then just 5 minutes later, my local model shop calls to say that 37 043 sound fitted I ordered with them has also turned up!, hopefully both will be at the layout by the weekend. any update on the sound chips? Suddenly want one a lot more 😅
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