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Everything posted by travelintrev

  1. Morning all, hump day again! Where does time go? Are the days really getting short as one ages? woke up just after 3 as it suddenly got very hot --- so turned the a/c on now I've got a dry throat - so more tea I think. What ever you are up to today - lets try and make the best of it, Trev.
  2. Neil, she is absolutely gorgeous I WANT one - although I know I'm unlikely again to have the space to have a garden railway..but I do fancy builing a 1:24 scale version...providing I can find the drawings! Been try to get some one to take my 0e layout off my hands - but there dont seem to be a lot of interest. Supper time approaches , night all. Trev.
  3. Morning all, Well last night thunder didnt disturb me. I sent GF the photo I found - "you looked like a right nerd - but never mind you're my nerd now" .... not quite sure how to take that? Not much else to report, lets hope our Tuesday goes well. Trev.
  4. I've just had a shock - while looking for something else on Google I found a f l k r photo of me in 1973 perched on the buffer block of the sister loco to the one I had just bought.....scary stuff! Bed time here (thunder permitting!) 'night all, Trev.
  5. Morning all, (well it is here!) Clocks dont change . Not much to report so far, though I did think about doing some modelling yesterday .....but that as far as it got! Lets hope all our Mondays go well, Trev.
  6. Good morning all, Busy day yesterday so no afternoon snooze for me! Not to hot either as we had a double dose of tropical rain for some hours - the fairly steady rain for most of the rest of the day. Bit overcast at the moment and only 25c! (how am I going to cope with the UK in November?) Still what ever you are up to today - try and make the best of it, Trev.
  7. Morning all, All this talk of Transit driving - used to have one off the first generation twin wheel ones as a service van (big step up from the preceding Morris one ton heater less van!), at that time there was nothing on the road (apart from a few Jags) that could touch them I seem to recall. Anyway, I was mistaken about breakfast - it was a very nice "Spanish" omelette.... so now a trawl around the forum, then the news and then some work0! I do have an idea about a modelling project that I might start....perhaps , maybe. What ever your day brings - make the best of it you can, Trev.
  8. Evening all, Seeing that photo of Ian's Bob reminds of my only foray into EM (well back in the late 60's) I built a Cambrian based layout with an NG feeder on a trestle - I cant remember which bit of the Cambrian it was based on.. Mother would leave my bedroom door ajar so the cat could get on the layout (on a shelf around three sides of my bedroom.) Trouble was the cat and I disagreed over his "squatters rights" - I've still got the scars to prove it! Hey tomorrows Saturday, lie in - pancake for breakies - fresh burger for lunch - what an exciting life? Be good, Trev.
  9. Good morning one & all, well POETS day again....and I got dumped with a load of stuff again last night to sort out . Grrrrr. But still needs must? Lets try and survive what life and the day throws at us? Trev.
  10. Just though I would share tonights sunset with you - only lasted about 5 minutes though..! I never seem to be able to catch it when there's a plane flying through it. Lots of birds flying around tonight though dont seemed to have captured any in this photo. Have a good evening. Trevor.
  11. This evenings (23 Oct 14) Over Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Being only 6 degrees north of the equator sun rises / sets only last for a few minutes.
  12. Good morning all, Seems that my GF's daughter was one of those "locked down" in Ottawa yesterday,her office only being a couple of blocks from the center of the incident!. Not much else to report from here at the moment, but who knows what the day will bring? Lets all try and make the best of what life throws at us today. Trev.
  13. No that was left over (proper) decorators wall paper paste! I only suffered school lunch for the first week at secondary skool.... point blank refused to eat . So ended up making my own sandwiches, but of course that caused row with the school authorities. As several of the "first year" followed suit!. Time best forgot ,school days were not the "happiest of my life" ! Trev
  14. Good morning one & all, I seem to think theres another "fun" filled action day ahead for me. .....saga of the "crane & wheel re-inventor " continues... gets an email yesterday from him saying the box will be arriving tomorrow . OK but what about PO for the crane ? " It's too expensive" - OK so the box sits on the truck then? - end user is not going to be very happy! Oh well 'ump day lets make the most of it.... Trev
  15. Morning all, Not much to report report from here, though it was good to see a brief note from Don B yesterday morning. Not sure what the days going to bring - but I'm not expecting any surprises. However must stop at the store on the way back tonight as I'm down to my last tea bag!.. (PG if anyones interested) Make the most of your day. Trev.
  16. Ok, I'll own up to being unofficially in a signal box as a lad (signal man now passed on, signal box now a distant memory as the station site is now a housing estate ) The only signal I could never pull off was the down distant - (GNR somersault) as it was round a corner and as every train stopped I dont think it had ever been pulled off! Such were the joys of country branch lines in the 50's & early 60's? Best press on with work - trying to prove to a wheel re-inventor why we have to use a specific size crane for a job. Wont take " cause I say so" as an adequate answer grrrrrr! Be good Trev.
  17. Good Moanday Morning all, Not sure what they day is going to bring - other than the normal round of chaos & confusion! . Hope all of you in the UK have battened down the hatches as I see the forecast is for it to be a bit draughty! Keep smiling (if you can) Trev
  18. Afternoon all, Well 3 month worth of extra hair removed - but to do that need a forty minute walk thee & back , didnt stop at the pool bar as I walked past as there was some sort of religious gathering going on. But walking in 28 - 32 c (88% humidity) heat is pretty knackering - so after brunch - griiled bacon on bread just toasted on the grill a nearly three hour snooze was in order!. Now we're in the middle of yet another tropical down- pour temperature has dropped but humidity has gone up! Oh well still got some work to get Finnish before the morning...so suppose I'd best get on! Stay safe Trev.
  19. Good morning all, quite (for here) Sunday morning so far - few birds chirping away.... not sure what I'm going to do today - I really should go for a walk to the Sheraton & get my hair cut...(that will be the fourth time this year! What ever you are doing, try and make the best of it, Trev.
  20. Good morning all, Disturbed nights sleep last night due to two humdinger of thunderstorms both of which seem to be right over our apartment block then around seven some ar*e-hole started banging a sheet of metal....so much for my lie in! (tomorrow might be better) . Anyway up now - shopping, haircut and work in that order today, lets hope that whatever you have planed goes well, Trev.
  21. Morning all, Late on parade this morning as my internet has been playing silly wot-sits!... Busy day ahead - starting with Corporate Craq meeting! ..... Have a good POETS day, Trev.
  22. Evening all, Me too - it 72f (or 22C) outside as I type. Best, Pete. Nearly hot enough here to cook with! 32C (Seems the quote thingy not working for me!) Both a/c's in lounge diner and my bedroom going full bore! One of the wheel re-inventors just sent me "request to quote" ...for, wait for it , de-commissioning four of the containerised gensets moving them, re-installing & re-commissioning - by the morning please? Now this task is going to involve a 600 tonne crane,a 250 tonne crane, four low bed trucks, five "normal" artics, So I've got to arrange site visits with the contractors involved, then negotiate their quotes, ........this time next week if he's lucky!..... Look nearly 9pm and I've still got a bucket load to do.... ​Good to see Don back among us - if only briefly. Must press on (Must I - guess so , buqqer!) be good - stay warm - who's going to be toasting crumpets? Trev.
  23. Morning all, dull here too, the company I used to work for made the APU's for Challenger's....but you could never do anything to them insitu. I was offered a ride in one once they were using John Waiwrights Blue Basalt quarry at Stoke St Micheal for some trials on the tracks. I was there doing overhauls on some Euclid dumpers. Trouble is six foot five, 17 stone guys do not fit in them! But they were quick! Ok lets hope our days go well, Trev..
  24. Evening all, Beasts signal box distmantleing exploints take me back to the week-end when a group of us from the Lieghton Buzzard NG soc. Distmantled the ex-LNWR ground frame & hut at Standbridgeford (Beds) which had controlled the exchange sidings for the Tottenhoe Lime Co. As one track had been lifted I drove my 1960 mini with the "Team" and tools along the down line formation - the demolition trains were using the remaining up line! One of these left a drop side (sleeper?) wagon on to which we loaded our haul - which was duly dropped at Arnolds private siding so we could transfer to the NG. Anglia TV showed up to film our endeavors for the evening news, but they were only interested in us cooking sausages on top of the huts stove! I do have some photos of this somewhere... would a group of teens & twenties be allowed to do stuff like this now - unsupervised apart from their own common sense? Well I suppose I'd best stop reminiscing and get on with some work!. Trev.
  25. Good morning all, Seem it's time for reminiscences? 46 years ago - I was starting in the world of construction plant...(pilling equipment). Any way it's hump day, so lets have the best one we can? Trev.
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