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Everything posted by travelintrev

  1. Good Morning all, Now diesels & "clag", I could give you full "chapter & verse" on this, but I wont (to much like work!). But in a nutshell (with smaller hi-speed lumps say 20 - 3000hp - 2100rpm Max) most of is down to not only getting fuel / air mix right, but also getting cylinder temperatures hot enough. I did a lot of field work on this problem with one of the major engine manufactures during the 80's & 90's. BTW the engine in Challenger we did screw up to over 2000hp on the test beds..(and didnt break it). Not much more from me this morning - another day of trying not to beat wheel re-inventors up, try to enjoy something today, Trev.
  2. Good morning all, well thats another month half over! Soon be August folks. My experience with model steam out doors was limited to Bowman & BL pot -boilers at the clubs outdoor railway back in the '60's ( clubs still going with it's large out door layout too). So really do love those ones of Neil's. The 3 1/2" gauge Tich dont count as I only steamed it a couple of times. Still it's hump day, so best get on, Trev.
  3. Happy St Swithens day & good Morning all, busy one ahead for me too, three meetings back to back this morning (fortunately in my office) , then to make life "interesting" I was told last night that theres 7 containers being delivered to four different sites on Thursday.... Hope your days a good un, Trev.
  4. Evenin all, As promised (only one - just in case you-know-who might be lurkin!) Of my De-Winton alike and luggage van. (1:24 scale) Chassis will have to wait until I get new workshop set up.....(GF has allocated me space even getting rid of some furniture!!!) But then there are about six (or eight!) 1:24 locos that need running gear - or finishing. I have plans (only in my head) for at least two or three micro layouts....just hope that Ikea in Vancouver has still got some Apa boxes next month! If the loco and van look a bit wobbly, they are currently held together by gravity. Nearly bed time, pleasant dreams, Trev.
  5. Good Morning all and welcome to another week! managed to get some modelling (and work ) done yesterday, and amazingly managed to listen to most of the BB from Japan! Now lets see what today is going to chuck at us? Try and enjoy your day, Trev.
  6. Back again, and to add some thing to the discussion about the school slate with my Mother. At 87 she is still giving talks to local schools & teachers about life & practices in Hertfordshire village schools from Victorian times to WW2. Apparently the slates & slate pencils used were from Spain being a softer slate than the Welsh product. As part of her "Props" she still takes her Mothers (who was village school teacher before marriage post WW1) slate & pencil! Now must get on with some work, then theres bacon & baked beans for brunch. Trev.
  7. Good morning all, Thanks for the pics Neil, the C.I ones bring back some pretty good memories. (most of my visits though were in the spring & autumn. ) Managed yesterday to get a site visit in, and some shopping as I was near the SA owned store that does sell pork. Bit of modelling time yesterday evening, then just as I was about to post this photo last night the 'net went! I dont know whether the full moon effected it or what but the phone line kept dropping out last night too which made the chat with my GF (who's in Vancouver) difficult. Most nights its so good which make the times when it's bad seem worse. Have the best day you can. Trev.
  8. Good morning all, for some stupid reason I agreed to go to a site meeting at 8:30 this morning - before I remembered that today was Saturday! Though sometimes that is the only time all the right people can be in the same place. Never mind though it takes me near the supermarket where I can get some pretty decent pork. What ever you're up to today do your best to enjoy something! Trev.
  9. Good morning all, TTFIF! - big "U" turn from the wheel reinventers yesterday, as they found they didnt quite know as much as they thought they did! Hence I finished work around 10pm.......! Back to slates...my gran had one outside the back door so she could write messages to the village milkman. At school in the '50s (built in the late thirties?) I only seemed to remember writing on paper.....dont remember any sandpits though! What ever you're up to today, remember to smile! Trev.
  10. Good morning all, An interesting day yesterday, the Multi-national I work for has decreed that as part of its "Corporate Social Responsibility" that all members of staff 'volunteer' to do some work in the community, seems that my team has been delegated to do some work in some local orphanages. So yesterday afternoon we went to look at a couple. Well looks like I'll be doing a bit of block laying (to put a wall around a sand pit) supervising some painting & overseeing some refurbishment of the kitchen roof. Oh well makes a change to my normal job, have the best day you can, Trev.
  11. Good Morning all, Really good news about Aditi? Not much else to report from here....not over hot (but humid), then found some useful modelling material in the local super market yesterday afternoon. Some 10 x 3 x 300 bamboo (wood) skewers! (In 1:24 - 10" x 3") So very useful for wagon frame building. (and other things!) Well its hump day again - so try to enjoy? Trev.
  12. Good morning all, Glad to hear that NHN & Jock had good holidays, safe return home chaps. Commiserations to those with those with medical problems, so far I've been lucky....(and the one thing you dont want to do here is get ill!) Had a full and frank discussion with the GM last night, who was a bit p**sed off that I'd even considered quitting, told me he'll be having "words" with the culprit. We'll see, Lets all try to survive the day? Trev.
  13. Good morning all and welcome to another week? Not much to report from here at the moment, but I did manage to get a bit more modelling done (1:24 scale fruit boxes!) . Lets hope we all have the day we can, Trev.
  14. Well as promised a photo of the last few weeks modelling activities....see I am starting to build some goods stock too! In fact there's a flat wagon under construction (mainly from coffee stirrers ) held together with clothes pegs on the dinning table as I write this! Temperature is barely 29c with sporadic thunder storms forecast for this afternoon through till tomorrow. Trev.
  15. Good morning all, Suns up here, temp will rise to the early thirties......with the real-feel being several degrees higher! Did manage to get some modeling done yesterday though the "mojo" seemed reluctant to kick in. Pics Later, As there seems to be an interest in watching rain showers I'll have to post some from here! Whatever you're up to today, try to remember to smile! Trev.
  16. Good morning all, Dull and - cool - (26C) solid 10 hours sleep last night too. Decide that modeling is going to take precedent over work this week end I have some cunning plans! Lets hope that those traveling, exhibiting and what ever else today have a good un! Trev.
  17. Good evening all, as I might have mentioned last night was complete ***t weather, (storms that went on till the early hours) work c*** - which nearly caused me to write a letter of resignation... not quite as much today...I just didnt do too much. ! Then tonight caught site of this chap (there were three of them) on my neighbours roof. I've been hearing some really lovely bird song in the evenings, and tonight photographed the culprit! Trev.
  18. Good Morning All, TTFIF! Bad day yesterday work wise, no net last evening for most of the time, which was probably a good thing else some of the e-mails I was going to write - didnt! Then crappy phone line to my GF.......and consequence was very little sleep. Still compared to the troubles of some on here, these things pale into insignificance. Try to make the most of your day, Trev.
  19. Good morning all, not much to report from here though it is quite cool this morning , barely 23C at the moment! ... Whatever you're up to today remember to find some thing to smile at! Trev.
  20. Morning all, Tiresome morning sofar...I normally have half a grapefruit for my breakfast - this mornings had so many pips in it there was hardly any flesh. Then tried to open a can of corned beef for lunch time sandwich , guess what -the key broke! Not unusual occurrence, so standard can-opener employed....only partial success, second can opener employed --- ten minutes later the meat is out of the can! Still it's hump day, so lets try to find something to enjoy today, Trev.
  21. Of all the Chanel Isles I always preferred Guernsey, Jersey just seemed to be too full (even "off-season") . Never got to Alderney though ( the only one now with a proper railway). Sark always seemed strange (well they didnt seem to understand why the diesel generators didnt like running on a mix of gas oil & rainwater!) A lot of my colleagues at that time were envious of my "patch" which was everywhere west of the A34, and south of a line from Oxford to Portmadoc! (Though somehow I did manage to get in Dundee, Aberdeen, Hull & two days officially on the "Ratty".) But travelling around the West of England in peak holiday season was not something to be envied! Manic tropical downpours here for about two hours this morning roads flooded so normal commute that is 15 - 20 minutes took over 90! Then get to the office and the lightening had knocked out the local cell phone tower, so no internet till just before going home time! So most of the evening has been so far spent working. try to enjoy the rest of the evening, Trev.
  22. Good morning all, pinch & a punch for the first of the month, White Rabbits etc! Funny thing is I never heard the White Rabbit until after I left skool! Thunder & rain is still around this morning....dont do my head much good! Try and survive what ever life throws at you today, Trev, PS; Happy Canada Day too!
  23. Good Monday Morning all, Not much else to report from here... Be good, Trev.
  24. Good Morning all, I've always had a soft spot for Garrets, being born beside the Midland (London extension) mainline, and regularly taken "train spotting" before I could walk! Unfortunately they had all gone by the I was old enough to go "spotting" on my own. Never managed (yet) to see the North Welsh ones in action - apart from on you-tube. Yesterday some one decided to have a fire drill at our apartment block (11am) ...thing is there are bells in the stair ways, but they cant be heard in the bedrooms of the apartments they are faint in the sitting room. Well the security guard came round banging on doors....most residents and staff made their way to the muster point in the car park. Apart from one couple who decided that their Saturday morning lie-in was more important than their lives! (at that time many hadn't realised that it was a drill.) looks like a bit more modelling today for me. Whatever you're up to today, try to find something to smile at. Trev.
  25. Good morning all, Hope all goes well for Andy and Bob....stressful days for both. Seems like the thunder & heavy rains are on their way here, I seem to get a headache before any thunder-storms nowadays. This mornings photo is another from my dear GF, believe it or not there is an eagle in that tree! The local wild life people have put a web-cam in an adjacent tree so I have been (when the nets permitted) been watching the little ones grow up. Whatever you're up to today try to find something to smile at. Trev.
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