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Everything posted by Edge

  1. I grabbed a load of limited edition models (most of them have moved on to other buyers now anyway) because I wanted something a little bit different from the run of the mill. My bude with stanier tender will never leave me, because its weird, and I like weird. If you get a limited edition which is cheap then i see no issue with you modifying something you own. As regards to the value of numbers, I think only number 1 of a run is of real stand out value. Perhaps the highest number in a run or if the number does something like matching the loco number that could raise the price a teeny bit, but i dont see it making too much difference frankly.
  2. Thank you to eneryone who has got in touch about the 009 wagon loads and an extra big thank you to those who have made purchases - it is extremly gratifying that people are happy to part with hardearned cash for my products. In response to a few of you who got in touch asking about the PECO side of things, I'm delighted to announce that both varieties of L&B open wagons are now catered for on my store: L&B 4-wheel Wagon L&B Bogie Wagon As always, im delighted to hear about any further suggestions/requests/feedback that you have for any of my products, hopefully the winter months will provide more of a chance to catch up with my massive backlog of projects .
  3. For once, I've actually got a physical model to show you of a 3D print going on sale today! Class D wagon loads which can be used to represent a variety of mineral traffic or can be used as formers for a load of scatter materials. They are hollow undersneath to allow for removal using magnets. https://www.shapeways.com/product/4Y9L6DBJR/009-wagon-load?optionId=125569659&li=shop-inventory
  4. NCB wagons did turn up at preservation societies all over the country if that is of any use to you.
  5. My apologies if this section is in response to my comment - I certainly did not mean for there to be any sort of impression that I was criticising you or your teammates for anything on the production side of the show. You were wonderful and above all seemed to be enjoying yourselves immensely. I actually thought that the crochet trees were very good fun indeed I’d have given extra marks for that actually both for imagination and for an additional skill not often used in railway modelling
  6. Did enjoy the episode, with a good few things I liked on each of the layouts and a lot of fun had by all (to all appearances). my one gripe with the episode was the constant harping on for every introduction of the loco ladies about hem being the first all female team - the team themselves were wonderful and course it’s quite right that it be highlighted and well intentioned (but silly) acts like the ‘chauffeur fare’ be related. But the presenters kept on with the ‘girl power’ comments etc literally every time they were on screen. Perhaps it would have been best if they did the intro they did, and then simply carried on without further comment, treating them like any other team. this is absolutely not a criticism of the loco ladies themselves, but of the manner in which the program presented them. I suppose that it is actually a rather insignificant gripe, the rest of the show was very nice, and the scratchbuild challenge produced some excellent results this time
  7. Thank you again. As with most things, it will have to be a case of ‘wait and see’ I’m afraid . I am hoping to get back to the grindstone with the 3D stuff in the next couple of months and get some new designs out there. I am also planning to expand on my range of 009 conversion parts when the Bachmann Thomas range hits the U.K. As always, it’s very nice to have my work appreciated and I hope that it has pleased people. Once again, if anyone on here has pictures of models made using my products, id appreciate seeing them - it never hurts to see what others have done
  8. Think that the right layout won, but that the Agatha Christie layout was also very nice indeed - reminded me a great deal of the old Hornby Dublo aesthetic and the innovative use of a mail wagon was brilliant
  9. Hi there guys, I'm looking for a couple of the resin loads that are supplied with the Bachmann 393-052a D class bogie wagon. I’m not after the wagon itself, just the loads. Please PM if you have one or two available, am happy to talk about a reasonable price. Thanks, Edge
  10. Haven’t participated in the show, but bumped into KM at Warley last year and she was a genuinely lovely person to meet and speak to briefly, even though I must have been the seventh hundred person to have bothered her that day also had a brief chat with steve flint, and got much the same impression. However, he was there to work so I tried to keep that chat rather brief all in all, smashing people. And I’m hoping to corral a team of volunteers to participate in series 3 (should it be made)
  11. Thanks for the interest and for the compliments. Afraid that things are rather at a standstill at the moment - job change hasnt left an awful lot of time for 3d work. I am working on a few bits and pieces. I am trying to work out the ins and outs of an O9 atlantic, but it is rather tricky to fit everything in without simply throwing away any pretense of scale but I shall persevere. As for Katie, I am looking into a model based aroung the minitrains 0-4-0 outside frame chassis, but its in the extremely early stages. Effie i think is probably well nigh impossible to be honest, but i thought that about a whole bunch of things I've desiged already so defeinitely on the back burner but never say never Thansk for getting in touch, always happy to hear from interested folks, and can even take the occasional request
  12. I agree on Bulleid’s talents and brilliance, he was at the forefront of steam and it’s development and he deserves all of the plaudits he received. my comments above were not about the man, but the machine. The sense is that Bulleid (who left the SR well before completion of the project) left things half finished and that the concept was fundamentally flawed from the get go. Originally touted as a replacement for the M7 tank loco, the engine simply was not fit for that purpose in any way.
  13. There are large panels missing from the rear of the two pictured locomotives, so it is likely that it is 36003. From all accounts 36002 was only a few days away from its first run and was a considerably superior locomotive to the prototype. that being said, the design itself was fundamentally flawed in being vastly overweight, underpowered, incapable of fitting in with existing infrastructure on the SR lines (the loco could barely take on water because of issues actually fitting the spouts of water towers into the loco) and thoroughly unpopular with the unions of the time because of the isolation of the fireman from the driver (and the alleged high temperatres for the fireman, althoguh reports about their actual experience was contradictory from man to man who worked on the engine).
  14. Hornby did a commercially available version of this with thomas: They occasionally still turn up on ebay/at hattons and the like
  15. Edge

    Wanted - Coal!

    I’ve found that if you’re around a steam railway and ask nicely they will let you have a cob or two for nothing. I’ve got a mix from the NYMR, the RHDR, R&ER, and FR. No particular reason beyond that that is when I remembered to ask and you should ALWAYS ask, it’s not yours until they let you have it. Apart from anything else, it’s not always safe to get the coal from the locations where it is stored, and it’s definitely not safe to take it from an engine without someone who knows what they are doing around
  16. Regardless of the prudence of an announcement of an announcement, it does seem that there are a large number of people on this forum who do seem to revel in putting the boot in when the tiniest mistake is made. What has Keith done here really? He's put a single sentence on facbook - lets actually give him the chance to mess up before we begin comparing him to now liquidated companies shall we?
  17. Cool. Must confess that the milk can does look very fetching in person, particularly behind the SR Green ‘Baldwin’
  18. CADs now in public domain liveries also slightly different and showing on Hattons as: 9980 - Works Black 9981 - L&B Green pre-1906 9982 - L&B Green post-1906 9983 - SR ex L&B Green 9984 - SR Green Pre 1932 9985 - SR Green Post 1932
  19. Double whammy for me as they have discounted warhammer as well as the model train stuff. It’s just one less shop for me to actually go into now - both of my hobbies are increasingly based around ‘order stuff online and get it delivered’
  20. Ill give it a whirl although in fairness, what has been shown this far is more or less a screenshot of the CGI model, so it’s currently unclear if the loco will have the Geisel or not. That being said, I’ll happily run up a chimney for whichever version isn’t done
  21. I deeply sympathise with the stories told on here and wish nothing but the best for those affected by adversity. for my part, a new job and now passed probation period has significantly turned things around. I am, for the first time in 18 months, able to make detailed financial plans and move forward with clearing the debt that has been weighing down on me for years (technically, I’ve always been clearing it, but I’d rather do it much faster than the ‘official’ plan). It wasn’t until I began getting ‘better’ after starting my new job that I realised quite how ill I had been at my last one. from a modelling standpoint, I am hoping to actually negotiate enough floor space to allow me to begin work on an exhibition layout and tinker. Hobby funds, while limited, will be split between railways, travel and warhammer. The best thing I can do is to avoid setting yourself firm modelling deadlines - it then becomes work and you will not enjoy it. It then ceases to be an escape/safety valve to allow you relaxation and things just get worse.
  22. Do we all really NEED TVs, computers, cars, cameras or model trains? not really, but they are very useful and entertaining devices.
  23. Yeah, I’ve moved over to a sim only contract and using the Giffgaff mobile store / finance agreements to get the handset. I get the usage that I want with the phone I want for a price considerably less than the contract alternative
  24. No word yet, and four years or so ahead of time any indications would be pretty worthless at a total guess, maybe about the same price.
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