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Everything posted by MartinWales

  1. John Agree with you there. That's why I use the RM and local Post Office 100%!
  2. Agreed there John! Once I had a knock on the door from my neighbour, an electrician,who by nature of his work sometimes needs to order items online. A pile of parcels had been deposited in a roadside field approximately half a mile away, including his and mine, in poor weather, by a MyHermes courier. Only came to light as a result of the property owner (who incidentally shares the same name as yours truly!) trying to find his dog!. Have to agree though that their service has got considerably better and the courier now has a safe place on the property (we are four households on 5 acres)to leave any future parcels!
  3. Or indeed the charity concerned!
  4. Yeh! Saw that one too, and exclaimed 'HOW MUCH'?
  5. Or the lesser known 'Dip it in brake fluid' method!
  6. Very rare item, AND box damaged!!
  7. Indeed!! Some nice ones there, I'm sorely tempted....
  8. Wonder why he's changed his ID after such a short time??
  9. Amen to that John! Just had two online postage labels refunded to me, without fuss, and took a little over a fortnight!
  10. So long as the end justifies the means??!!
  11. I see you cut the complete quote with the justification!!!
  12. Absolutely not!! Everything I buy on ebay is balanced by a sale, so one in one out! Also I am completely honest and transparent about every item sold (possibly to the point of boredom according to my wife!)
  13. Hi


    None on other websites too...just had a look


    I'll keep an eye out for one!


    PS With your building service do you charge according to size or complexity? Have a cameo layout in mind and was looking at costings?



    1. Gravy Train

      Gravy Train

      It’s always down to time, complexity and size can equate to the same so to speak.

      If you give me your email address I can chat with you in more detail, what sort of an idea you have etc.


      ps thanks for keeping an eye out for said magazine.

  14. Try also NGRM too, may be worth a look!
  15. Well,it's funny you should say that........
  16. Bit of a long shot Peter-have you tried any of the narrow gauge forums?
  17. Have you tried Ebay? If there are no suitable items, then there was a section called 'Want it Now' you could have posted there. Not used it in some time, so unsure if still available
  18. Speaking as one who organises another finescale show, I can fully sympathise with what you are saying Geoff, Indeed some of the items uppermost in my mind are Social distancing-how will this work at an Expo? Do you have hand sanitizing stations at the entrance and if needs be all other rooms including WC's? Wearing a face mask? Or not? Do you give a limited time or slot in front of a layout then ask people to move on? How would you recognize one that might be ill? Etc etc Far more questions than answers, and no one able to clarify!
  19. Always worth doing the things you advocate John! I use it as you mention, kind of a hobby almost. As you quite rightly say, always gone to have a decent score like that, but this one was an exception, the kind of one that comes along only every 4/5 years or so Do you reckon in years to come TV will have us as presenters on 'Cash On Ebay' or 'Ebay Road Trip'? Maybe even 'Flog It on Ebay'? Move over Paul Martin!!
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