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Captain Kernow

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Captain Kernow last won the day on April 25 2022

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  1. Radio 3 is perfectly capable of playing some decent, proper classical music but why do they have to deviate so often into the realms of psuedo-arty intellectual guff? Each time I turn over from Classic FM, in despair at the inane, repetitive adverts, I find some pontificating person spouting some clap-trap or the strident and discordant tones of modern so-called 'music' (or else it's jazz - aaargh!).


    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Hroth


      Althought I do listen to Classic FM, the adverts just before 7am are designed to get me up and into the shower.  I gave up on Radio 3 after the BBC made it impossible to play R3 as an alarm setting on an Echo Dot.

    3. Mallard60022


      You lot sound like many people did when Rock and Roll first invaded. Music evolves but it must be frustrating for you all  as it has been been for many over the centuries. Just thank your lucky stars you don't live in North Korea or ArSefghanistan where you wouldn't be able to listen to any music other than shite propaganda.

      Off to listen to ELO now.


    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I don't want to start an argument.


      However, my musical tastes are rather more flexible than some people might think. In addition to old-school classical music, I've also got CDs of Scott Joplin - Glenn Miller - Eric Coates - Bob Marley - Madness - Dire Straits - plus others.


      As for me referencing a comment by Karl Jenkins - that's right, I happen to like some of his music as well.


      In other words, I certainly don't take the line of music becoming extinct some time around 1850.


      For me, the most important bit about music is that it's got a recognizable tune (preferably one I happen to like). When it was composed is of less consequence to me.


      Although I happen to like a lot of music from a couple of centuries back, it's also possible that any real garbage that might have been written then has (thankfully) had plenty of chance to be forgotten.


      Unfortunately, this isn't yet true for some of the tuneless ***##!!*** that sometimes continues to pollute Radio 3 - the sort of muck that Howard Goodall (probably known for writing the themes used in "Blackadder" and "The Vicar of Dibley") politely suggested that no sane person in their right mind would choose to listen to.

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