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Everything posted by RFS

  1. I think you may be referring to how Windows updates are delivered. There's an option that would allow you to retrieve them from another user's PC (and vice-versa) but I've no idea how they'd get past your firewall. To disable it go to settings -> update and security -> Windows update -> advanced options -> choose how your updates are delivered, and then set the option that you want.
  2. Yes - but as long as it's the same motherboard it should activate automatically. HDD changes do not invalidate the licence. The worst that can happen is that he needs to call the MS licence hot-line.
  3. Once your W10 upgrade is complete and activated, your system details are recorded in the MS activation servers. Now you can do a clean install and when it asks for the key just click on the "skip" button each time you are asked for a key. Once the install is complete you should find you are automatically activated. I've done a clean install this way on one of my PCs and it worked fine.
  4. The way to get round this is to re-install W7 first and make sure it's activated. Then you can do the upgrade to W10. Once that's done and activated (which it should do automatically) you can then do a clean install if you wish.
  5. I can't comment on connecting the Swiitch-8 directly to the Z21, but it supposed to be connected directly to the DCC track bus. I'm also assuming you have the MK2 version - I only have MK1s which are quite different.
  6. I have an Epson RX585 printer/copier/scanner that works fine on Windows 10. If your device works fine on 8.1 then almost certainly the drivers will work for 10 too. I upgraded from W7 and no drivers needed updating, although I had to re-install Epson scan.
  7. Just Google it - "windows 10 80240020". Loads of people have this problem.
  8. Try Google - "windows hard drive locked". For example, http://www.tomsguide.com/forum/id-1852187/drive-windows-installed-locked.html
  9. I would recommend removing any anti-virus you have before the upgrade and activating Windows Defender. That should allow the upgrade to go smoothly. Once you're done, you could re-install your alternative anti-virus product after downloading the latest version from the manufacturer's web-site.
  10. I think that requirement only applies for the first 8 weeks that they are on sale. So, should one pre-order or wait for the fire sale? The Hornby 2-BILs started at £129 but can now be had for as little as £59.
  11. Office 365 is a subscription product, so £110 will be the annual subscription cost. Around £350 will buy you the permanent version and is a one-off cost.
  12. It's only a free upgrade if you have a qualifying release - ie Windows 7 or 8.1. Otherwise a license for the Windows 10 Home version costs £99.99. If you're on Windows 7 Home Premium then the free upgrade is to Windows 10 Home. To qualify for Windows 10 Pro you need to be on W7 or 8.1 Pro.
  13. I got this a couple of times when I first upgraded the laptop. Signing out and back in fixed it. Apparently MS know of the problem and are working on a fix, but it's now over a week since I've had the problem. This item on the W10 forum describes the issue (17 pages and counting!): http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_security/critical-error-start-menu-and-cortana-arent/746d57f4-95b0-4c64-be92-2614e8c9584a?page=1&tm=1439153214163
  14. RFS

    EBay madness

    Perhaps it's a deliberate ploy to get everyone's attention, with the hope that people will click "See other items" and then buy something.
  15. The photo-editing software might be Microsoft Office Picture Manager - it comes with all versions of MS Office. In settings -> system -> default apps you can choose your default browser - you have a choice between IE or Edge. Left-click brings up the choices.
  16. RFS

    EBay madness

    I wonder if the person who's bid has actually noticed ....
  17. IE is still there and alive and well. MS do have their replacement ("Edge") but it's still early days and I'm not using it yet - at least not until it comes up to the same standards as IE. What image manipulation suite do you think is missing?
  18. One of the issues with W10 is the title bar colour, or rather the lack of it. Furthermore, you can no longer differentiate between the active and inactive windows. The code is apparently still there in W10 but inactive. You can turn it on with a theme you can download from here: http://www.nextofwindows.com/how-to-change-title-bar-color-in-windows-10 On my PC the title bar is now the same colour as the taskbar. Also, the close window X box is coloured red for the active window. A small change, but it makes a huge difference to the look and style. Hopefully MS will fix this soon.
  19. On my system that was simply upgraded to W10, it shows under "all apps" as a separate entry. On my laptop that was first upgraded, and on which I subsequently did a clean install from ISO, it appears under Windows Accessories. Don't care how it's updated, so long as it's there. Plays all my video clips with no problem.
  20. I think there may be some confusion here: it's Windows Media Centre that has been discontinued not Windows Media Player which is still there.
  21. It's called "service release 1". But MS are now describing Windows updates as "cumulative". For this one, before downloading, it checks which fixes you have installed and only downloads what isn't. My main PC did the update in only a couple of minutes so I suspect a lot of it was already installed. 5 minutes and all 3 of my PCs were done and rebooted.
  22. If you want the same Windows games that shipped with Windows 7 installed on your Windows 10 system then you can get them from here - http://winaero.com/blog/get-windows-7-games-for-windows-10/
  23. It's only a free upgrade for users of Windows 7 and 8.1.
  24. Hackers and viruses feast on unpatched PCs. There are far, far more problems caused by people not applying security patches, than applying them and then having a problem. If all Windows PCs were up to date with security patches the world would be a much more secure place. As far as the tiles are concerned, there are a bunch of them which are there by default when you first install W10. But you can unpin some or all of them if you wish. My W10 PC has no tiles anywhere and it almost looks like W7.
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