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Everything posted by darrel

  1. Got mine on my way home from work.I have 3 ordered from my local newsagents, however the shop only had been sent one the distributors say they have not received enough of them yet. So It may be they will be hard to get hold of so act quickly. I was surprised to see the binder along with it, I thought they were only sent to you if you had taken out a subscription. While I'm glad to have one this means I will end up with 4 binders. Like buses you wait ages then 4 turn up at the same time. Anyway the model is very nice. I agree with smiffy about the red colour, any suggestions which colour of Humbrol is closest?. Other than that the decoration is very good, I will be keeping one in this livery, however it almost seems a shame to repaint the others BR Black. Only other small jobs I can see are to fit better coal in the tender, and paint the cab interior. Mention was made about making it one of the Scottish Directors however I think there are a lot of dimensional differences. Wish our friend weatheringman, was around to advise, get well soon mate.
  2. Bit more work done on my K4 reversing lever added using microstrip. One thing I noticed was the K4 boiler looks smaller than the K3 it is particularly noticeable at the front of the cab there is a bigger distance from the top of the cab roof to the top of the boiler, it's probably a smaller diameter boiler. Compare the two line drawings in the magazine and you will see what I mean. So I have cut a couple of millimetres from the bottom of the firebox, and tried to lower the boiler at the front end. It's not perfect but looks more like a K4. It's not for rivet counters though. So far though it's only cost me the price of some handrail knobs and wire. The K4 is at the front with an untouched K3 behind for comparison
  3. Work in progress of my k3 to k4 conversion, rivet counters may wish to look away now. New chimney and boiler dome added, no idea what make they are they were given to me by another member of the model railway club. And wire handrails fitted
  4. I would have preferred the lima HST.
  5. My model railway club have a lima police 37 modified with blue flashing lights it is not DCC but had some electrical thing fitted inside it that kept the light flashing for a while after the train had stopped. We didn't fit a siren though I suspect if we had it would have driven us insane over 2 days at an exhibition. And we would probably have got lynched by whoever was on the layout next to us.
  6. Please dont go back to lurking the more people posting the better, especially the ones showing photos of what they have done with these locos. Good job with the 4MT.
  7. I've just noticed (they have only just come out of the packaging) that one of my 4MT models does not have a BR crest on the tank sides, both sides. I was thinking of putting an early lion and wheel crest on one of them it's just selected itself and made life a bit easier
  8. Now he tells me LOL I might have had to paint them and the buffer beam anyway so they would match
  9. Just replaced the buffers on the front of the 4MT. Simple job the existing buffers pull out with a little gentle twisting. I then used a round file to open out the hole testing the replacement buffer for fit. It's a nice tight fit so I have not even bothered to glue it. The replacement buffers are sprung buffers from a Hornby class 31 I had to paint the shanks, the buffer beam will need repainting as well to match. The buffers were bought from Peters spares they come in packs of 4.
  10. Rowanj for a Speedo cable you could use a guitar string a 3rd string looks about right
  11. Got home to find a lonesome Portuguese N gauge loco through the post. It is the same as the one from the other series but with a different number.
  12. Touch wood not had any problem with.... No I'm not going to say anything else incase I curse it
  13. I have the previous range of n gauge locomotives of the world, I think it was a different company that made them. Strangely the free n gauge locos that have come with this series are different locos to that range. I hope the folder turn up soon
  14. Just back from holiday picked up 3 from my local shop. The guy in the shop keeps saying to me "why do you need so many of each? Where are you going to put them all?" He is starting to sound like my mum! Ordered some buffers for them so will wait till they arrive before doing anything else to them. I can make a start on my K3 / K4 conversion thanks to a friend giving me a chimney and a dome. But first have a lot of tv to catch up on.
  15. I'm still suprised the models are not on sale in the museum shop. They would sell no problem
  16. Thanks London tram will have a look
  17. I will be really interested to see the north British and caley locos created from the D11 please post step by step photos of the conversions I will be tempted to have a go myself
  18. No idea I'm on holiday in the isle of Skye but my local newsagent is keeping 3 aside for me
  19. I never worked with class 45s but all the old hands at Skipton said they were the best locomotives they had worked on up until the class 60s. Does anyone know what class of peak it is 44, 45 or 46?
  20. Just weathered mine. First photo shows a close up of the vacuum bag after I twisted it into the correct direction, it also shows the lack of buffer shanks on the front. Strangely the rear ones are there. Think I will be looking for white metal ones.
  21. Page 100 already!! Came home from work to my delivery. I will leave the review to our dear Weatheringman but quick comments, it's a great model. The silver bits will be improved by repainting but at least the wheels are black. The vacuum pipe on the front goes up instead of down. It's easy enough to replace however I gently twisted it down and it worked. One of the pipe things that go into the top of the boiler (feed pipes?) Fell off as I handled the model it glues on again easily enough but you may wish to check yours are secure. I'm off to repaint silver bits now
  22. I bought issue one today even though I have no intention of building the loco I was curious to see what the magazine was like. Most of it was rubbish, however I did like the step by step photos for building the model. I wish every kit came with instructions like that. I have one half built kit where the instructions confused me so much I gave up.
  23. I suppose we could argue that to the man or woman on the street a Deltic and a peak would look similar as well. They both have noses after all. Don't get me wrong I would be happy if they did a class 37, so many things I could do with them. But it could be seen as similar as well.
  24. Going by previous model announcements I would expect the next one after the 4MT to be posted on their website at some point tomorrow. And then there will be a flood of froth on here shortly afterwards. They seem to post it the Friday before the next issue comes out. I would imagine they are already sat in a top secret high security warehouse protected by the army navy air force armed police SWAT teams and the salvation army
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