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Everything posted by travelintrev

  1. Morning all, Last day in the UK for a while.....and it's persisting down...still checked in on line, boarding card to print, two parcels to take to PO, carry on to pack (complete with re-stock of plasticard). What ever you're up to, try and find something to smile at. Trev.
  2. Good morning all, my penultimate day in "dear-ole-blighty" which means a trip to the (7 miles away) store to get a couple of pair of jeans & some shirts... Just had to intervene in an e-mail spat between to "wheel re-inventors" .....they shouldn't a) misquote me & b) copy very senior management in the mail! Dull & overcast and quite cool at the moment. So what ever you're up to today, try to find something to smile at. Trev
  3. Good morning all, Nor much to report, the day of playing with Biro train track was thwarted by little man been struck down by a heavy head cold....so he spent nearly all day asleep...the other three were so busy with "after school" activities that they barely had time to see me ! Thing is I'm back to Africa on Sunday morning so wont get another chance this trip. Anyway got the box of part built models packed (a lot of nearly finished 1:24 scale 18inch gauge & bits to finish them) up so a stroll to the local P.O is called for (if it's open today) . Lots of stuff going through my head about how the future of my life is going to pan out... Still suns shining in North Somerset -- though there was a lot of rain in the night---- Try and have a good un. Trev.
  4. Good morning all, A day of keeping a two Y.O. entertained beckons...but at least I'll get to play with the Biro trains! Not much else to report from here apart fro the suns shining dawn chorus was drowned out by a couple of vocal crows. Have a happy hump day, Trev.
  5. Good morning all, day of rest called for... 12 hours with the GC's was more than enough. Though the youngest one did find a big box of Biro (and it's Ikea equivalent) track.....what fun I'm going to have tomorrow! Must pack up the box that's going to Canada today, and one of the 0e locos that's off to Greece... Try to make the best of what the day throws at you, Trev.
  6. Morning all, Up early as I have a day of Grand Children sitting as their school has an in service day. Lunch with son & D-i-L (and their dog) . Was awake at 03:45 for some reason, so packed some more stuff in the box thats going to Canada. Whatever you're up to today, Try to survive! Trev
  7. Good Morning all, Not quite so bright & sunny this morning, off to son & d-i-l for lunch. A couple of (not very good) photos that I promised earlier, the last pair of working boats on the southern part of the Grand Union delivering lime juice to Roses (?) factory in Hemel Hempstead c1975/6. For some reason I can remember the camera (my first 35mm) a Petri 7S with a range finder & built in light meter...but it (or me) was never very good. And a few years earlier me (the hair) playing with trains.... What ever you're up to today, enjoy it the best you can, Trev.
  8. Thanks for posting those. I visited there this time last year, again noaction on the Railway so went to the nearby logging museum, was quite interesting though. My next visit is sort of planed for the end of August...maybe I'll have better luck! Trev.
  9. Well sun is shining, though I only managed a couple of miles this morning, (but half of that was up hill) . The Blue-bells are not quite out which is a pity though. I've only been to the Ratty twice, once on a railtour, (Flying Scotsman, from St.Pancras which was in the early 1970's) and a lot later when I had to sign-off the installation of the engine in the new diesel loco. (Douglas ??) Unfortunately the photos of that trip have gone AWOL. Cab ride up & down the whole line with IIRC two (empty) coach rakes on the drawbar. (Well I had to do full tests didnt I?) Trev.
  10. Morning all, Another bright and sunny morning here, yesterday morning (much to my surprise) managed a 4 mile walk....only started as a stroll round the block. but ended up walking to the next village & back. Called in at the PO and posted off some of the 0e stuff, and picked up a box to ship stuff to my GF's place in Canada....then spent an hour or so deciding which of the bits n pieces from the "will-come-in-useful-one-day" draws. (Hamblings driving wheels any one?) Well think I'll go for a walk shortly & this time take the camera.. Try to make the most of the day, Trev.
  11. Morning all, Bright and sunny in this part of Zummerset. Now the sun helped light a few more 0e models to list. I had forgotten just how much stock I had got! Whether any will shift though is a moot point.... Now I must find that photo with my shoulder length hair....(or perhaps not!) Enjoy what you can today, Trev.
  12. Saw this bit of kit at Swindon this afternoon. All nice new paint!
  13. Afternoon all, Just had a busy day train riding in the careful of FGW....trains on time, and remarkably clean (on the inside), though the outside weathering needs some improvement, just so inconsistent! I mean who weathers (with powders & stains) the below solebar area and doesnt bother with the bogies? Also saw a new "toy" for the Orange Army to play with passing through Swindon this afternoon. As Debs has posted her 'photo from the past, I'll find some of me footplating ... for now though one of me an awful lot earlier. (well the back of my head in 1958!) Trev.
  14. Morning all, Full day yesterday with Grand kids....walk them to school...(with Mum who works part time in pre-school next door) . Then trying to entertain a grumpy 2 y.o......the collect said kids....feed em....go home knackered! And today I'm off train riding to meet Mum & Lil' bro just outside Swindon...think the sun will stay out? Try and survive the day, Trev.
  15. Good morning all, Getting a bit of success in shifting the 0e stock..1 loco and 2 wagons gone ..now a day of grandchildren sitting/ minding (though three will be at school most of the day)....not seen them since I was last here in October. Those at work, happy hump day, the rest of you try make the most of what ever life throws at you today, Trev. Edit to add: PS: Just done the "test" Andrew C found......lots of new words for me to learn..(and that after 40 years in Engineering / construction!)
  16. Morning all, Started going through the boxes of "stuff" I've accumulated over the decades....lots of part built (I mean bits of) scratch built locos...(Mainly "00" but bits of H0, H09, 0n3, 09, 0 & 16mm ) Now do I just junk it or try and find some one who could make use of it? As I cant ship it across the world...Or do I just put it in one box and find some one to "look after it"?? Oh well lets see what the day brings? Trev.
  17. That photo from Debs looks to me like N.American track. In a previous life the company I used to work for supplied BSC with "Stand-still" detectors for the locos at Port Talbot... took me a long time to explain to both the Parts and Service managers what they were for. (Trying to start 900 + tons in a single wagon on damp rail could be lets say a "challenge"! Just listed some of my 0e stuff (I didnt realise I had so much!) on a Ng forum. Not bothered to on here as I doubt theres more than a handful interested in German 0 scale narrow gauge. Keep finding boxes of stuff which I'm in two minds about (mostly scratch building supplies - box of 00 /EM Jackson / Romford wheels) do I keep this in case it will come in useful? Or try and sell it? Trev.
  18. Morning all, Late on parade this morning, just been struggling to "validate" new debit cards as I couldnt remember all the "memorable" words.... Then going to meet my Mum and brother for lunch just outside Swindon on Thursday, which means a train ride (or two) ... sixteen quid return seems like quite a good deal... (plus a tenner for the cab at the Swindon end!) Then trying to start deciding what I'm going to do with all the modelling bits & pieces I've been collecting for the last several decades.....theres even the frames, wheels and cylinder castings for a 3 1/2" gauge Kerr Stuart Wren...(started when I was 16 and but away when I started work - to be "Finished when I retire" ) Cant see that coming with me to Canada some how! Lets try to make the best of what life throws at us today, Trev
  19. Just to prove that the Trolley did make it through some of it's epic journey....pictured with one of my other (an earlier built in Africa) locos. Now suppose I had best start photographing the 0 & 0e stock if I'm going to sell it!. Trev.
  20. Good morning all, Late on parade as I've just awoken from twelve hours solid kip. Very quite here at night........apart from a pair of squabbling cats, and then a crow seemed to join in.... Now may be take some snaps of the models that came back from Ng, before they get packed up to send to their new (and hopefully my )home near Vancouver. I've really got to make up my mind what to do with the 0e ( and some 0 European) Rolling stock. Theres also an 0e /0 exhibition layout to get shot of too. Try and enjoy the day... Trev.
  21. Morning all, just! Been back in dear old blighty for a couple of hours after for some reason a sleepless night. Normally once I'm fed on the plane, its solid sleep till break fast. But a window seat on a clear night is a marvel! Models seemed to have arrived safely, with no inquisitive security / customs type poking about. Reckon a couple of hours kip is called for after lunch...enjoy the rest of your day, Trev.
  22. Evenin all, well first part of the journey home to the West Country is underway.....though the EX -SWMBO tells me it's cold wet...how can I cope with temps in single figures? Air Side at Lagos Airport. But it will be good to see the Grand kids (2 of each!) .....S-i-L has now had the snip, but just to make sure my daughter went to watch! The traveling models (1:24 truck & trolley) have gone through the first security scan....(two more to go. ) With luck next post from me should be at some ungodley hour from Amsterdam Enjoy your evening Trev
  23. Morning all, Todays Friday! Eventually (the net being sooper s l o w last night) got my self checked in, trouble is KLM wanted me to "up grade" (for money of course!) Seemed to take ages to navigate the on line check-in site, This time tomorrow morning all being well I should be drinking coffee in Schipol airport. Ian, good luck with your VIP... Try and have a good one. Trev
  24. Good morning all, Internet been playing silly wotsits for the last couple of days... (just as I typed that it went again! - oh the joys of Africa!) Still tomorow night I'm outta here...couple of weeks in the UK..(grand kids - ex wife - children Mum etc) Got to persuaded them all that the "Bank - of - Dad " is closing next April. Try and be good, Trev.
  25. Good Morning folks, Not yet light here and it might rain or it might not, but it will be the wrong side of thirty ©! Nor much else to report from this part of the dark continent - roll on Friday! Try and have a good one, happy Hump day, Trev.
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