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Status Updates posted by MarkC

  1. Some people have a scarily high belief in their own importance & <entitlement>; a view not shared by others...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallard60022


      A sad trait of today. I blame Trump.

    3. Hroth


      I blame the people, they have to own their faults and not palm them off to someone else...


    4. Shedmaster


      Wot!? Don't you have ANY idea who I AM? 🤣

  2. Braced for the imminent arrival of Eunice here on board - we're anchored in the Elbe estuary, and she's starting to pick up speed rapidly...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SHMD


      I bet the "mop n bucket" man was busy on that boat!

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      I wonder how many passengers were pleased to get an extra 30 hours added to their time at sea.  And looking on the bright there probably weren't big queues for the restaurants so you could grab a nice seat and maybe a few extra helpings for your meal.

    4. MarkC


      Absolutely, Mike. Those things are big, but they're a pig in a seaway unless going fast enough for the stabilisers to work - and, of course, once in the German Bight, your ability to manoeuvre is limited...

  3. Good morning all - the ship is presently surrounded by boobies...avian ones, you lot... :p

    1. Blackthorn


      We don't have Boobies in this part of Canada, no Tits either...lots of * divers though.....


      * = insert whatever rude word you see fit.....heehee 

    2. Hroth



      We don't have Boobies in this part of Canada


      what about the Loons? Thought Canada had lots of those...   :jester:



      the ship is presently surrounded by boobies


      Blue ones?



    3. MarkC


      Blue? No, it's quite warm here :D  Brown ones - dozens of 'em :)

  4. Just arrived off San Juan, Puerto Rico, after a voyage from Flushing. Due off here, but as expected, it's not going to happen. Office has now advised all Company ships (30 of them) that there will be no crew changes even attempted until 13th April at the earliest. Hey ho!

    1. ianmaccormac


      Its a bit annoying that isn't it! I used to be in the Merch in the 70's and 80's before coming ashore and had a few delayed changes and then got asked to go back after just two weeks as someone had broken a pelvis. A three day flight to Fiji and then another few months getting back to Hull got me a tax year in which paid for the deposit on my first house! Bank Line, general cargo, several days or weeks alongside in lovely little south pacific islands! Such a hard job!! Wish you fair seas! Cheers Ian

    2. MarkC


      Hi Ian. Yes, it's just one of those things. Been doing this for 40 years now; this is the first time something like this has happened. Ironically we on board are probably some of the least threatened folk about at present. I've had similar things to yourself happen to me over the years - long trips, short leaves...



  5. Supposed to be relieved on 13th December - told at 1600 yesterday that there's nobody available until at least 2nd January. Not impressed. Hey ho :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. steve W

      steve W

      Ah! possibly a White Christmas then. Seriously though, Best wishes and hopefully a quiet and uneventful Christmas.


    3. Brit70053


      Hope you can make the best of this disappointing situation Mark and that at least you'll get festive foodstuff. Best wishes and happy browsing on RMWeb. John

    4. MarkC


      Thanks, Steve and Brit. Just been told we will be going alongside at noon on the 25th... Food - I was on here last Christmas as well - the spread was impressive, it has to be said. Weather looks fair for the next few days, so that's something. It's -8 Deg.C at our destination today - bracing...

  6. Is about to sail from Karsto, near Stavanger, bound for Antwerp. There's a 4 to 5 metre high swell waiting outside. Everything is securely lashed down - I hope...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Hope you had a good breakfast before sailing.

    3. MarkC
    4. Hroth


      Sounds like that video on the Model Railway Partwork thread. Don't watch on a full stomach...

  7. Greeted by a layer of snow when first looking outside this morning, here at Porvoo, near Helsinki. Don't fret - it's heading towards the UK...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hroth


      No doubt it will be the wrong kind of snow...

    3. Black 5 Bear

      Black 5 Bear

      Not over there. It's only the UK that seems to go into meltdown with a few flakes of snow !

    4. MarkC


      The Netherlands are as bad as the UK when it snows - we are not alone...

  8. Modeling suspended due to imminent Force 8 and accompanying swell...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MarkC


      Quite possibly...we certainly expect to be rolling quite a lot, as the swell is going to be abaft the beam...

    3. cessfordalan


      Welcome to a standard drying day in the Outer Hebrides. seriously batten down the hatches and stay safe and warm

      Alan in the gale swept outer Hebrides

    4. MarkC


      Hi Alan. I have a friend who lives in Carloway - I hear lots about your gentle breezes up there!

  9. Today is Trafalgar Day. Please take a moment to reflect on the brave deeds and sad losses of that day, which changed history. Here's to The Immortal Memory.

    1. Hroth


      About time we made Trafalgar Day a Bank Holiday, its just in the right place to break up the gap between August Bank Holiday and Christmas!


    2. colin smith

      colin smith

      Gawd no. The older I've got the more I've realised Revolutionary France had the right idea. I'd make Halloween/Samhain a Bank Holiday.

    3. MarkC


      Totally agree, Hroth

  10. Has just seen a weak display of the Aurora Borealis. Beautiful, as always. Sadly getting photos from the deck of a ship on passage isn't easy :(

    1. tigerburnie


      Too cloudy round here to see it, but it hit kp6 which means it would be visible in central England

    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Couldn't you ask the captain to heave to for a few minutes (well i thought I'd ask!!!)

    3. MarkC


      Some Masters might, some definitely wouldn't...and we were in a TSS at the time, so stopping wasn't really an option

  11. is back on his ship, after 12 weeks at home. It's as though I haven't been away

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MarkC


      It's very worrying...and generally the ship and her company just keep on with the job - although 15 months ago, I missed the first drydocking since we bought her, so I left a dark blue painted ship, and returned to one now in the Company's reddish orange livery :)

    3. Hroth


      So much like the constantly changing railway liveries?

    4. MarkC


      Not my mob - we have house colours. Any ship coming into our fleet has the hull painted the correct colour at the next docking. The funnel, of course, goes into Company colours with emblam immediately the ship is taken over.


  12. Became a grandfather last Wednesday. Mum and baby - a boy - doing well :)

  13. There is something rather primeval and yet strangely satisfying about burning all the excess packaging after sorting out and stowing all the items received at a 3-monthly stores/spares delivery...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Londontram


      Interesting would I be right in thinking you don't see much sun there!

    3. bourneagain


      Only burnt what couldn`t be recycled? A lot of Charity Shops will take bubble wrap.

    4. MarkC


      I'm usually too busy to see much daylight between 8 & 6! Recycling? Good luck storing it on board, then finding a port facility that will accept it. They're all <supposed> to, but many don't. So...

  14. has had his ship struck by lightning whilst anchoring near Livorno - that's 5 times in my career now...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SHMD


      Your Saturn bound?

    3. eastwestdivide


      Did it set the foghorn off in Leghorn?

    4. MarkC


      I say..I said I SAY... :P We're not Saturn bound - but I have had my share of 'space cadets' as shipmates over the years...

  15. Bags...packed. Handover...complete. Flights...confirmed and checked in, with boarding passes printed. Taxi... booked for in a couple of hours' time. It's been a busy 74 days on board. Now looking forward to my first beer when I get to Pisa airport. Bring it on!

    1. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Great feeling, but I'll never payoff again!

    2. jjb1970


      The joy of pay off almost makes it worth going to sea!

    3. ardbealach


      The Tower is leaning - it's not the beer

  16. So, safely arrived at Vada, my relief is on board. Got all day to hand over to him tomorrow, then flight home on Saturday. Happy days :)

  17. (One for Boris) - am being pulled off by a tug...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      They haven't broken your ship I hope.

    3. MarkC


      Nope - they tried to though... fortunately our bollards (ooh, matron) are made of strong stuff...

    4. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      The mind has just put a image in my head that I can not shift.

  18. (One for Boris) - am being pulled off by a tug...

  19. Just south of Sicily, heading towards Gib. 45-50 knot gusts of wind and a 5 metre swell - the joys of winter in the Med. No modelling possible tonight...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan


      Gentle cruise, then.

    3. MarkC
    4. Bon Accord

      Bon Accord

      Payoff day for me tomorrow and we should get in just before the weather turns. Actually getting home might be another matter entirely however!

  20. So, we effectively had all of the Black Sea to anchor in - and we have managed to snag a wire on our anchor...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. peach james

      peach james

      Don't worry, it was probably laid by the Americans :)


    3. MarkC


      I blame the Soviets, me...

    4. Porcy Mane
  21. Am just off the Tunisian coast, bound for the Black Sea. Have had a moment of quiet reflection, paying my respects to those seamen who lost their lives in this area whilst attempting to resupply Malta during WW2

    1. Two_sugars


      For those in peril . . .

    2. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      Faith, Hope & Charity.

  22. Oh, I do love rolling 35-40 degrees either side of upright...said no seafarer ever...

    1. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      Just like walking back from the pub. Sun is shining & all is calm on the Bishops Streets No overnight gales but thunders coming...

  23. has an unavoidable meeting with a nasty little weather system off the Dutch coast tomorrow. Hatches battened down and everything secured already...

  24. Has just reset the password for Sky email on his phone - security upgrade, apparently. What a palaver...

    1. Metr0Land


      Now if you could just verify your bank details on here, your account will be all in order....

    2. MarkC


      For once, this was a genuine thing - Yahoo! , who now host Sky's email clients, have finally tried to make things a wee bit more secure. We will see

  25. Hello August. That means that I'll be going home next month :)

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