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The Fatadder

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Blog Entries posted by The Fatadder

  1. The Fatadder
    Well its finally arrived...

    At the moment I have the model upside down, and assuming that Bachmann havent gone with some odd axle diameter, it looks like the conversion is going to be very straight forward. The break gear will all have to be removed (and will need to be replaced with brass to get it to fit) but other than that it all looks very easy. Not sure what to do with the cranks (I've never brought outside framed wheels for a kettle before, so I assume they come with cranks in the same way those for an 08 do?)
    Will reuse the Bachmann rods, and the Bachmann bogie. For the tender I'm not sure what I will do, I'd prefer to rebuild with some kind of springing, but I suspect that the masokits unit would be visible from the sides...
    The spare front bogie is going to be modified to remove the NEM pocket (I really do prefer manufacturers fitting them to be body so they can be removed without damaging detail!)
    The buffer beams are going to need to be repainted to the correct (bright) red, rather handy really as I was thing removing the buffer beam number without damaging the lining would be a pain. the post 98 OHLE flashes will be fitted to the sand boxes/cab roof.
    I havent decided if I will use Ultrascales or Gibsons for the wheels yet. A couple of years back I had no end of issues with the Gibson wheels in an 09, but the combination of improved standards on my part and on the new owners of Gibson do make me fancy trying again. A lot will depend on whether Gibson can supply the drivers for CoT on a 3mm axle (that I assume that Bachmann have used.) The Ultrascales are significantly more expensive, Nickel Silver (which I really dislike) and have a long wait, and thinking about it will still require the cranks fitting. On the other hand they are much better quality. I just wish that they had done the 20 whatever spoke patten wheel that CoT uses in steel rather than the 16 spokes they have done.......
    I suspect at the end of the day I will go with the Gibsons and if I have any problems then buy a set of Ultrascale's drivers.
    An area of concern is the tender wheels, both in that they are currently stub axles with a plastic centre (for the tender pickups) and secondly that they appear (at a glance) to have long axles) Looks like its going to need new pickups making here (a job I absolutely cant stand) but pickup on 2 axles just wont be enough so most annoyingly will have to do something about it.
    Also on the tender, the break gear is very very odd, appearing to be in line with the axleboxes rather than where the wheels should be. While this is an improvement on having them too narrow (like those on the driving wheels), it does seem a bit odd.
    I'm not at all happy with the etched number plate, given that its missing the very prominent orange lining and tbh dosnt look as good as the printed one. will either need a transfer for the lining or to find a better etch!
    The gap between body and chassis is much too big, so something will have to be done about that! Rather handy that slider to reduce the gap, now thinking that some sprung buffers between body and tender would be useful.
    Finally a question, Would the water scoop on the tender still be there in its current condition? Is there anything else that needs removing or adding to get to current condition on the mainline.
    Have finally got round to doing the measurements on the axles. Drivers are 3mm diameter, tender wheels are a bit more tricky. 2mm axles, but on 27mm stub axles, could be interesting for the conversion.......
  2. The Fatadder
    Finally got round to making a start on gluing the etches onto my models of the Great Western Trains HST barrier coaches 6336 and 6338 (actually my 2nd model of 6338 as I already have finished one in First Great Western condition.)
    Thankfully the GWT version is a little easier than the FGW one as it retains the corridor connections (so at least I dont have to scratch build any more blanking plates for those!)
    The first step was removing all the Inter-city logos along with the NEA Tops codes and numbers, Scalemodel Transfers produce a set designed for either 6336 and 6338 in Intercity which are perfect for the GWT coaches.
    The etches were glued on using the method Jon (Scheihallion) described for fitting window frame etches, a short length of masking tape is stuck to the etch which is then positioned on the model. once happy with the position a scalpel was slipped under the side of the etch pushing it up at an angle so it pivots on the tape. I then check to make sure it returns to the original position, then repeat the process this time applying a coat of superglue to the underside of the etch.
    I do one side at a time (leaving lots of time to dry between sides)
    Still a fair bit of work that needs doing to bring the rest of the model up to scratch given Bachmann's insistance of putting 50s details no matter what era the model is supposed to represent. As such the end steps and Vac break gear all needs to be removed, along with adding air break bits (and sorting out those roof ribs). Would be interested if anyone knows of any other improvements....
    Finally the grey and white will need to be resprayed

  3. The Fatadder
    Over the past couple of days while making progress on the design work for my 2010 entry, thoughts have come back a couple of times as to what I will do with Blackcombe Torr.
    This was the original track plan.

    The change focuses around the complete removal of the mainline, along with all of the TPWS gear. The brick bridge on the left hand side would be replaced with a smaller 2 part stone structure (probably half girder half arch). The branchline will be removed either leaving a loco length headshunt or more likely removing the two points (purple dots)and replacing with a single B/C 9 and a catch point on the loop to protect it. The two points with red dots should ideally be replaced (both being A6s) however I doubt its possible without major track alterations. The plan here is going to be drawing up the layout in Templot and seeing which (if any) is possible to be replaced with minimal realignment. The biggest change is on the right hand side. Instead of the original 4ft fiddleyard, the intention is to add another 3ftscenic baseboard which will contain the other end of both the works runaround loop along with the branch loop. The branch line will then continue off scene to a 2ft fiddleyard (intended to handle a 2 car DMU service).
    The new plan

    Along with the scenic changes I am also planning a number of modifications to improve running, most importantly fitting some C&L dowels to sort out the alignment issues, and relaying the short lengths either side of the baseboard joint. There will also be a througher inspection of the track to eliminate any other defects.
    The left hand fiddleyard will be a new treverser, 4ft length
    Now this is all more of a long term plan (certainly I am not looking to start until after the new project is finished), though that said there is a possibility some of the repair work might be started over the summer if I hit any delays with parts etc for the new one (really must get a name sorted!) The intention is to get a layout built principally for my 80s china clay stock thats not going to be suitable for the 2010 plan.
  4. The Fatadder
    Well, I've tried playing with templot, and sadly havent had much success with the platform modifications.
    Thanks to some information on DEMU and some diagrams from the Scalefour Society I was able to confirm how wide the platform should be. Unfortunately after completing both of my planned modifications (shifting the point back and increasing the curve on the platform track) I still have not been able to get the width of the platform to comply with even the minimum standards (let alone those for a high speed line.)
    Now I think I am right in saying that a secondary mainline located west of Bristol would be 100mph max speed not 125, so I guess that does mean that I can just about avoid the 100mph + requirements (this is thinking in terms of the layouts expansion rather than how it will be initially). This does help me slightly as it does allow a narrower platform (all be it not as narrow as mine would have to be.)
    At the moment the platform is approximately 80mm (20ft) wide (edge to edge) at the left hand end, and approximately 100mm (25ft) at the buffer stop. This is further compounded by the extra width that is required if you want to have any platform seats (let alone having the bus stop type shelter that was planned). This has the unfortunatly affect of not only the platform being rather suspect in its accuracy should the build go ahead, but also means that actual modelling involved becomes rather dull, as there is no opportunity to add any canopies, buildings or any other detailing to the platform tops...
    There are options to enable more width, none of which are really much use. The point accessing the branch platform could be moved back further increasing the distance between it and the mainline, however given its close proximity to the baseboard joint, the only way to do this would be to move it off scene, build another baseboard or to shift the whole layout along by another 12inches or so (loosing 12 inches of platform). Moving it off scene looses too much operation/building interest, building another baseboard means I may as well start again with a new plan thats designed from the outset to use that space, and having already chopped out 100mm of platform the station will start looking silly if I remove any more (particularly chopping out another 300mm!) The only other option is to use a tighter radius point (thus getting the curve finished sooner), Given that I am already using a BV8 I really dont want to go much tighter (particularly as given a BV7 wouldnt make enough of a difference it would require using a 6 which is just too tight (and looks a bit rubbish tbh).
    So where does that leave the layout...
    The first step is going to be research! I am going to have a hunt for a similar prototype station which has a mainline on one side of the platform and a branch on the other, with a narrow platform. If I can find a suitable prototype to use as precedence for the design then all is good and I can stop worrying about it!
    If not, back to the drawing board I guess....
  5. The Fatadder
    A little more work on drawings. a first draft of the bridge at the station end, working from a couple of photos of the prototype at Botley and dimensions from Google Earth.

    The second drawing from todays work is the signal box, again based upon the prototype at Botley. Makes an interesting prototype with the boarded up windows, door falling off, along with the various wires & lights on the end. The boarded up windows are also rather handy avoiding having to model the windows!

    I now have built up the core for the signal box. 4 sides from 40 thou plasticard, with a floor and a couple of spacers to keep it all ridged. Onto this I will fit the brick (currently only have Slatters version, but feel that I really aught to get on and order some of the South Eastern Finecast stuff, which from what I've seen of Jim SW's work with it looks a lot better than the Slatters stuff (not to mention for the two prototypes mentioned here I need to do the signal box in Flemmish bond, and the Bridge in Engineers.)
    Only problem is getting hold of the stuff, South Eastern Finecast unfortunately dont offer internet ordering (which means that it will take me an absolute age to get round to buying any!) What I really need is another trader who stocks it (and also sells a non acidic flux...) Shame Eilienes only sell the Slatters stuff
    Unfortunately until the brickwork is done there's not a lot else I can do (other than keep on looking for photos of the other two sides of the box.) Was able to check to see if it fits in its proposed location on the layout (which it did thankfully!)
    Really does start to feel like your getting somewhere once the plasticard starts to be cut, even if there isnt any track down yet!
  6. The Fatadder
    This post will make a lot more sense to those who have a copy of 'Bridges for Modellers' by L.V. Wood........
    I've been spending some time today thinking about what to do with the 3 bridges on the layout.
    For the bridge at the platform end I have decided to go with something very similar to the prototype at Botley, in having an arch bridge of brick construction with no wing walls. As with the prototype the gap between the inside of the arch and the edge of the platform will be quite tight.
    The footbridge I am still undecided on,
    I am favouring the idea of kitbashing either a kit or rtr bridge (mostly because I would prefer to avoid the expense of etching components for the mesh), Of the designs I have looked at it seems to be between the two Ratio products, although both would need fairly hefty modification to get the bridge to carry across to the road. I really like the new covered type discussed in this thread, particularly after looking at Chris Nevard's photo showing a similar bridge on the SE division. The biggest problem is that its not a stright topped bridge, and the lattice would mean buying 2 of them in order to extend to the road. on the plus side the painted finish makes things a lot easier to paint.
    The other option is Ratio's concrete footbridge, again this is the high centre type, but this is slightly less of an issue given the concrete design will be very easy to expand with plasticard on one side. Not keen on painting and weathering concrete though.
    Not sure which I will go with yet...
    Finally there is the farm bridge at the other end, this is where the book comes in, figures 93, 118 and 120 show the bridge I am planning on basing it on. This is a brick arch over the mainline and a girder bridge over the branch. will be based off the drawings in the book, adapted to fit the location.
  7. The Fatadder
    Things have slowed up rather recently, in part down to spending more time working on modelling stock after getting rather carried away working on Clan Line, coupled with the lack of a non acidic flux.
    I have been making progress on track building, with the majority of the exactoscale track for the mainline built and ready to glue down. Unfortunately lack of said flux is rather holding things up at the moment, so I guess I really aught to get on and order some (I wish I had remembered this at Warley!) Want to wait for the non acidic stuff so as to hopefully prevent the rust problems I experienced before at soldered joints (given that all of the Colin Craig stuff is of soldered construction.)
    All of the track feeds for the E29 Sleepers are going to be soldered onto the underside of the rail (1 feed on the 6 inch length and 2 feeds on the yard lengths), for the wooden sleeper track I will use Jim SW's method that is described else where on the forum.
    I really need to make a start on thinking what buildings I will go with,
    For the 2 bridges I plan on finding something suitable in the 'Bridges for Modellers' book, these will probably feature one arch and one girder to add a bit of interest, and will be built with the stone block style thats quite common in West Devon / East Cornwall.
    Still undecided on how I will do the platforms, mostly as a result from indecision as to whether this is an ex GW or ex SR station, if its the former I suspect I will go with brick construction (Wills), for the latter maybe concrete (peco). need to do a lot more research on methods of platform construction first though having had some poor results in the past.
    The same indecision is also stopping me from deciding upon a foot bridge, though I suspect it will have to be a scratch build job given its design (using the same format as Botley where one end of the bridge continues across to join with a higher level road.)
    Finally there is the choice of buildings for the area that falls outside of the challenge. I have a few ideas here, making a much more urban environment to suit a busy station, a part finished model of March Mills retail park from Plymouth is one option I quite like the idea of reusing, maybe in combination with some office buildings. the viewing side will be grass (implied to be fields), with the station located out of town. There will also be a small station carpark.
  8. The Fatadder
    A slow morning spent waiting to hear back whether or not my car is fixable (having died on the way out last night.) Turns out that the Alternator has blown so now I'm stuck at home waiting for the RAC to come and fit a new one, most annoying as until they come and call I cant leave the house!
    Still, its given a bit more time to work on Clan line.
    The first job this morning was a couple of modifications to the front bogie, soldering on a washer to help correct its position. Looks like some washers are also going to be needed at the other end where the mounting arm meets the chassis as there still seems to be a lot of slop (resulting from the mounting arm used being a lot thinner than the Hornby one.
    Much more importantly I have also made a start on the electrics. In preparation for later DCC fitting, I have removed the existing wiring and suppression capacitor and re wired the links to the pickups getting rid of the live chassis block. Pickups have now been reglued to the chassis and all that remains is to connect wires to the motor.
    Unfortunately I dont have a DC controller to do any testing with up here (my trusty old Hornby unit is still bolted to the old layout down in Devon), and it appears my temporary solution that I have been using to test my for sale stuff appears to have run out of power. Normaly it wouldn't be a problem as I'd just fit a decoder and be done with it, but having had issues on my 08s with the mech ceasing up once I had fitted the con rods, I want to do all the testing on DC before I risk a chip! I had hoped to make it down to DRAG this month, but alas the second evening when the old test track is up is the day after boxing day (so I would be very surprised if its happening) and the first clashes with Graduation (as it is I already have to chose between Graduation and an assessment day for a job...)
    I suspect I will end up fitting a decoder and risking then removing it again after I've fitted the valve gear etc.
    I have managed to work out a temporary solution to the details on the trailing truck, by cutting down the Hornby truck and fitting it to the Comet sub frame. Although I still plan on replacing this with better parts once I manage to get them.
    Which leaves the tender connection as the only job left that I can work on, and I still havent a clue how I am going to do it...
  9. The Fatadder
    Been playing with the soldering iron today, and knocked up the comet kit for the front bogie.
    other than a bit of fun trying to laminate the outer frame onto the sub frame all went quite well got a bit of solder to scrape off on one side where it made a bit of a mess, but other than that its gone together nicely. the next job will be weighting it up (planning on filling the underside of it with lead) and tidying up the mounting arm.
    I am also thinking that I probably aught to add a spring to get a bit of extra force onto it to make up for the light weight.
    It still needs to have the wires fitted which will hold the wheels in place, but as you can see from the photos its missing one axle at the moment (one day I will get on and order a new one...) so a branchlines wheel is filling its place.
    Would be interested to hear if it should have a cross piece or something at the front as it looks a bit open at the moment.
    The next job is going to be working out how on earth I will attach loco to tender. thinking some kind of wire loop soldered to the back of the trailing truck maybe.....
    Otherwise I guess theres always the option of looking for some kind of prototypical fixing maybe?
    The other area I want to add some more detail to is filling in the gaps under the cab and on the back of the firebox where the model only has the side detail (and then a big hole). I think adding this should lose the extra daylight above the trailing truck (excluding the area where the truck's frame aught to be of course.)

  10. The Fatadder
    Lots of work on this loco today!
    Prototype Photo:
    Starting off this morning with priming the yellow ends, followed by 2 coats of Warning yellow. Annoyingly there are still a few areas on the ends that need the yellow touching up (mostly those areas that its difficult to get paint onto), so that will get done tomorrow.
    Once the final coat was dry, I then got on with the transfers for the sides.
    Working with an old set of Fox transfers (picked up in a bargain bucket at the Falmouth show a couple of years back for about 50p) I have had a few issues with the transfer cracking, but it seems to have patched up ok.
    I didnt bother using the white backing piece given that for some reason it was a few mm too long (the red/white top layer being the right length.) in the end I decided to test it directly onto the model, while it looses a bit of intensity it did save a lot of hassle (and I think it turned out ok.)
    There is always the possibility of adding a 2nd layer of the same transfer to see if that helps. The other transfers went on much quicker (not requiring messing about trying to get a straight line for a start...) the Fraggonset in particular was very finely detailed!
    A little disappointing are the pre made number sets which look a tad on the small side (annoyingly I dont think there are other transfers available for Fraggonset numbers) but again its not far enough out for me to start having to worry about commissioning replacements.

    Still to do:
    Finish touching up yellow paint & add front OHLE Flashes. Touch up black paint on buffer beam cowling, Then varnish.
    Add Handrails & Glazing
    New underframe - needs long range tanks. Will use Heljan parts, not sure how I will add the pipework on the side yet.
    Add details - air pipes, multiple working jumpers on cab front (Hurst), ETH socket
    and finally some light weathering, mostly focused on the roof and chassis
  11. The Fatadder
    I touched on this slightly in last nights blog, but I think its probably more deserving to have a post in its own right.
    Having picked up a couple of packets of Tamyier weathering 'makeup' type powders yesterday I set about having a play with them on 47768. The idea was to try out 4 different styles which together make up the majority of the weathering I am planning for the moment.
    The first was the dark streaks coming down from the roof joints, these took a lot of attempts to get something I was happy with, due to the lack of control I found with the pad when used in a small area. I think in future I will stick to using gouache.
    The next was the sooty deposits around the exhaust port, here it lacked a bit of texture and I had a real problem getting the 'powder' to go into the corners of the detail (ie exactly where I wanted the majority of it to be).... Not sure what can be done there unless its possible to get a much finer tipped applicator. This was compounded by the roof colour hiding the weathering. Going to get some Mig powders one day and redo it
    I didnt think that the white colour would be of much use, but it has served very nicely for faiding paintwork, but again as with the exhaust port its only really much good if there is minimal detail on the panel you want to weather.
    The bogies were attacked with layers of browns, sand and rust, again suffering from the same issue (this is getting rather repetitive) that I struggled to get the colour into corners. made much worse on the bogies with pipework!
    Finally some road dirt was applied to the side of the loco, started by roughly applying brown, sand, rust and soot colours then blending it all carefully together resulting in a smooth finish.
    I then tried moving onto the cab front with slightly less success (mostly that same problem again compounded by the fact there is a lot more detail on the fronts.)
    This will be it for now as I realised after starting that I havent painted the tail light surrounds yet and they clearly need to be painted white prior to finishing the weathering. Just need the sun to come out now so that I can do the photos in decent light.

  12. The Fatadder
    This morning was spent working on 47709, which has now been sprayed up in Fraggonset black. other than a few of the usual areas which could do with some minor touching up its gone on pretty well. Once again the masking tape has failed to do its job so the cantrail stripe is going to need to be repainted (along with touching up the paint on one corner of the cab roof).
    Now that the paint has dried the next job is going to be preparing the ends to be resprayed. Most annoyingly will have to prime first given I need to paint out a black headcode box at one end, so thats an extra days work and another layer of masking. Still, have saved some time by reusing the Vi Trains roof colour (although at some point the panel over the boiler port needs changing to the rectangular type which may mean respraying the roof to match...
    In readyness for painting tomorrow I have set about tidying up the cab front removing the mould line above the handrail (normally the handrail seems to hide it pretty well, but i figured since I'm respraying I may as well....
    Ended up heading into town to do my christmas shopping today, and stopped by Hobbycraft on the way home hoping to find some weathering powders. Ended up with two sets of the Tamier ones which I have been trying out on 47768,
    So far I have had a bit of an issue getting the colours to go around detail (ie where I want to be dirtiest) but quite happy with the look of the bogies.
    The affect around the exhaust port could do with being a lot darker, so I think will have to get on and buy some mig powders to do that!
    Again the photo is pretty poor quality given the lighting conditions need to get a finer applicator to refine the dark stains under the roof panel joints, and give the roof a much better going over once I have some different powders to use. I do think that these tamier colours are pretty handy for building up road dirt on a flush sided loco though

  13. The Fatadder
    Pretty much what it says on the tin...
    My third Vi Trians class 47 arrived in the post this morning, 47768 in RES.
    So far I have removed all of the glazing, and then masked off and sprayed the cab windows & doors with some satin black paint. the roof grills have been removed prior to fitting Shawplans grills. As previosuly mentioned I will also be adding the roof pipe that crosses the roof grills (as can be seen in this photo on the left hand side.)
    Will edit this to add a photo in the morning, as per usual I just cant take a photo in the evening because of the poor light.)
  14. The Fatadder
    Bits for Clan Line have now started to arrive...
    First of all there is a nice pack from Comet which contains the front bogie, and a West Country trailing truck.
    The bogie looks easy enough to build (just need to get round to buying some flux so I can get the soldering iron out!) and it looks like the trailing truck is modifiable once I get some castings for the suspension & axlebox (will be putting a request out in February to anyone going to the Tonbridge show to pick me up a set...) Still waiting on the con rods and tender chassis, but then both said to expect 28days for delivery.
    Having picked up the rest of my existing parts from home which has allowed me to finish setting up the sprung axle, and add the bodyshell again, was pretty amazed that with the body fitted it has perfect balance (which does however make me a little worried about how I will add extra weight.) One option I am considering at the moment is to have the chassis frames wider than scale width to allow the fitting of lead sheet on either side......
    Have attached a photo with some of the old Hornby con rods fitted, along with the tender with new wheels just dropped in.

  15. The Fatadder
    Today's modelling has been focused on painting and weathering.
    I started off trying to get my A3's new wheelsets painted (with the intention of getting that re-wheeled once the Merchant Navy is finished). After painting the first coat of green, I realised that the wheels are missing the ballance weights, so are going to have to be painted again once I manage to find some. Must say I'm a little dissapointed that the wheels didnt come with any, wouldnt exactly have cost much more to put a small etch in the packet!
    The other job was a bit more enjoyable, making a start on weathering 37235 starting with the roof. I've mixed up a roof dirt type colour from the few shades of powders I have and some hairspray, which was then applied to the roof with a flat brush.
    To be honest Im not really very pleased with it, much too streaky and dosnt look very prototypical. In the flesh it dosnt look as bad as the photos (my crap photography will make anything look pretty bad!) but its very streaky and a bit patchy and on the whole just not good enough!
    Still need to do the body sides and the ends once I have some browns etc
    Would be interested to hear where improvements can be made, more importantly how to fix it. I suppose the first step is going to be stripping it back off with some more hairspray, then buying some decent powders before starting again.....

    Edit: I have now added some more work on the roof. again the photos look pretty awful but the model looks a bit better. Still not happy with it though
    This was done through applying the hairspray directly to the model, then loading a brush with powder and applying to the wet surface

  16. The Fatadder
    With the baseboards sorted and the trackplan pretty much finished, its time to start looking at track...
    As mentioned in the outline, my method of satisfying the '5 things for 5 years of RMWeb' is the use of 5 different types of plain track.
    This includes:

    Bullhead rail with wooden sleepers and BR chairs - Modelled using Exactoscale chairs and sleeper bases with the latter modified to remove the webbing between the sleepers. This will have track feeds following Jim S-W's design here. Continuously welded Flatbottom rail with E29 Sleepers and 'e' padrol clips, will also include a few odd E28 sleepers (basically the E29 but with a 3rd rail step) just to add in a little different (nothing to do with acidental filing...) - This are modelled using the exactoscale sleeper bases, all cut from the webbing and fitted to the rail at the correct spacing. Continuously welded Flatbottom rail with wooden sleepers and PAN11 baseplates - Copperclad sleepers with Colin Craig parts for the baseplates, this forms the mainline to the left after the pointwork and also the short track length between points. Continuously welded Flatbottom rail with BR1 baseplates - Again wooden sleepers and Colin Craig etched baseplates, this forms the branchline Finally Flatbottom rail with wooden sleepers and BR2 baseplates - As with the BR1 for construction, this will be used for a single short jointed pannel between the bay point and the bullhead track that forms the siding. There will also be 2 different types of adjustment switch (fitted between points and continuously welded rail) with those on the mainline being built with flatbottom rail for the reinforcing bars in the centre, whereas the branch will use Bullhead (again there is not really much of a reason for this other than I want to build different versions....
    I think I am now about half way through cutting the Up main's sleepers from the webbing, still a lot more to cut up though! Hopefully will have enough done to start adding them to rail tonight.....
  17. The Fatadder
    Or rather 2 of them.....
    Having come home from Warley with a Vi Trains 47/4 in Large Logo, I've now gone and added a 47/7 in Res to the fleet. (Ontracks have them on offer at ??47!)
    Despite the model having not arrived yet, thats not stopped a bit of a research session to work out what I will end up doing with it.
    I am going to keep it as 47768 'Resonant' So heres a couple of links to prototype photos.
    A photo
    Another Photo
    47768 working a FGW daytime loco hualed service
    The planned work involves some chassis detailing, Rewheeling/DCC, replace the Res flashes with the right colour, Shawplan roof grills, new multiple working jumpers, lower it on its bogies, Etched nameplates, and respraying the cab doors / cab windows black.
    On the latter I am a little unsure what to use, while its supposed to be black on a lot of photos it looks like its weathered to a very dark grey. Can anyone confirm if the Vi Trains paint is a satin finish?
    Another area I am a little unsure on is the depot plaque/ BR arrows. I've found a bunch of photos showing them as gone in 1999, present in 1996 and cant tell in 1998. there is also one photo (linked above) that is labelled as 1999 but with plaques.) This is the only confirmed 1998 photo I've found so far but while there is a shiny mark on the cab side, its hard to tell if its a cast plate or the scare from a removed plate.
    The other loco I plan to model requires a lot more work, this is set for a full repaint. At the moment my favourite choice is to model a Fraggonset 47/7 probably 47709 (given that I've found some photos showing it working on Virgin XC and FGW services in 99. Not found much showing it in 98 yet though, so if theres another Fraggonset machine that matches the Vi Trains 47 401 then please comment and let me know.
    As a result of buying these, my GWT and RES Heljan models are going to be finding their way onto the for sale board in the near future!
  18. The Fatadder
    Had a very busy day at Warley today,
    First up the shopping list that seems to be a prerequisite of a post Warley forum posting...
    As mentioned elsewhere I've been very good this year, with all but ??16 of my spending coming from the cash I brought with me, and the sales of some etches. Those who know me will probably be amazed
    First up was the all important rail for my 2010 challenge layout, 2 packs of Exactoscale FB steel rail. I'd like to thank Exactoscale for the exceptional service I got to day, truly it was above and beyond what was expected!
    Next up, and keeping with the P4 theme is a set of Gibson wheels for Clan Line, another one of those jobs thats been on the todo pile for far too long! This will be a straight rewheel of the Hornby model to begin with, with the intention to then go and do some extra work increasing the width of the main chassis and some significant work on the tender to get it to preserved condition. Looking forward to hopefully getting it finished before I next go to DRAG so I can give it a proper test run...
    After chatting with a mate early on in the day who had just got a Vi 47 at the bargain price of ??50 I couldnt resist, and then followed a wild goose chase around the hall trying to find said trader. Having finally found them (MB Models if anyones interested), I then handed over the notes for 47401. This is now going to get detailed up, and will be resprayed into Large Logo grey later in the year (unless of course Vi bring out a large logo grey machine in the mean time, in which case either Blue Pullman (if I havent sold the rake by then) or Fraggonset would seem likely alternatives.
    My final item was a set of Shawplan's new Class 47 roof grills. These have now been fitted to what will become 47813, a lot of care was needed with this as Vi Trains have got the roof grill too big, so the frame needs to be completely removed and there is only just enough materiel left for the new mesh to sit on. Also included with it is a multi part etched brass fan comprising of about 7 different parts, this was glued up and fitted to the Vi Trains mounts. Will be getting some photos of this uploaded this evening (right now I need a rest after being on the feet practically the whole day!) While the etch dosnt come cheap, I'd go as far as saying that its probably Brian's finest grill work yet and does include a fair few more bits than the existing 37 & 20 or the new 56 grills.
    <Photo to come>
  19. The Fatadder
    This project has been on the go for a rather long time...
    It started off with the purchase of a Hornby Clan Line body off ebay a couple of years back, the intention to use it along with an etched chassis to model Clan Line in its preserved condition to add a loco to power my VSOE rake.
    Unfortunately as I found out in the days following buying the body, such a chassis kit didnt exist. A Tender was added about a year later (purchased by mistake for another long term steam project (Tangmere), only to find out that it wasnt the right design but did match Clan Line (still need to buy a new Tender for Tangmere...)
    And that was it for a couple of years until I saw a Hornby Merchant Navy chassis listed on the old version of RMWeb, having brought that I set about stripping it down to fit components intended for Tangmere (whos etched chassis is a long long way down the todo list these days), with the loco completely striped down I then realised that the wheels I had for Tangmere have imperial axles and were no use for Clan Line, so other than P4ing the tender and putting most of the chassis bits in a box, not a lot was done.
    Cue another years gap until Warley yesterday, Whenever I saw Gibson at a show I either didnt think of Clan Line, or didnt want to waste limited spending money on wheels for a loco I dont really need. However yesterday a combination of some left over spending money, and the desire to work on something a bit different to the usual P4 rewheel jobs saw me finally buy the bits that were required.
    Annoyingly I have left the box containing most of the parts for the front & rear 'bits' along with the body and the spring unit for the rear driving wheel back in Devon (thankfully I'm due down there at the weekend so can collect it!) But I was able to get on with the other two driving wheels, these have been fitted with the Hornby gear/bearings and quatered before dropping into the chassis for safe keeping. I have also added the rear driver into its slot for the time being.
    The rear non driving axle was removed earlier in the year, and I now have the correct sized wheel to replace it with, this bits going to need more work though as I want to try and get rid of the huge gap above it! half tempted to see if there is some way to spring it as well (maybe a bill bedford unit bodged to fit the available space)
    with the front bogie, I'd prefer to replace it with an etched one if I can find one.
    I am going to fit a plasticard layer to each side of the main frames to get them to the prototypical width (along with realigning breakgear and the suspension springs.) This does need a little more research to find the old thread that mentioned what size to use...
    The tender needs some minor work doing to the top to add the changes made to it in preservation, and will also get a new chassis with some form of compensation/springing
    Finally the con rods, again on the lookout for a supplier of something a bit finer to replace the Hornby stuff with, particularly as a few parts have got slightly bent.
    Will hopefully bring along a powered chassis to DRAG on monday to give it a bit of a test. I was thinking it would be a good idea to make sure it runs with just the drivers (and maybe the rear trailing axle) to make sure it runs properly before I start messing about trying to rebuild all of the con rods etc.
  20. The Fatadder
    Not a whole lot more has been accomplished since I posted the introduction yesterday, but there has been one pretty significant issue come up. As mentioned earlier I have based the trackplan on that at Botley to the point where its a pretty accurate representation.
    The problem has come with the branch platform, which on the prototype is just a headshunt which runs parallel with a platform. the problem is that this requires a much wider platform in order to satisfy the requirements
    (its currently only 20ft wide)
    I think I can get the width up a little more by pulling the point back 20mm coupled with a slightly tighter curve before the platform rather than having it parallel with the mainline might help a bit, most annoyingly this does mean lifting up templates that are very well glued down!
    I have also made a start on the track construction finally, having dug out all the components for the branch platform, found out that due to the short half metre rail lengths I have for bullhead rail, I am actually short of a lot more track than I thought as each length will only do one rail for one 60ft panel, so given the amount of wastage I am going to have to buy a pack of bullhead rail before I can build more than 2 panels. On the plus side this is the section that needs redesigning anyway in order to get the platform in anyway so its not too much of a hold up.
    Will be returning to Templot this afternoon to get things sorted!
  21. The Fatadder
    A new blog for a new project, given that Bodmin is now officially on hold for the foreseeable future, I've now got on with my new project, 'Un named Junction' The idea behind it has been discussed in its companion topic here, in short it is a terminus station with branch line allowing operation in a similar way to what I would have had on Bodmin, however the station is designed to allow future expansion to be a full continuous run layout. The track plan is based upon Botley on the southern region, with some slight compression (loosing 100mm of the platform and shortening the distance between 2 points)
    The Fact-sheet:

    P4 DCC 1998 and 2003 operating periods (this may be further reduced to just 1998) Located 'somewhere' between Tavistock and Plymouth at a fictional town, the idea being that it was the location of a secondary mainline to Oakhampton (and then onto Exeter) which was closed in the 60s, the branch serves another smaller town that is popular with tourists resulting in a frequent summer service, along with a large amount of freight serving both a large quarry and china clay. Eventually will be 8ft by 2ft scenic area, reduced with a temporary backscene for the competition Trackplan is shown below:
    So far the track templates have been glued to the baseboards, and the track building has commenced. the first step is going to be preparing the down mainline (to be built using exactoscale parts using my plastic jig to ensure the sleeper spacing is right.
    Next will be the bay platform (again exactoscale parts in Bull head this time), annoyingly I am 1 yard of rail short to lay this given that my last 2 half metre lengths of steel BH rail are both damaged with kinks in them. Very annoying as I brought all of the rest of the rail from Exactoscale yesterday and the only other BH rail I have is nickle silver (and hence no good for the secinic stuff. Hopefully will find a couple of lengths while im home, else this will have to wait until I next see exactoscale.......
  22. The Fatadder
    Following on from my last blog 'Second Thoughts' I've been thinking some more about where I see my modelling going over the next couple of years.
    First up the two baseboards that I have already are slightly too big for the 2010 challenge, which does add an extra complexity to my deliberations (mostly stemming from the fact that I dispise any form of woodwork, and while I do keep having thoughts about building a metal framed baseboard, it dosnt suit its self to the sort of odd shape that I would be looking at building for a challenge layout.
    That should be the end of it, but.......
    The first problem is with stock; As I have mentioned before, I have currently got stock for 4 main periods focused around the south west, This includes the early 80s, late 80s, 1998 and 2003-2006. On top of this there is also a bunch of stock still left over from some previous projects.
    This really is just a bit too much stock (I think I have 7 or 8 Class 50s, getting on for 15 37s, umpteen 47s etc etc etc) even with a large continuous run layout, there is still way more stock than I will ever use.
    So the logical thing is to try and thin some of it down, getting rid of some of the 'its nice but little use' locos, (Just to stop the pms before they start flooding in, this is not intended as a For Sale thread. That will come later (if at all), more a case of putting thoughts into writing to try and get a clearer idea of what I actually want.
    Looking at my fleet, am I ever going to need 4 different mainline steam locos? (particularly as the Mallard never ran in my area) Alas the Scotsman I have is half dismantled and will probably never be finished until I end up building a new chassis for it (more on this in a couple of lines time)
    Similarly I have a pair of 456 kits that are half finished (still requiring a fair bit of scratch building on one of them) and a pair of 466 one of which is in bits half way through a motor swap. A box of Lima Class 73s (again all motorless awaiting Bachmann 25 power), a full set of blue pullman mk2s that still needs the buffets painting & upgrading + locos buying, again which falls slightly out of period.
    Then we get onto things like the HSTs, and the long ballast rakes, ideal if a large continuous run is built, but will those models still be current when (if) that ever happens, and if it does happen I suspect I would wait for Showcase or Scaleforum to save on the hassle of postage etc.
    So the logical thing is to sell it on, they are a sunk cost after all, not going to appreciate in value and it will give me a nice bit of extra income (that could be used to pay for building a new layout. The problem here comes back to that business with the 466 and the Scotsman, in that so much of it is only partially finished, meaning that I'd take a huge hit on the original (or finished) value of the item. I dont like loosing money.....
    After thinking about all of this, I then started thinking about it all a little differently. At the moment I keep trying to make layouts which will serve as a background that will let me run a few bits of stock I really like. the early 80s gets me 37207, clay hoods and my peak, the late 80s gives redstripe, NSE 50s and the first period that I can properly remember from childhood, 98 gives GWT livery (my all time favourite) along with a really interesting traffic mix, while 2003-6 gives a period which still has a lot of interesting stuff, but more importantly is after the use of digital cameras became widespread, meaning most research can be done online (which suites me a lot better than books).
    So maybe I am doing this the wrong way, maybe I should be continuing to build up a fleet for a 1998 layout that isnt China Clay meaning I keep the majority of my modern fleet (all be it with the later 2000s stuff slimmed down) and try to find a location which gives some of my other interests. That way the clay stuff can be kept to the 80s (minimising duplication of stock) and I can slim out a big chunk of duplicated models.
    I do quite fancy something in early privatisation that has bother GWT running with some 3rd rail stuff......
    After all of this, I return back to the 2010 challenge. I mentioned in the previous post that I am looking for a challenge with my modelling again, I want to try something that is a different challenge. Maybe if I went thorough with this cull, I may actually be able to do that. A couple of thoughts last night were looking around the southern region before the end of the slam door stock, though it does have the problem that while there is a challenge in the fact that all the stock needs to be kit built, they basicly share the same construction process so after one CIG I suspect the challenge will have worn off and be back to the dull repetitive stuff I cant really be bothered with.
    The other idea was well and truly out of the box, which was to have a go at Broad gauge steam, practically everything would be different to what I'm used to, with having to build a different style of track, everything from kits etc. Of course there is the other option of just deciding that maybe its the hobby as a whole thats not doing anything for me at the moment, and that maybe selling most of it up and trying something else for a couple of years might be a good idea.....
    Anyway, if anyone is still reading this nonsense, thanks for sticking through it. Suspect that Warley could be interesting this year, as it would be good to sound a few more people out on a few ideas...
  23. The Fatadder
    Having spent today working on the first baseboard joint, which in theory means that I can now start work properly on the first baseboard, I'm now having 2nd thoughts.
    As ever its coming down to space (or more to the point the lack of it). Have an interview next week, and should I get the job its going to be yet another move (and even less space than I have at the moment). I could still keep the layout at my parents house, but to be honest I know they would rather not have a room cloged up with layout, and despite it being close to where I will be working I know full well that storing the layout there will just mean its barely ever worked on. The other problem will be that if I get the job I will be buying a new car, (which will have a lot less space in it for moving bits of layout around than the current one...)
    Of course if I dont get the job (and have to wait for September when the rest of the stuff I have applied for starts), then its not such a big deal as hopefully the layout will be pretty much complete by the time I move to start work (and hence could be stored at home and only taken out when going to a show...)
    Anyway, the next result of this (combined with the 2010 competition) has got me thinking about looking to see if I can come up with a smaller design that fulfils my requirements...
    However todays efforts havent had a great deal of luck, the Bodmin plan matches all of my operational needs so well whilst keeping a prototypical track plan, everything else I've come up with so far either looks like a model, or would be too boring to both build and operate.....
    In the background of all this is the nagging idea of 2mm scale, (all be it at a cost of clearing out the vast majority of my 4mm scale stuff),
    The idea appeals, but the lack of flat bottom track components along with a slight doubt at my ability to finish to the standards I would like (particularly with painting) do put me off. As does the significant lack of modern air brake wagons.
    Either way, must make a decision soon either way as there are a couple more bits of RTR due soon that I have my eye on (Management train and the Wessex 153) which I want to buy, but aught not to if theres still a risk of a scale change.....
  24. The Fatadder
    A chance stumble across an old thread on Demu has revived interest in a project I started planning a while back,
    One area that I find quite interesting to operate are charter rakes, the combination of all sorts of different traction with rakes of mixed coaching stock is rather appealing. At the moment I have in progress a full VSOE set (which will have an accurate formation of different coach types, and is more of a long term project). Along with a full Blue Pullman set (Although this still requires the 2 mk1 buffets painting).
    Anyway the third project is based upon a set operated by Vintage Trains Limited based upon a set which was used for a charter in the South West with City of Truro and a green class 37 (believed to be 261)
    The formation looks to be Loco: Mk1 break, Mk2 (not sure which diagram), Mk1 Pullman 2nd class, Mk1 Pullman kitchen, Mk1 break
    While Vintage Trains predominantly operate steam tours, I have also found photos with their stock used with preserved diesels (having found a number of photos showing such operations on their website including a similar formation to the one I have planed (although it has lost the breaks and added a load more mk2s.) From this I will also add a pair of mk2d firsts in Intercity giving a couple of extra options.
    This rake should be pretty simple to put together, other than the Bachmann Commonwelths being too narrow for proper wheels. The mk2s are going to need a few minor modifications to the paint (removing the Pullman names and then re varnishing) and a mk2 will need to be sprayed up to match them.
    The handy thing with this rake its ideally sized to fit in Bodmin (whereas both the VSOE and Blue Pullman rakes are way too long!)
    Some photos to finish things off for now:
    First off 50049 with a longer rake

    City of Truro and the 5 coach set
    Another of City of Truro
    And another
    Finally a couple of shots of the coaches themselves

    Mk1 Pullman Parlour Second 353 (TOPS Number 99353)
    Mk1 Pullman Parlour Second 349 (TOPS Number 99349)

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