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Everything posted by travelintrev

  1. South bound BNSF train heading down the coast past White Rock taken yesterday (Thursday) morning by my GF. (Bless her!) She has promised more another day. (Only eight weeks till I'm there!) Trev. (edited for typo)
  2. Good Morning all, TGIF! Day from ***** yesterday, spent most of it sat in Traffic due to a shipping container falling off a truck blocking most of one roads in and out of the Apapa docks area. Then: yesterday afternoon the guy who books our flight tickets had prevaricated for so long about confirming the booking of my next flight that the cost had gone up by $200 ...the bit I have to pay. Company will only pay to UK, any were else I have to pay the difference. Then: Laptop had a wobbly while I was eating my evening meal .....the pointer turned into a an egg-timer shape....then Chrome crashed, followed by the lap-top its self. Several hours and many badwords later I got it working again. Then: Out to the kitchen to make bed-time cuppa and found the fridge covered with ants...... But the bright thing was my GF sent some pics from her Local Station... (hopefully mine too next year) and beach. Lets see if we can all survive another day? Trev.
  3. Good morning all, no sunrise this morning, looks like a grey day ...but that could change! To much work last night to do any modeling, never mind though , two more sleeps and it's the week-end! Trev.
  4. Good morning one & all, Bit of a disturbed night as the neighbours decided to watch the football beside their pool, which is almost below my bedroom window, but then the thunder & rain put paid to that..... there's been heavy rain through most of the night which will make traveling today interesting! This mornings photo is of the Steam Dummy, done about as much to it as I can here, but I have started on something nearly as esoteric! Enjoy your hump day as best you can, Trev.
  5. Evening all, Thought you might like to see this mornings sunrise. They only last for a few minutes here...Theres been thunder rumbling around all evening but so far no rain...as I'm out in the bush tomorrow. Meant to tell you that yesterday morning there was a large (about one & half meter long) snake moving along one of the main arterial roads, people just swerving around it! It was not happy as it kept striking out at passing cars and bikes! ..but guess it eventually ended up in some ones cook pot!. Of to be now, sleep tight all, no nightmares eh? Trev.
  6. Good morning all, looks like I've got another two days of travel like yesterday....but didn't some one once say "variety is the spice of life"? Have a good and enjoyable holiday Jock, Lets try and survive whatever life throws at us today? Trev.
  7. Evening all, I could have what was called an "interesting" day...... early this morning a container fell off a truck and blocked one of the major arteries in Lagos.(aka - "Potholes R Us".)....grid lock for miles and miles, so ended up using lots of (6 hours in the car) secondary roads in what is becoming one of the worlds "Mega Cities" . These roads are like the proverbial curates egg. But proved that "All Wheel Drive in my Kia works, and the doors dont leak! To knackered to do any muddling tonight, Till the morning, Trev
  8. Good Monday Morning one & all, I had quite a productive (modelling) day yesterday with paint going on the Steam Dummy parts and the start of another esoteric loco! Though I guess I ought to build some more rolling stock? Lets hope the week brings good news? Trev.
  9. Good Sunday Morning one & all, bloomin cold here (and raining) it's only 25C! Theres also a very big black cloud head towards us too...... Looks like I'll be able to get a bit of modelling in today too. As to weddings - marriages, I got dumped (by Skype!!) after 37 years... will there be another one .. hopefully ....but I've got to pluck up the courage to ask....(once bitten - twice shy etc) Whatever you're up to today try to find some thing to smile at, Trev.
  10. Good morning all , and happy solstice (Summer / Winter as appropriate)...makes little difference here being very close to the equator! Might get a bit of modeling done today, but have got work to do and meeting a supplier for lunch. Have a good day all. Trev.
  11. Morning all, TGIF! Lets hope the day goes well. Roll on Saturday. Trev
  12. Good morning one & all, Only a couple of things I remember Mum saying (and she still does!) - well you've made your bed- now lie in it - as well as the standard - wait till your father gets home - Still the wheel re-inventors are still not learning very much........grrrrr, Try to survive whatever life throws at you today, Trev.
  13. Good morning all, Not much else to report though it's a bit warmer this morning, and will be heading for the mid thirties.... Have a happy hump day, Trev. PS: Edit (Robert was posting at the same time as I was) Congratulations Robert, hope all goes well for you both.
  14. Good evening all, talking about temperatures , here first thing this morning the temperature was only 22C House maid was complaining about how cold it was! Mind you I dont think it's been over 28c today.....positively chilly! This evening one of the neigbours had his lawn trimmer out. (Not many burgers on it yet though!) Try and have a good evening folks, Trev.
  15. Good morning all, I too am enjoying Colins photos. As a youngster my brother & I were regularly dragged round Churches around the Northern "Home counties" as they were both keen church bell (change) ringers. There are some pretty amazing churches in rural England many built (IIRC) on the back of "wool" money. What ever life throws at you today, try to remember o find something to smile at, Trev.
  16. Tony I cant add any more to the comments about appalling situation that Aditi finds herself in. But dont let the bar-stewards win! (I was told not only was I too old, but also that I knew too much!) ... when a few month later they asked if I would go back....I was rather brusque with them. By that time the HR manager had also gone! Gets back home this evening, tropical rainshower, temperature the other side of 30C - humidity 98% and NO power.. some one had forgotten to order fuel for the blocks genset ( not me though!) Now just finished a report on an installation "we know what we're doing" type customer.....can you send the commissioning engineer tomorrow? Told them they're nowhere near being ready. I'm not allowed to write "I told you so"!!!! Anyway another 1970 type photo from I-o-M. Try and have a good evening.
  17. Morning all, in case any one needs reminding, it's Monday....! Try to survive the day, Trev
  18. Good Sunday Morning all, Was pretty busy yesterday until I just ran out of steam........and just sort of sat and cogitated. Did manage a culinary first for me.....made a lasange! Trouble is I made way to much and the only dish to cook it in was round and deep! Never mind it still tasted ok. Now another I-o-M Picture from either 1969 or 70. Douglas Station, with one side being used as a car park. Try to enjoy the day (my off spring seem to have forgotten me - now were's the will?) Trev
  19. Good morning all, and welcome back Don, (I was getting a bit lonely as the sole ER'er on this continent!) Interesting day yesterday....got stopped on the road by members of the "Immigration special forces" ....doing identity checks.... well that wasted a good thirty minutes. (Well out of town on the road that does go to Bennin) Then on the way back - different route - was going to risk a second stoppage! There were three broken trucks.....one a straight and reasonably good road how do you manage to turn a artic completely upside down? Another had lost two rear wheels and they had totaled a car and truck going in the opposite direction ! Anyway another of my I-o-M pics, either '69 or '70. What ever you're up to today try and find something to smile about, Trev
  20. Good morning all, TGIF (Even though it's number 13!) Been raining overnight, so it least that will lay the dust. Not much else of interest to report from here, though there were a couple of instances on the railway locally. The rail co increased some fares, and has introduced some new a/c coaches. So some of the locals rioted - burning down a couple of station buildings.....turned out the rioters where those that hang on the outside or on the roof of the train, who dont pay anyway! Whatever you're up to today, stay safe, Trev.
  21. Evenin all, Wheel re-inventors out in force today! Grrrrrrrr! Never mind they'd realised the error of their ways by this evening.....so thats my evening of modelling shafted! Anyway here's tonights "blast from the past". Trev
  22. Morning all, well back to normal - if theres ever such a thing here! Not much else from me at the moment, more later with luck, Try and remember to find something to smile at today, Trev.
  23. Evening all, well survived the so called "training" more like product sales....and I did not need to really about domestic smart electric domestic meters.....what they do with the electric once I've sent it over the wall, I dont really care! Though these smart meters did cause a lot of very "Loud" discussions as a lot of the delegates did not completely understand the principles! And throwing in tonight's nostalgia photo, same station as last night I think no doubt NHN will put us right! Be good, Trev
  24. Good morning all, It's hump day as has already been mentioned. Not much to report from here though it's still dark and heavy rain & thunder forecast for later. I did have a thought about Don B, I seem to think that he did give some clues as to were he lived because I did look on Google Street view. I f some one got the time & inclination maybe they could see if that post could be found & maybe make a phone call? Just a thought, Try to have the best day that circumstances allow, Trev
  25. Evenin all, A day of (some one elses) C-C , 9am start (which those that know is an impossibility in Lagos) turned in to 10:30, mind you it is held in a very posh hotel, - when looking for a towel after washing my hands in the facilities, proper fresh warm individual hand towels....! And tomorrow it's the same again! Looks like Ian A has had a result in the other place, perseverance paid off. Anyway another picture for NHN. Try to enjoy the remains of the day
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