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Porcy Mane

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Everything posted by Porcy Mane

  1. Paul, Did you have to adjust the wheelbase of the more close axles to compensate for the extra flange depth? P
  2. Don't have the latest MRJ yet but I can just see the demonstration table at an exhibition, or more correctly the entrance doorway to the exhibition hall. Festooned with signs. "Eye protection to worn before entering this hall", "Danger Lasers" You may not be able to see the train sets but at least you can watch the wheel quartering Demo. Couldn't agree more about the GW press. P
  3. A tad more than 0.333r mm I'm afraid to say. Nothing to do with Mr Chris's rods that are spot on. I cocked up by picking up a 1.7mm reamer instead of the 1.5 and didn't realise until I'd completed reaming both rods. Resulted in lovely free rods but just a bit too much play for my tastes as there's a bit of angling in the rods when running. So it's re-bush the rods or make up some bigger crankpin bushes. Bushes look favourite at the moment as I want to fit more accurate bolt heads to the crankpins and pivot point. Here's a you tube of the chassis running: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj8E3412Afw&feature=youtu.be It's back into the Round tuit pile at the moment until I finish converting the Hunslet 05 to P4. Here's a before & after of the wheelsets. Maybe Mr Chris would consider a chassis for one of these if the demand was there? P
  4. Most of the brake rigging that can be seen in modelling terms can be seen on this BR built plywood version. https://flic.kr/p/6TvzTE P
  5. I thought it was the Railway institute. Didn't realise there was train sets inside. It was from behind there, after sneaking through the gates we could climb up onto the tops. If we came back that way, we'd half inch a couple of empty Brown Ale bottles from a crate and take them to the off sales of a another pub to get the return fee. Ha, smashing times. P
  6. Well to stop Mr Moan having a bit more twist I thought I would but up this pic of one his 03/04 chassis. It's going under one of Bachmanns latest 03 chassis bodies and it has moved on a good bit since taking the photo. It virtually falls together and runs as sweet as a nut. It's testament to Twisty's design skills and CAD acumen. Absolutely no connection at all to Mr Moan apart from taking the mickey out of each other each time we meet. P
  7. ...and another. 010291:Tyne Dock Jarrow 1949 by Newcastle Libraries, on Flickr Prior to The iron Ore gantry being built.
  8. Bit like you and your chassis then. Sadly like everybody else just a memory for me. Great to drive through with an open exhaust. Used to stop at relatives in Railway Street at Tyne Dock and play on top of the arches. Most of the track had been pulled up by then though. You'd do no better than here looking for images. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Tyne+Dock+arches&num=100&newwindow=1&site=webhp&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CCEQsARqFQoTCJ-Zj5jo08gCFYm9FAodtEcJMg&biw=1240&bih=954 This is nifty: P
  9. All publicity is good publicity. A High Level Chassis yesterday. If you'd have done a decent 14x 22 Andrew Barclay we'd probably be up to page 934 by now. Chassis for a Hornby Peckett anyone? No, no. Just embarrassing. P (Starting to settle down)
  10. Don't think you're getting off lightly. http://www.scalefour.org/scaleforum/2013/aroundtheshow/IMG_3620.html P
  11. It's been a good few years since I did any work for the Chronicle but I still have access to their photies so beware. BUT that doesn't stop yet another repeat showing of this gem: https://youtu.be/ybT3s73lUhg?t=3m33s and of course your most famous line: As you know I would (and still do) duck & dive at the appearance of a camera and as I always relate when your sisters tell that tale, they kindly miss out the word, "ugly" and always get the first letter of looker mixed up with another consonant. Nothing wrong with Safari jackets. Bang goes my anonymity. It's break out the disguise for future shows. Probability doesn't come into it! 1971! I thought The Modernisation Plan was but a pipe dream within some BTC planners St Bruno when that was taken. It's good to share: https://flic.kr/p/LJyUA to you all. P
  12. Never read Mr Fiennes book but just to show nothing is new: https://youtu.be/alKrBV_1YGw Between 15 & 50 seconds filmed inside the BTH works at Rugby. Bandits must have been an in vogue word back then. The rest of the picture was filmed around Tyneside apart from the Level X-ing and Norfolk boat yards. P
  13. It's just part of my obsession for anything old with historic North East undertones. I feel I have a duty to show those pictures as it shows how things were in a long forgotten bygone era. Be flattered the images show how well you have worn. I've got that other Rock gods biography to finish first but I've got the Working Title for your volumes One & Two. Confessions of a Railway Toddler. The Early Years., followed by: 31's not out. Rolling bogies. P
  14. A Cinnamon Sugar Candied Nut? Over & Out.
  15. There you go... Well you did say, "any photo's". Recognise him Dave? P
  16. Now you've said that it's prompted me to check. I think you are right. The two pics I have easy access to are on my PC and they both have TSB's as the centre car, so 4 car sets reduced. Must dig out the other pics. Notes to self. Check records before sticking foot in mouth. P
  17. The North Eastern Region had an allocation of 3 car 104 sets throughout the early 1960's. They had some in the seventies also. I used to use them between Durham and Newcastle then. P
  18. Spot on that man. You'll not find any fitted prior to the Great Train Robbery. "Loudaphone" grills were fitted to some TPO roofs about the same time. My Uncle who had something to do with TPO security said they would sound a very loud pre recoded message telling everybody a robbery was in progress alternating with a siren when instigated. He wasn't impressed when I told him the horse had already bolted. I'm guessing it'll not be long before Dave puts up his pic of a Mk1 bullion coach at Pilmoor that shows the Fibre Glass radio pods that were fitted to it. P
  19. I suspect that van is being used as additional warehousing. It seems to be full of boxes of Barker & Dobson sweetie jars. I didn't realise Everton mints were that popular. P
  20. Freightliner Depot. Different crane but the yard lamp provides a link. <iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m0!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1445012073388!6m8!1m7!1s_3aHNOKd85pBSWzlLZCJDQ!2m2!1d53.76880073079225!2d-1.513405541405076!3f84.73057261763846!4f-12.889231979192417!5f0.7820865974627469" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Roads have altered a bit and no more 101s. <iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m0!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1445012347707!6m8!1m7!1sECXwovUn5oeosyoCSqSB9Q!2m2!1d53.7959359!2d-1.5341162!3f356.3518913439047!4f5.033285021645071!5f0.7820865974627469" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe> P
  21. You've done Mr. MacD proud with that. I really must make a start on mine. Love the prototypical upward curve of the frame. Porcy
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