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Everything posted by tetsudofan

  1. Mum's 95th birthday today and she gets a present from ERNIE - £100 on her Premium Bonds. Pity is, she has Alzheimers, and is not aware of what's going on. Hey ho, that's life - at least can share some of her birthday cake when visiting her in her care home this afternoon.

    1. Horsetan


      Well done to her. That's more than I've ever won.

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      My sympathies re your Mum's condition, my father-in-law has the same and it is heartbreaking...

    3. M.I.B


      Half of you says save and pay the mortgage to make old age easier, andthe other half says "who knows what's around the next corner?" Congrats and commiserations. Where's the Comet Coaches catalogue....?

  2. tetsudofan

    Dapol Class 22

    ....is there a prize for spot the difference? Keith
  3. Great pictures, fantastic layout.....but I was expecting to see some 4-CEPs and 2-EPBs buzzing around with maybe the Golden Arrow sweeping through . Keith
  4. There are is a picture of a maroon Bulleid coach that was transferred to the Eastern & Scottish regions in 1965/6 in "The Southern Way" No.15 - these Bulleids were intended as replacement for Mk.1 stock selected for conversion as part of the new electric/trailer units for the Bournemouth electrification. No pictures,though, of any blue & grey Bulleids...... The maroon coach in the picture has a Sc prefixed number......maybe limited edition for ModelZone/Signal Box to do..... Keith
  5. Replacement E79962 Whiskers arrived today - works just as well as E79963 - Happy Bunny Defective Whiskers will be on it's way back to Kent Garden Rail tomorrow. Keith
  6. Received E79962 and E79963 yesterday. E79963 trundles round the test track quite well but E79962 is, by comparison a very bad runner - judders along very, very, very slowly, has some light bleed into the front passenger compartment and suffers from flickering headlights. Replacement for E79962 already on it's way to me thanks to Andy at Kent Garden Rail. Keith
  7. HobbyShop at Faversham told me yesterday that he had just paid the invoices from Heljan so can't be long now..... Keith
  8. Just back from my monthly visit to the HobbyShop at Faversham - pleasant drive cross-country - very little traffic about - perfect!! Returned with a few bits and pieces - checking and testing this afternoon. No Heljan WMDs yet so something to look forward to next month. Topped the car up with diesel - coupla pence per litre cheaper in Faversham than Folkestone. Town car parking also cheaper....

  9. Departmental #54 was sighted at Nuernberg Winkelhof today: on the German Railway Society stand at the Tonbridge MRC show Keith
  10. Just read the Kernow MRC weekly newsletter and they say they are expecting a delivery from Heljan "any day now" including some more baby Deltics and the WMD Railcars........ Keith
  11. My brother took his 3-year old grandson to B&H Models in Lincoln to get some Airfix plane kits....and came out with a Hornby digital freight set. Spoke to him last night and he's already ordered track packs from Hattons to fill the Track Mat in the set. Today he's out buying wood for the baseboard. Let's hope the Grandson gets hooked.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Second that! :-)

    3. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      On the other hand, I've been buying and building plane kits again after a 30 year hiatus. Great fun - no bl**dy pickups, decoders, etc.

    4. Kelly


      great news :) plane kits are fun too though :) hmm... moving planes with working props and sound... (it has i believe been done before...)

  12. tetsudofan

    Dapol Class 22

    ......but wonder if Howes will fit an appropriate size speaker so that it fits in the receptacle provided by Dapol without having to source another speaker and mess about soldering those tiny leads........ Keith
  13. tetsudofan

    Dapol Class 22

    Know it may sound stupid but have you got the pins properly aligned? - say this because yesterday I fitted a 21pin decoder to a Hornby Rivarossi GySEV Cl. 5047 railcar and it did not work......changed it for another decoder and it still did not work. Took the decoder off and moved it slightly in one direction, plugged it in and it worked....... Keith
  14. .....with all the environmental considerations taken into account there won't be much of a view from the trains - just like on some of the Shinkansen lines in Japan..... Keith
  15. Yes please, sound versions for me please Keith
  16. My sympathies at the moment lie with the retailers - I was surprised to find out from my retailer the number of unsold VEPs he has and, when you bear in mind the amount of shop capital tied up in these units, I think it must be worrying for him. Having returned my two VEPs and obtained refunds, based on what I've experienced and what others have experienced it is patently obvious that the 4-VEPs are not fit for purpose. Hornby should, in my opinion, come clean, admit they have a non-runner and arrange a recall of all the models and start again from scratch to show what they can do - as exemplified by the Gresley suburbans, especially those in LNER livery, which are just fantastic. Keith
  17. Steve, Good to hear that you've got things moving. Look forward to hearing how things go........ Am off to Faversham tomorrow morning.....Harvey says he has some boxes for me!! Keith
  18. .....spoke with Rail Exclusive a couple of weeks ago (about the Cl.57) and was told that the Cl.33 models are still being worked on won't be ready until maybe end of the first quarter 2012 - was told that Rail Exclusive want to get the models as accurate as possible..... More time to save up the pocket money!! Keith
  19. .....think I caught a glimpse of one on the Kent & East Sussex yesterday afternoon but not time enough to take a pic as busy with mince pie and glass of sherry ........ Keith
  20. .....mine just been delivered by Royal Mail. Hope for the future that Model Rail will do some of the Sentinels that were working on the harbour and sleeper works at Lowestoft - where I first saw them!! Keith
  21. Couple of weeks ago I got my dcc-fitted VEPs and have been attempting to run-in the motor coaches. They seem ok at speed but both motor coaches growled (and worse so going in reverse) and shuddered at low speed. I mentioned the "growling" problem to my retailer who, the following day, was meeting the Hornby Rep. My retailer reports that the Rep said he knows nothing about any other VEPs with noisy running issues. He obviously has not read this thread. Last night I assembled both rakes of VEPs for the first time and whilst the sets operated ok in the forward direction (apart from the growling at low speed) problems arose going reverse with the units shuddering as soon as they hit the curves. At low speed one of the units stalled. When the blue VEP started derailing when being pushed I decided that that was enough. Both units are going back for refund. Soon after this disappointment I located my Cl.395 Hitachi set (which had not been run since purchase) and plonked it on the track. It ran perfectly, was smooth, was quiet and did not rerail (even at quite high speed). Decoders were then installed in both ends of the Cl.395 and it operated perfectly. Why can't the VEPs run like the Cl.395?........ Such a shame...... Keith
  22. Last week I collected my dcc on board VEPs from the HobbyShop at Faversham and, based on the comments in this thread, prior to collection asked Harvey to test run both motor coaches. This he did and advised that the blue version was ok but the NSE version did rattle a bit. Yesterday I started to test run the NSE version on my oval test track (which uses Roco R4 curves) but did not find it to be unduly noisy (and certainly not as noisy as the Bachmann dcc on board Class N steamie collected at the same time!!). As mentioned in an earlier thread the motor coach is certainly jerky upon start-up but once going it appears quite smooth. Plan is to give the motor coach a run-in every day for the next few days. If no problems arise then I might pluck up the courage to connect the other coaches and see how that goes....... Keith
  23. Castle Cement livery for me please . Thanks Keith
  24. It's interesting watching and listening to pauln's video - a month or so ago I purchased a new Hornby Rivarossi DB-AG Cl.627 diesel railcar and it sounded just like pauln's VEP - that horrible grating sound - to which was added flashing interior lights. It took me sometime convincing Ontracks that there was something wrong but, luckily, I was able to talk to them at the recent Gaugemaster Open Day and they agreed to take it back for exchange. Hope to get the replacement later this month when I make my monthly pilgrimage to the Hobby Shop at Faversham. An interesting aside....the railcar cost £180.00 - yep, £180.00 for a single unit railcar!! The VEP seems cheap in comparison...... Keith
  25. Looking forward to seeing Leaford at Folkestone this coming weekend.......and seeing what you've done with the 4-VEP.... Keith
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