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Everything posted by MartinWales

  1. No doubt sold by their representative Mr. Wil. E.Coyote?
  2. Think the motto here is 'worth trying this stuff on Ebay'!
  3. Possibly just a genuine error? Happened to me both ways!
  4. At the risk of being diplomatic, can we all agree that we could offer similar items on available platforms before finally disposing of them?
  5. Quite correct, as you have additional rights under the Distance Selling Act 2013, effective from 1/1/2015.
  6. If it helps, my mother has sent a package to my 7 year old niece in South Carolina on 13/5. Still not there (Macon Georgia apparently, only some 100 miles away!!)
  7. Gordon-That's fantastic!! Will take them all, if that's okay!! Please can you let me know when you can send then Thanks again!!
  8. Hi Gordon Many thanks for replying! That's exactly what I'm looking for! How many have you got? Need at least six, but if price is right may take more!!
  9. Roddy. Please don't apologise,as no offence was caused! Completely agree with the points you have made in the paragraphs above, and it's the way I prefer to work on Ebay,that is deal with others as you would like to be dealt with yourself.
  10. Some have been rebuilt using Parkside underframe details, but having acquired several part built and part complete, I would like to keep them as original as possible
  11. Yes! Any and all considered!
  12. So how would you know that it was received safely? More often than not a quick email produces an answer
  13. Same here! Some take a loooong time, some never!
  14. Very wise John!! I will keep a keen look out for your listings! Martin
  15. Interesting! It's going to take some while for the economy to rebalance and people may be disposing of what they see as surplus items. Possibly a shift in cars and other big ticket items.
  16. That really is taking the proverbial!
  17. BUMP! Any offers? Part sprues welcomed!
  18. Loads of clearance bargains?? Who knows!
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