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Everything posted by MartinWales

  1. COR ! You've not wasted any time Mark (nice work by the way wanna do my next lot of baseboards!)
  2. No apologies necessary! Just keep up the good work, as a personal favourite of mine is a 'just supposing' scenario, as you have chosen here!
  3. Is that the Basingstoke and Alton in Australia?
  4. Mark-I shall look forward to seeing this one develop- A definate 'watch this space'! Anyway I can help too..................
  5. Having just caught up with this thread and also as an owner of another branch terminus, I am really pleased that you have'nt gone for a formulaic item and based your project on an exisitng or once existing location, with it seems some good looking rolling stock projects still to come. BTW 'Devils Dyke' was featured in an old Model Railway Journal in the '90's-hope that may be of some help to you Keep up the good work!
  6. As Kinmundy is also based upon a WW1 build I am looking forward to seeing this project develop BTW Do you need any EM gauge wagons built.......
  7. Hmmmm, a cartel with the man from Cartmel!
  8. Not a comment you hear everyday!!!
  9. Due to a change of job earlier this year spare time has certainly been at a premium but despite this a few older items of rolling stock have been quietly put out to grass and replaced by newer kitbuilds, with the better quality items moved onto new homes. A purchase of a Bachmann Cravens DMU at Ally Pally (for a ridiculously small sum) saw a Grand Prix Pit Stop style EM conversion running on the layout before the show's end. Now just to weather it, suitable for 60's NE Scotland! This together with another blue Cravens unit (ExpoEM North Members Sales) again acquired at a silly price (£30!) will help to ring the changes in future. That is to say, you won't see them ALL on the layout at any one show, of course, but I could take requests-if asked!
  10. Expo EM North this Weekend

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Sadly I won't be there... but eeeeeh, M, have a good time! (geddit?)

    3. Russ (mines a pint)

      Russ (mines a pint)

      likewise em north is a bit out of reach now I live in the north- have a great day! :)


    4. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Don't buy any wagon kits.

  11. Nice work Tim! Are we to see the fruits of your labours at EM North?
  12. The SWAG Ambassador has left the building.....

    1. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Where he (or she) left it and will it be back in an hour?

  13. The SWAG Ambassador has left the building.....

  14. Cor Ivan! Next time you're going to a swapmeet or shopping on ebay will you let me know-you seem to be scooping ALL the bargains!
  15. Very nice Tim but maybe looks better in Rail blue.......
  16. All set for 2nd British Lions Test Match!

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Sod the bl**dy cricket - Go Bittern, Go!!

  17. More Parkside kits! Aaaaarghhhh!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MartinWales


      Not quite some part built ones I enever meant to buy, but hey were already EM gauge!

    3. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Funny that, isn't it? How stuff you "never meant to buy" keeps turning up! Less of a temptation with S scale, of course...

    4. MartinWales


      Hmm....a compelling argument Phil!

  18. More Parkside kits! Aaaaaarggghhh!

  19. More Parkside kits! Aaaaaarggghhh!

  20. Many thanks for your kind comments Alex. This was exhibited at Ally Pally last month and almost matched the weather outside the venue!
  21. Layout correspondence recently has resulted in more invites for 2015/2016 so will post a.s.a.p., where confirmed
  22. Forgot to mention that Ally Pally was the first time with Sprat & Winkle couplings in place of the 3 links/instanters/screw couplings which I've used for soooo long but are'nt really suitable for all exhibitors-certainly untrained ones-and the S&W's used manually certainly keep everything moving smoother in an exhibition context, with less time to couple up and a lot less stock handling. And a little more user friendly!
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