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Status Updates posted by Boris

  1. badgerbadgerbadger.com

  2. my head is full of feet, I keep putting my foot in my mouth!

    1. hollywoodfoundry


      Yeah, and I keep finding other people's feet in there as well.

  3. Yes, it IS possible to deep fry a crisp and kitkat sandwich. Tastes pretty good too, I'm not left on my own in the kitchen often enough!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Horsetan


      Probably didn't help the blood pressure, either.....

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Unless one has problems with hypotension, I guess!

    4. Brinkly


      You'll have a heart attack Boris!

  4. Mmmm, my wifes cooking isn't as bad as I make out.

    1. Jim49


      Are you trying to earn some Brownie points?

  5. Mmmm, my wifes cooking isn't as bad as I make out.

  6. Mmmm, my wifes cooking isn't as bad as I make out.

  7. HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!

    1. Horsetan


      ....but not from RMWeb?

    2. ozzyo


      But from behind bars!!!! Or will that mean that Boris will be in bars?????

  8. hurhurhur, Conan the Librarian!!!

  9. should probably carry a government health warning.

  10. How about, no, don't let me out, I like the bars on the window?

  11. is wondering how good he ahs to be to be allowed back out of the box?

  12. officially saw his first display of Xmas tat for sale today!

  13. wishes the world to know "IT WAS ME!!!!"

    1. DonB


      We never had any doubt!

  14. wasn't in Goathland all weekend and didn't see Arte - RESULT!!!!

  15. well, the good streak lasted for 6 months, it had to come to an end sometime!

  16. is brewing a........

  17. Is confused by BT. If I pay £50 per month and they now owe me money, why does my monthly direct debit need to go up to £142?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Boris


      Just because they want that much a month doesn't mean that they are getting it!

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Never unintentionally causing confusion and obfustication...

    4. skipepsi


      BT lie frequently when it suits them.

  18. for the easily amused a bout of gassyness and a station PA system is a highly amusing combination!

  19. Has now learnt a) how long he can make his status updates and B ) exactly how long overlong status updates last before deleted! I loves the board staff here, always service with a smile!

    1. Horsetan


      Quick! Everyone update their status in order to knock Boris off the screen!!

  20. Who hung the monkey?

    1. KevinWalsh


      have you been to hartlepool perchance?

    2. Boris


      No, I've been to hospital following a superglue accident. Todays lesson in safety is never go for a whazz with wet superglue on your fingers - that took some SERIOUS explaining at the local A&E department.

    3. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      I have just thought of a “news of the world” headline, GLUE IN THE LOO

  21. the next drunk who tries to kick my front door in is **GOING** to get a nice friendly welcome from Mr shotgun!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boris


      I'm loaded with a pair of blanks at the moment, but they don't know that!


    3. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Firing blanks mate, I should keep it quiet and blame it on the beer

    4. Horsetan


      I know a really good criminal law solicitor if the rozzers take you in, Boris....

  22. I've lost my underpants in a poker game

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Jim49


      If you suffered a losing streak, will you end up on Skid Row?

    3. Horsetan


      Willing suspension of disbelief?

    4. Jim49


      Horsetan, you asked waht willie do now - hang loose I suppose.

  23. is unable to attend the RMweb members day due to a rare moment of kindness in offering to act as reader for a dyslexic colleague who has an important exam tomorrow.

  24. Star and Bars at Tatton Park, like Duncombe but for petrol heads!

  25. The temperature here is now officially half what it was yesterday!

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