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Everything posted by toolongtoremember

  1. I had installed DR5088RC units every 12ft, across baseboard joins using plug connectors. Wire length I have gone for now, no feedback has wire over 40cm long.
  2. I have just read the whole of this thread, it was very interesting. I have used a DR5000 command station, DR5088RC block detection units and DR4018 point control units. Control software chosen is iTrain 5 Pro. I liked the price point for one, and the fact I don't have to rely on a USB dongle to make it work like Train Controller (Imagine turning up to an exhibition and setting up the layout to find the dongle has stopped working!). My points are powered by MP5 point motors, which are a little bit more powerful, and have two outputs; one for the frog, the other for detection of state. I used MP1 point motors on my n gauge layout. They worked just fine. I think the golden rule of block detection and RailCom which nobody has mentioned yet, is to keep wire lengths as short as possible. Especially between the DR5088RC and the track. Otherwise you may get phantom signals appearing, which really screws things up. Try to keep all the detection local, then transmit that over the loconet or which ever system you use to the command station. I had this issue with Weston Parkway my N gauge layout, and as soon as I localized the block detection, all the issues I had went away. As for my choice of hardware, it was the simplest to wire up and implement of all the options I looked at, it just happens to have RailCom which is a great feature and I use regularly as my layouts are exhibition layouts and have to be taken down and set up. Way, way faster to set up with RailCom telling iTrain where my trains are, rather than me doing it on the laptop before I can run them. Below is my latest works:
  3. 1) Warley 2) The Great Central Railway exhibition 3) Ally pally.
  4. Sorry to drag this old topic up, but did this layout progress any further?
  5. Thought I should include this here, gives us all a good look inside the unit! Might help with some DCC fitting etc
  6. I just got the Kernow one, still selling for around £180 from them new, not sure I can justify the additional cash for the new one. Will see what they do with the selling price once people don't buy them.
  7. Brilliant job, I always let the younguns on my layout, just in the hope I can inspire them to be life long modellers!
  8. Hi everybody, Recently I have decided to take the plunge back in to 00 gauge. My effort this time is with Weston Interchange. This layout will be fully computer controlled, where it can be used at home or exhibition. I have purchased a DR5000 command station, two DR5088RC block detection units and two DR4018 accessory decoder units, to go with my partially functioning unit (this one will be used to control two signals). I already have iTrain Pro 5 to run it on and the layout uploaded to the software as a diagram. Weston Parkway is to feature a branchline terminus, with two track station and island platoform, a bus station and shopping centre, car park, block of flats, road bridge and a diesel refueling point also with two tracks. The fiddle yard has two tracks (for now) and has two decks, bottom for trains and top for the laptop to operate and DR5000. Size total is 11ft by 2ft; of which it is in two boards, one 5ft6 in length and the other 4ft6 in length, fits in my car like a glove! All wiring is to be done for reliability and completely enclosed in cable trunking for maximum resilience.
  9. Anybody have an update for the release of these models?
  10. Is there a preorder date for them? Thank you.
  11. Any chance of a rerun on the 144 and 143? Those were brilliant models and now command silly preowned prices! Thanks.
  12. Thank you everybody! I have to find out before I order, as I am only able to mail order and don't own any track, cork or rolling stock at this time in 00 gauge. Postage is expensive for me, so I'll be ordering it all at once. I have chosen gaugemasters 3mm cork. Thanks again!
  13. As per the title of the thread; Which thickness of cork do I buy for use with code 75 track and peco platform edging? I am using peco concrete flexi track and peco platform edging and I want the height of the trains to line up with the platform as best as possible. Which thickness cork will do that for me? Thanks!
  14. Also the shape affects the look of the colour.
  15. I liked the grey, but the paint would not fi ish right for me, it was either gloopy or when sanded down, shiny! I had to get rid of that for a more detailed look.
  16. Platforms got the scalescenes treatment today... and they look much better for it!
  17. I think the reason for this project has gone over most peoples heads. It is to strengthen ties with NI. The project is also going to make Crewe a rail and road transport hub just like the Eurotunnel interchange in Kent. As HS2 just got approved to Crewe, this project seems more likely now...
  18. Anybody know what layout that is at 10:46 in the video? I was inspired to build my Weston Parkway because of that layout. I watched it all day exhibiting next to it, then they let me run my City of Birmingham on it as I was talking with them explaining it wouldn't run on my tight corners... Roll on a year and a bit later and I have Weston Parkway for it to run on!
  19. A bit of an update on the scenery, finally started filling in the area around the station and the network rail yard...
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY-_RyAAn7o&ab_channel=Rule1ModelRailways iTrain running my layout
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