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Status Updates posted by sammyboy

  1. Any good places to get to by train on a day out that's not too expensive?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. newbryford


      Look out for local day ranger/rover tickets - they can sometimes be cheaper than a return ticket. http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/times_fares/rangers_and_rovers.aspx

    3. gridwatcher
  2. That's three defeats in a row now, time for Jos Lulukay to leave his position as Sheffield Wednesday manager! #LulukayOut

  3. Doing my planning to visit The Severn Valley Railway's Autumn Steam Gala this coming weekend & doing the overnight trains as well!

  4. I smell of Bakewell Tart...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vaughan45


      But did she!

    3. Rowsley17D


      A Bakewell tart is a lady of the night from Bakewell. The dessert is a Bakewell pudding.

    4. sammyboy


      It was actually the shampoo I used to clean my hair and body during my bath this morning!

  5. About to set off for Warley!

    1. Lu4472ke


      its a bit late for that now!


  6. We Want Carlos Out! #swfc

    1. Horsetan


      Hmm, someone's unhappy.

    2. sammyboy


      Yes I am, my team lost the local derby game to our rivals yesterday!

    3. Horsetan


      You may not be annoyed as I was when Liverpool failed to overcome Burnley. 35 attempts on their goal. 35. One measly goal to show for it.

  7. I'm properly loving the new updated version of Train Sim - the graphics and gameplay are sooooooo much better!

  8. The Songs of Distant Earth - A truly epic sci-fi soundtrack!

  9. Payday tomorrow and there maybe the purchase of some items from the model shop on my way into town...

  10. A frustrating evening for being a Sheffield Wednesday fan...

  11. I had a running session on my N gauge layout earlier today and how can a new class 47 (Scotrail) run worse than a second hand HST set, which I bought years ago?

  12. At long last Sheff Wednesday got a very big slice of luck from the referee today, scoring a last minute penalty that won a tense local derby game that we did'nt play well in!

  13. I have a fat lip - just been to the dentist

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      Did he punch your teeth out?

    3. Horsetan


      *wailing and gnashing of teeth*

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      That happened to me as well. Serves me right for flirting with his Mrs... ;-)

  14. Looks like I'm getting the hang of uploading the pictures onto my new layout topic page - I just do it via my iPad Easypeasy!

    1. rob D2

      rob D2

      Where you bin the last 5 years !

    2. bgman


      Reading the instructions !

    3. DonB


      But I don't have an iPad.....

  15. Recieved two of the new five pound notes from cash machine this morning - and no I am not going to sell them on ebay for £200 each!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SHMD
    3. DougN


      May be I should put the new Aussie $5 notes on as well!

    4. BoD


      In Euros? Less than it was 10 minutes ago.

  16. I've just written my first short story!

    1. jsp3970


      Looks more like a sentance! Sorry couldn't resist :D

    2. Londontram


      Good for you, I like to dabble from time to time too

  17. That Wednesday game that I saw last night was a rollercoaster of a football match for the emotions!

    1. Londontram


      Sammy your a poet

    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      And a fortune teller considering that Wednesday has not long since arrived with us.

  18. Finally bought a Farish 'Desiro' EMU - a new train for my redesigned layout!

  19. I've just finished driving a green liveried Class 37 on a EMU replacement all stations stopping service between King's Cross and Stevenage...

    1. flapland


      please tell us more

  20. Very interested in a railtour to Scarborough which stops at Chesterfield - I might even treat my Mum!

  21. With no work for the next 3 days and home alone, I can stay up for as long as I wish tonight! #allnighter

    1. SHMD


      You still here?

    2. Horsetan


      I once had an all-nighter that lasted three days....

    3. sammyboy


      I went to bed eventually around half 4 after the Olympic Athletics had finished and tiredness had set in!

  22. Called in to WH Smith in town this afternoon on my way home from work to find a Model Rail publication on the shelf called 'Great British Model Railways'. I had a quick flick through only to find that my club's large layout 'Handford Green' happened to be inside - take a look at the article and photos on page 100!

  23. Another hot day at work

  24. I like the look of the limited edition N Gauge Blue Pullman train from the review in the Railway Modeller, tempted - but expensive!

    1. sammyboy


      But I may be able to afford it now!

  25. An Englishman, An Irishman, and a Scotsman all walk into a bar together................. to watch Wales! Good luck to them in tomorrow's Semi-Final!

    1. SHMD
    2. 45059
    3. 60159


      Come on Wales and apologies for that Joe Jordan hand ball all these years ago!

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