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Everything posted by travelintrev

  1. Evening all, Marilyn had promised me something different for today (wot no trains?) Sothis was a trip to La Jolla beach in San Diego....which this morning had a large group of habour seals basking in the sun , and to my surprise around the corner having climbed the cliffs, a lot of Sea Lions. The Pacific was pretty rough this morning. But Santa was kind (even though it has taken him very long time to answer my letter) and bought me a loco kit. Hope you all have survived the day without to many more traumas! Sleep well , Trev.
  2. Good and a Very Happy Christmas Morning to all what I like to think are my fiends on Early Risers. Suns just about to set across the Pacific Ocean outside the door.... I happened to mention the other day that I had never had an "American" pancake....Marilyn rectified that omission this (Christmas eve) morning... good job that they have "doggy bags"! In case it's not clear that is an Apple pancake. Whatever you are up to today, be good, and enjoy your day, Trev.
  3. Morning all, rest assured that the 4 x 4 driving plonkers are alive and just as stupid this side of the pond, except their trucks can be the size of small houses! Though at least there weren't queues at the check-outs in Wallmart (American for Asda) GF forced me on yet another train ride ride this morning, on a twisty suburban branch line. Takes hour each way for two (US) dollars, in modern European stock.. Next to the terminus there is a craft store were I managed to get some Testors weathering paints & pens. Lets hope your Christmas Eve goes to plan. (I don't think there's any train activity planned for tomorrow --but I didn't know about today's trip!) Try to survive, Trev.
  4. Morning all (seems strange saying that in the middle of the afternoon! ) Just back in from lunch on the pier at Oceanside. (and managed to take a few train photos too...!) But no train photos today, just some sea side ones. Try & make the most of what Tuesday throws at you. Trev.
  5. Good day all, When Marilyn originally broached the idea about me moving in with her she did ask how much "room" I was going to need for my trains..... well yesterday she got her answer (yeah - right, in my dreams! ) . Right, suns up , surfs up - I'm off (to watch from the balcony!) Trev
  6. Morning all, Well as promised there were "train" things today....a visit to the San Diego Model Railroad Museum. Some quite good modelling in parts and some spectacular floor to ceiling scenic modeling. Big layouts in N H0, & 0 as well as tinplae & Lionel. Did start chatting to one of the operators -until he had to excuse himself as his train had gone AWOL! Also found some Poinsettias on display Sunset here was (Sunday) 16:46. (I'm staying just off the beach).. Lets hope every ones day goes well. Trev
  7. Morning all, (Though still Saturday evening here!) As promised GF pushed me out of bead early this morning to take the train into Los Angeles . Could I face two two hour trips ? (silly question) First time I've been on double deck train. L-A's Union station is something else...Then one more new experience for me, treated to another treat for lunch - real Mexican food. (As the restaurant had an out side area I seemed to attract the birds again! Now I've been promised something else rail related tomorrow - Sunday. Just a few photos for you. The rest of the rail related ones I'll start another thread for. Lets hope your Sunday goes well. Trev.
  8. Morning all, Quite an interesting day, went through a place called "Cardiff by the Sea" ... We had lunch at the harbour at Oceanside with a very well behaved companion. Tomorrow (Saturday) I've been promised a train ride or two, though on the cushions , not by jumping a freight! Lets hope all our Saturdays go well PS..My comment about Bristol airport (my local - 3 miles from my UK home) was based on experience.
  9. Morning all (well it's just turned 9:00 am here! ) SUNS shining temperature is in the low 60s (F) going out in bit for who - knows - GF has "plans" ! (But they wont involve shopping) . Back to my experience at Atlanta yesterday morning , firstly it was early (05:15) when we touched down, then as UK citizen you have visa waver and you self scan your passport answering all the question live on screen (bit like self check in at some UK airports) ... you take the receipt and you passport to immigration officer who stamps the receipt & your passport - go out through a security check point (scanner thingy) and hand the receipt to customs guy & walk out. It's taken me longer to get out of Bristol Airport!. ENjoy your evening Trev.
  10. Morning all, safely ensconced in GF's winter quarters. On the way from the airport a trip around some of San Diego's waterfront -- including for those of a nautical persuasion the USS Midway.... though I first read that as "Meadway" -- then couldn't understand why the US naval authorities would name an aircraft carrier after a Kentish river! - blame it on yet lag! Also saw some trams - including what looks likes a PCC car. More investigation is called for. Good news too for George, Have the best day you all can, Trev.
  11. Morning all, from a COLD Alanta Airport (only 3 c! @ 06:00am ) couple of hours then a 4.5 hour flight to the West Coast - just hope as I'm in the center of 3 seats ( no windows or aisle left when I tried picking them the other day. Just hope my seat companions are not "plus" sized as one poor chap had on the flight from Lagos! Immigration clearance here is very slick I was through in less than 20 minutes from getting off the plane! One of the real "joys" that I get from working in Nigeria is the reception & retaining of information that I have (and still are) trying to impart in to my "team" .... there is one guy that as I told the GM the other day who will be able to pretty well step into my shoes when I finally quit. (Mind you I've been doing this sort of job for best part of half a century - he's only been under my wing for eight years! Be good Trev.
  12. Evening all, sat in the departure lounge at Lagos international airport --- flights not for a few hours - but it has taken me since just after 5 - now 7pm here.to get air side! I just hope that some of the hyped up kids running around are no where near me on the flight! Providing I can find free wifi at Atlanta in the morning I'll up date from there , make the best that you can for the rest of the day, Trev.
  13. Morning all, just quickie post this morning as I've got two container to get on two sites ,and get to airport by 5pm! So what ever you're at today, lets hope it goes well, & for those under the "weather" -speedy recovery! Trev.
  14. Good morning all, Not sure what the days going to bring for me - I know what should be happening ..........................but! Still lets hope that what ever you're up to brings a modicum of success. Trev.
  15. Evening all, Like many of an age on here I remember waking up boxing day (IIRC) morning 1962 to what seemed like a zillion feet of snow! I had just had for Christmas my first "Proper" Camera - 35mm Petri 7S ( with range finder & light meter built in!) Just the thing! Went out and about for the rest of the day. Somewhere those slides are still around. The snow hung around in places until at least the half term holidays. London Country bus that I took to school ( Mum forbade me to cycle!)was not running for several days once school restarted. As it was "only" 5 miles hessian sacks were tied over my wellies & walking to - from school was a norm until the buses started running normally. Oh "happy days" (not !) Been a chaotic day - as predicted, and bythe look of my work email in box it's not stopped yet. ! Be good Trev.
  16. Good morning one & all, Welcome to yet another week - lets hope we all make to the end without too many catastrophes!. I know mine will be crazy - (and it's only three days for me!) , Stay safe, warm & dry, Trev.
  17. Looks like all had a cracking time Neil? Seem to remember many many many years ago doing something similar at Leighton Buzzard - even though I was firing Pixie (KS Wren) for driver Santa - who caused much merriment by busting out of his suit!. I seem to remember it was very chilly --(Well actually if was Fuffin cold) I guess in the fullness of time there'll be some You-tube footage of todays exploits? Trev
  18. Afternoon all, Just taking a break from my planning tasks ...going to be a bit of a tricky job - with very little clearance! . All this talk of Rum reminds me of an alleged "jolly" I went on for work. A Rum manufacturing plant in Barbados...sounds good dont it? Wrong! When the guys out there had told me they'd stripped the engine (30ltr straight 6 IIRC) and I was to rebuild with new bearings, liners, pistons injectors & overhaul the heads...... well they had stripped it completely - to the last nut and bolt....So what did I see of the island - zilch (well apart from what I saw from the plane window as I flew out! ) . OH well must press on though I feel the need for a Sunday afternoon snooze. Be good, stay warm Trev.
  19. Morning all, Not a lot of sleep last night for some reason kept waking up in a panic about a new project - never mind only three more sleeps & I'm outa here! Lets hope your day goes well, Trev.
  20. Good evening one & all, Well as you might have guess only one of the two containers showed up --- but wont get unloaded till Monday. Still managed to get my hair cut today -for the third time this year! (but as theres not much left on top I was in and out of the barbers within 20 minutes ) Then spent most of the afternoon trying to plan how to get a 20 tonne boiler into quite difficult location....my suggestion (with tongue very firmly in cheek) that the ideal way would be to use a heavy lift helicopter resulted some very stony faces - some people have no sense of humour! Mind you yesterday I was presented with a Xmas hamper by one of our contractors --- which included a 20oz Coffee Mug & Large box of chocolates (currently in the fridge where they should stay). Oh well back to crane lifting charts - etc, Be good Trev.
  21. Good Saturday Morning all, not much of a lie in for me, couple of site visits to do - then was told late last night that two containers full of kit where turning up at our warehouse - workshop this morning - seems that once the customs agents got their "Xmas bonus" all sorts of stuff comes out of the docks! So lets hope whatever your day brings you find some thing to smile at. Trev.
  22. Good morning one & all, TTF it's POETS day! Been a fairly (even for here) manic week, and the next promises to be just as bad. Oh well I guess that life? Not much more from me at the moment, maybe more later, try and make the most of your day, Trev.
  23. Evening all, feeling just a tad grumpy this evening - no particular reason, just my normal demeanor at this time of year. Still only 6 more sleeps and I'm orft to Sunny Southern California! Trouble is GF says there's a train line just a block away............now that's a buqqer isn't it? Still been promised a train ride into LA...! (and back hopefully!) Yes Neil I (if & when I get back to UK ) was quite tempted with the Squeezy Jet offer... Brizzel airfield is out in the sticks a bit, but there is a reasonable bus service into City Bus/coach & Train Stations (goes on to Bath as well) .Thats of course if FR hasnt been re-located to Cumbria by the weather..... Stay warm, dry & safe, Trev.
  24. Good Morning all , lets hope all have survived weather wise over night. Not much else to report from here, though I did get a note from Bristol Airport that the Orange Airoplane company are now offering cheap flights to Fraggel Rock from April. Anyway tomorrows POETS day, Be good, stay safe , dry and warm, Trev.
  25. Good evening one & all, been a bit of a manic day today work wise ( as often is as the run down to Xmas starts this week end with the majority of expats heading out.) But of course there was a rumor going around yesterday& today that the tanker drivers were going on strike (they're not - but you know what rumors are) so roads out side every fuel station just totally gridlocked. Until you've been here you've never seen such selfish driving-- ! Any to lighten the mood GM's PA asked if she could "Borrow" a couple of my guys trucks this afternoon "to get some stuff" - looks like she's been doing her Xmas shopping! (Typically each of those baskets would be equivalent £50 -£60) Then was treated to quite a nice sunset this evening and the little guy just waiting for his supper! Hope no one is suffering to much from the "Weather Bomb" that's reportedly attacking the UK, stay safe , warm & dry. Trev.
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