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Status Updates posted by AndyB

  1. I've now christened my new baseboard framework with the back of my head (whilst retrieving an item dropped on the floor). 🤪

    I know how a champagne bottle feels when a ship is launched! 

  2. BZ Your Majesty. And thank you. 

  3. As a bit of a Spurs fan can I wish AFC Marine all the very best for today's match.


  4. Was I the only one to think: "Hmmm, 10 pm pub closing time. That's past my bedtime. Zzzz"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Ha ha! My thoughts exactly!


      But we're not the target audience, are we?


    3. Hroth


      What a sensible time!

      The last train/bus will still be running...


      I think...


    4. DonB


      I grew up on licenced premises and our closing time was always 10pm  And open 11am to 2pm , not all day opening!

  5. Just given swmbo a haircut. I should have taken all the mirrors away first! Out of interest would scenic scatter glue work on human hair? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BoD


      Static grass might be the solution.  

    3. AndyB


      Would I have to drive a nail into swmbo to get an earth? Somehow I'd always envisaged it'd be a stake. :biggrin_mini2:

    4. Hroth


      A crocodile clip on the earth wire to the tongue, or an earlobe or... whatever, should do the trick!  The problem with a nail is it would be difficult to ensure it stayed in!

  6. Funny how many drivers use fog lights when the rest of us can see the moon shining brightly some 1/4 million miles away.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. highpeakman


      In many modern cars being stationary with brakes on means the engine turns off. If you take your foot off the brakes then the engine starts again - using more fuel?

    3. highpeakman


      Worse are the ones who only turn on lights when it is pitch black. Apparently not necessary in fog and heavy rain?

    4. Hroth


      I've running lights AND the headlights turn on automatically when it gets gloomy. Yet plonkers still can't see me and pull out of side roads right in front of me...


      Luckily, I haven't hit any of the bas@@rds yet!

  7. Forgot to put the sprouts on to boil. Oops. They'll be tougher tomorrow than need have been.

  8. Beware of Earworms!

    1. Hroth


      I've some olive oil if you want to clear that out.....

    2. Horsetan


      Nah, try this:

  9. It's definitely sandals and socks weather. Any warmer and I may need to knot a hankie and fashion some headgear!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rembrow


      So just sandles, socks and a knotted hankie headpiece. All the essentials covered are they?

    3. 5050


      Don't forget the braces and fairisle tank top.


      My brain hurts!

    4. AndyB


      In fact it was that hot I had to take the tank top off. The socks were, obviously white.

  10. I started with a large layout that worked fine. Then I moved to a smaller layout that sort of worked. Then a smaller layout that didn't work. What's next - a diorama that won't work that needn't. Or even better, a display cabinet with some RTR. :(

    1. AndyB


      Having a "Hello Muddah Hello Faddah" moment!

  11. RIP Corporal Jones.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Wouldn't be the first time someone's died on stage.

    3. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      That was in 2012!

    4. Mallard60022



  12. Night Jock. Rest easy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Physicsman


      We will always remember you for your delightful manner and contributions. Very sad.

    3. andyram


      A true inspiration.

    4. NHY 581

      NHY 581

      Oh dear me. Goodnight. God bless Jock.

  13. Ok, who let the wiring gremlins out to play. Come on, own up!

  14. Titfield Thunderbolt: 22:00 BBC4. 'nuff said.

    1. cromptonnut


      freeview recorder set...

    2. Bangor Lad

      Bangor Lad

      Evening sorted!

  15. Ahh, the delights of being brought up on both metric and imperial. Just measured a piece of wood and it was 1m 4" long. Doh!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kylestrome


      I just measured a piece of wood and it was as thick as two short planks.

    3. AndyB


      <....Short planks? Long planks? I thought it was Planks Constant....I'll get me coat...

    4. vitalspark


      I don't think we will ever embrace it fully and glad of that.

      Litres per mile?!..wtf is that about.

      Work with measuring tape every day and yes I also get results like 2m 5" etc. so what..we're British. Don't get me started on harmonised European wiring colours.


  16. Ahh, the delights of being brought up on both metric and imperial. Just measured a piece of wood and it was 1m 4" long. Doh!

  17. Arrhh, the simple pleasure of watching a track magnet operate a PECO coupling. :)

  18. Really sad to hear of the fire destroying Ballater station; a great loss of a historic building.

    1. Horsetan


      I went there a couple of years ago. Will be surprised if the local Council shells out to build a replica. More likely they'll redevelop the site.

    2. AndyB


      You may be right. But it is arguably THE central attraction of a tourist-centric town.

  19. Enjoying the new Portillo series. But which station is featured in the opening title sequence?

    1. Captain Kernow
    2. AndyB


      Think I better start a thread, CK. The station is in 3rd rail territory and looks like a French chateau!

  20. N gauge magazine dropped through the door. Looks a goodun!

  21. Wondering what a map of Britain would look like if we notionally "pinned" our layouts to where they are set.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BoD


      Ignoring my less serious comments above it would be interesting to see the balance between real v might have been v imaginary locations modelled.

    3. AndyB


      Googling "How to pin stuff to a map?" threw up: ZeeMaps

    4. 28XX


      Redditch would be obliterated. (sorry).

  22. So, my 10 y/o daughter is writing an "app". What the hell is an app? My phone doesn't even have a camera, but I CAN use it to talk to people. The only way I can stay ahead of her would be to move back from DCC to analogue. Analogue, dad? Wassthat? LOL

    1. Metr0Land


      Is she writing it for her little friend Ann Droid?

    2. AndyB


      I think the only answer to that is...."Erm,..." Bring back bakelite phones!


  23. It's National Flying Ant Day!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yorkie_pudd


      He left Dec all alone then ha ha

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Do ants typically have antics?

    4. AndyB


      They were treated with vin-arghhh-great! Worked a treat.

  24. I believe I said I'd stop drinking when beer reached 90p a pint. Cheers to a sustainable business, GF! :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      I remember swearing I'd give up driving when petrol went over that magic 50p a gallon. as for when beer went over 50p a pint....

    3. DonB


      I remember the gov't instructing the brewers to produce an "economy" beer at 10d (old pennies!) a pint.

    4. AndyB


      I don't think thee Chinese govt will be instructing Kader to produce an "economy" loco, DonB!

  25. In my youth carburetors flooded. Nowadays its the parcel shelf and boot! #endlessrainseepingindamnedsofttopgrrrrr!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Horsetan


      Leaky sunroofs...

    3. brianthesnail96


      I fear you may only have yourself to blame for that one!

      I think it's the aftermarket sunroof that is rsponsible for the Marina in the Marina.

    4. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Sunfoofs are rare now thanks to aircon.

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