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Everything posted by GRUNFOS

  1. Looking at those baps, she must having chicken soup next!!!!!! P , Oulet
  2. More apple based poetry .....Ahem....... She was only the orchard keepers daughter but she liked it in cider........... Anon.1645 [probably to Taunton] Coat etc........
  3. I saw this outside Weatherspoons and decided to keep a long way away. Bill.
  4. Today............. I was going to learn how to solder, that will make me a proper modeler, but it sounds very dangerous, ask Tony Wright, I needed to get the manual from the bookshelf, but that is very dangerous, ask Clive, I was going to book a holiday to Australia, but that will probably be fatal, ask DURM members, So I'm popping out for a pint of heavy in Glasgow, should be pretty safe there. B. Ingsafe.
  5. I first went in '92, saw this thing cook itself in the pits! Burn Tout.
  6. Here he goes, delivering another tasty portion of Chicken Jalfrezi and fried onion rice. Berl Esk.
  7. That's because the light suvern stuff don't travel as well as northern treacle does. So it makes sense to have a pishup tasting session in arty farty land. Ave it! Already got me coat, now rapidly exiting.........
  8. I have a set, the transformer is a very good casting and bargain.
  9. Oh dear, I think it was 502 but it was yesterday and I've already forgotten! Multi 21 was the message that Vettel ignored to let Webber back into first place to win the 2013 Malaysian grand prix. Anyway Christmas is coming! Cas Trol.
  10. Very versatile bloke, here he demonstrates how to blow a spamcan's whistle......................... M. Ullet.
  11. The Trowbridge loco is 37 407, have a look at the headcode panel. Regards Paul.
  12. Looks like she like to nibble them as well.............. Hope its cooked properly... M. Itten.
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