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Coombe Barton

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Status Replies posted by Coombe Barton

  1. John,

    As you know I followed you epistles on Sandy's progress and your coming to terms and subsequent care.  It helped ... we have a 16/52 'last chance' grandson and our son's 26 year old partner is still in remission.   We live in hope that that remains so but your detailed diary has given us plenty to think about should this change so, thank you.

    Having missed a week or so on ER I quickly scanned to see how things went and was pleased to see you state the positive response given to you by the organist.

    Cheers, Peter

    PS I presume you lecture at Birmingham/Aston Uni? and your comments re student attitudes on ''work' ring a bell with some of my former students at Walsall. PBB


    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Sir Alec Jeffreys - Sandy and I met him at our graduation ceremony in 1991- actually in the multi-storey car park - he was receiving an honorary doctorate when we received our BAs. Sandy was also involved in the investigation about a murder and it was the first time that the police suspect couldn't have done it because of the DNA evidence with proof by Alec Jeffreys.

      His work also helped prolong Sandy's life as she changed treatments due to a genetic mutation identified by his technique.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. John,

    As you know I followed you epistles on Sandy's progress and your coming to terms and subsequent care.  It helped ... we have a 16/52 'last chance' grandson and our son's 26 year old partner is still in remission.   We live in hope that that remains so but your detailed diary has given us plenty to think about should this change so, thank you.

    Having missed a week or so on ER I quickly scanned to see how things went and was pleased to see you state the positive response given to you by the organist.

    Cheers, Peter

    PS I presume you lecture at Birmingham/Aston Uni? and your comments re student attitudes on ''work' ring a bell with some of my former students at Walsall. PBB


    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Birmingham City University - Birmingham Poly as was. Near Aston, although our Faculty is bigger than the whole of Aston

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. John,


    Have been without RMweb for a while because of computer problems.  Andy P let me know that Sandy had passed away.  Your loving caring and tenderness in all you did for Sandy and the way you kept us informed of a very strong courageous lady gave us a real insight just how brave Sandy was and how steadfast you were during that time including caring for Kerry who must also be missing Sandy.  My thoughts and prayers as also from other RMwebbers are with you.


    Peter BB

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Thank you, Peter.

  4. Has recently been feeling 'tight' around the middle so, using my modelling skills, has added 2 extra notches to my belt. Now my trousers keep falling down!

  5. Hoods are on everything but a hood on a dressing gown?

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      I refuse to wear anything with a hood, with the exception of the waterproof. They tried to persuade me to wear a hooded sweatshirt at work. "I am not a bloody monk!"

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Wife: 'the bedroom's like a fridge.' Me: 'what, the light comes on when you open the door?'.....

  7. RMweb will be offline from 09.45 on Thursday 22nd Jan for up to 3 hours for maintenance work. We apologise for any inconvenience. So.......lots more opportunity for everyone to do some modelling then eh!

  8. might have managed to secure an unbuilt Mitchell "Manor" kit from the man himself. Such a pity the artwork for it was lost :-(

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      I meant - could they recover the artwork before it's built

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. might have managed to secure an unbuilt Mitchell "Manor" kit from the man himself. Such a pity the artwork for it was lost :-(

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Could the artwork be reconstructed from the etch?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. It's nearly Christmas, I saw a Cadbury Creme Egg in the newsagent today.

  11. is seriously considering rejoining the 2mm Scale Association. God help us all.

  12. Is it to early to start a Hornby wishlist?

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Wish they'd produce the stuff announced a few years ago?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. That's one stunning layout for sale in the classifieds but what a price too.

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      A layout for someone whose joy lies not in creation, methinks.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  14. Apart from Captain Kernow does anyone else think sausages would make a good wagon load..........

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Or, for Captain Kernow, curried parsnip sausages?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. I'm bored. I know I'll annoy the good people at RMweb.

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      And to think that Monty Python used to charge for this sort of thing.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. Just had an email from Sainsbury's with a Nectar Christmas promotion.

  17. Just back from skiing in Cortina

  18. Who knew, Putin is a Bristolian!

  19. does anybody else find rabbits more than a little bit scary?

  20. Do people not carry out research for themselves anymore ?

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      You talking about my students here?


      Was talking to one of the consultants treating me - she said that she has the same problem with medical students - served up on a plate is the expression she used.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. For the moment at least, I literally cannot keep up with the Dawlish thread on here, and keep up with the real thing and other flooding problems, and the media reports - never known anything like it!

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Keep safe, keep healthy. Your family needs you.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. would like to welcome my Daughter to forum Born on the 30/1/2014

  23. Davastated - Mum's been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Can't say anything Ian, except to echo that the advice to get in touch with the Alzheimer's Society http://www.alzheimers.org.uk/

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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