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Status Updates posted by Fiat500

  1. Spent two hours at Meadowhall waiting for the RHTT this morning in the cold - needless to say it didn't turn up...

    1. Pennine MC

      Pennine MC

      These bloody shops never have any stock at this time of year ;-)

    2. beast66606


      Was rerouted IIRC, didn't pay much attention to the info I'm afraid, too busy buying spoons for stirring things

  2. Retford show this weekend - should be a good show :)

    1. Mallard60022


      See you there then?

  3. Well, that's the Father's day shopping done - railway related of course... :)

  4. Hmmm, another layout idea, but will it be compact enough to store in my room? And will I be able to build it before university restarts?

  5. 47484 is for sale apparently - how much do I wish I could buy the thing...?

  6. Been to see 4492 at Wincobank Junction this morning, only to get pictures blocked by a 221 stopping at a YELLOW signal!

    1. 08221


      Wa it running on time - popping out to see it at Short Heath soon.


    2. eastwestdivide


      Unlucky - was OK by the canal at Swinton

    3. 08221


      Thanks - only 5 minutes from the office, so makes lunchtime more interesting than usual!

  7. Can't believe Wednesday won 3-0 away from home at opposition in league above!

    1. Kempenfelt


      Yeah my boys let them selves down today, ah well we needed to concentrate on the league! :-p

    2. Mallard60022


      Neither can I!!!!!

  8. Snow's back with a vengance...

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Just wet and foggy 'round here :-( ...

    2. halfwit


      Sounds like a film trailer.

  9. Just been digging Dad's BMW out because some stupid person in a Land Rover wouldn't stop to let him get up a hill. Thanks must go to someone in a Range Rover that pulled us back out though after an hour's digging...

    1. Horsetan


      Meanwhile, my 28-year-old BMW just keeps on going.... :-)

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Yes Horse, but what's it running on these days?! :-p

  10. Clearing out garage of old stock that hasn't been used for years - bringing back memories, and some hard decisions as to whether to get rid!

  11. Saw the queen today, and heard someone shouting abuse at the same time...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      Wasn't me - I was miles away.

    3. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Could be Charles trying to get her to step down!


    4. bcnPete


      perhaps it was referring to the next royal wedding...unmissable TV that will be... ;-p

  12. It went through Chapeltown 2 hours late after going via Crewe and Derby, including an extra water stop!

    1. eastwestdivide


      ta. Only 2 hours late. I must have abandoned Brightside just too soon.

  13. Loud fireworks should be banned - dog's going crackers for 2nd night in a row...

  14. Trying to drown out the noise of fireworks by playing Saxon/ Scorpions out a full blast off computer - keeps dog a bit calmer anyway...

    1. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Working on a Hornby “Princess” of the night?, don't get flux on your “wheels of steel”


  15. Layout is making debut at Halifax exhibition this weekend

  16. Drove D1705 on GCR today - FANTASTIC!

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